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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX : A Deep Analysis

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I hate when there is almost nothing changed


Thats more like a monemaker

hahaha You're joking right? This HD colection has the most improvements than any HD collection released. That guy totally brainwashed you or you're really dumb.

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hahaha You're joking right? This HD colection has the most improvements than any HD collection released. That guy totally brainwashed you or you're really dumb.

Sorry just my opinion but i think all Hd remaster are moneymakers

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hahaha You're joking right? This HD colection has the most improvements than any HD collection released. That guy totally brainwashed you or you're really dumb.

I don't feel brainwashed

I discovered the graphic lie a long time before I saw this analysis and I was a bit angry because of this lie

and I don't see a problem in what Everglow8444 did

he (or she?) just told the positive and negativ things (facts) of this collection


all who don't agree with his analysis don't want to see the negative things


KH 1.5 is a good HD Collection, but not perfect

that's the only thing what Everglow8444 wanted to say

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I don't feel brainwashedI discovered the graphic lie a long time before I saw this analysis and I was a bit angry because of this lieand I don't see a problem in what Everglow8444 didhe (or she?) just told the positive and negativ things (facts) of this collectionall who don't agree with his analysis don't want to see the negative thingsKH 1.5 is a good HD Collection, but not perfectthat's the only thing what Everglow8444 wanted to say

No I know a lot about this more than most. The screenshots you saw we're computer graphics with zero edges. MSAA AF. That's your and most people's fault for being gullible. They didn't lie about anything. He is the one thats not getting his facts right and just saying " this is like this because lies and square is lazy" Those shots are called pre renders. People do that all the time as concept.And no HD collection is perfect. I'm positive that guy is butt hurt. Fist off i more than a person that plays like you and people like you who like to assume. Look at one of my post here and tell me that pic is a "lie". Also that screen of riku was with his high res model to show what the high res models look like. They put make the low res 2d face model back in because you need animation and art. And fir that you need an animator and artist. There was none if that for the HD collection. Only 2 programmers who know nothing about animation like me and you. They only reverse engineer like we are doing at KH vids for translation. Not to mention they didn't save a lot of their code work which nobody did becuse they never thought they would use them again which is totally reasonable. I'd do a deep research before blaming, pointing fingers, and saying somthing shitty. And like that sephy bug can easily be fixed with programming.

Sorry just my opinion but i think all Hd remaster are moneymakers

Welcome to the real world my friend. Edited by peronmls

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No I know a lot about this more than most. The screenshots you saw we're computer graphics with zero edges. MSAA AF. That's your and most people's fault for being gullible. They didn't lie about anything. He is the one thats not getting his facts right and just saying " this is like this because lies and square is lazy" Those shots are called pre renders. People do that all the time as concept.And no HD collection is perfect. I'm positive that guy is butt hurt. Fist off i more than a person that plays like you and people like you who like to assume. Look at one of my post here and tell me that pic is a "lie". Also that screen of riku was with his high res model to show what the high res models look like. They put make the low res 2d face model back in because you need animation and art. And fir that you need an animator and artist. There was none if that for the HD collection. Only 2 programmers who know nothing about animation like me and you. They only reverse engineer like we are doing at KH vids for translation. Not to mention they didn't save a lot of their code work which nobody did becuse they never thought they would use them again which is totally reasonable. I'd do a deep research before blaming, pointing fingers, and saying somthing shitty. And like that sephy bug can easily be fixed with programming.Welcome to the real world my friend.

The fact still remains that they advertised scenes that were in better quality than the actual gameplay. The game looks amazing, imo they should have just shown off what they had instead of trying to "pretty" them up. It just makes them look less honest. Nothing is perfect, and there is nothing wrong with someone critiquing and pointing out the flaws in something they enjoy. Calm down.

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excuse me, but Square Enix DID lie

because they showed something that looks better than what you got in the final product

THAT'S the problem

most of us don't like the default 2D face, but I think it wouldn't be a big problem when Square Enix were honest from the beginning


just because it's Kingdom Hearts you can't forgive Square Enix for making mistakes

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Wow. Now that I see this I feel so bad about it. The cheek of them to falsely advertise the graphics like that and then give us the same old fish faces. I feel like not getting it for this deception.. But seeing as how I haven't played KH1 in about 4 years and I never played re:com I suppose I'll give in. I'm not too happy at this juncture, people. Let's hope they put in more of an effort for 2.5. Can't see that happening because KH3 will be well into development then..  :wacko:

Edited by Mog

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excuse me, but Square Enix DID lie

because they showed something that looks better than what you got in the final product

THAT'S the problem

most of us don't like the default 2D face, but I think it wouldn't be a big problem when Square Enix were honest from the beginning


just because it's Kingdom Hearts you can't forgive Square Enix for making mistakes

They didnt lie. They didnt say "here this is actual gameplay footage in "REALTIME" You might has well say this was lie along with all the other "concept releases.

Posted Image

they didnt say kh3 trilers was gameplay. YOu guys just get to excited and whine. Oh and by the way that riku model is still in the game but not that scene. The lie wasnt a lie. Its right here Posted Image

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Quit being a fanboy. The truth is, they showed screenshots that were much better than in the final game. Plus, they said they lost all KH files and had to rebuild it from scratch, yet we still see some things that are lazy and the exact same as the original PS2 version. Open your eyes and realize that they lied, HD or not.

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Quit being a fanboy. The truth is, they showed screenshots that were much better than in the final game. Plus, they said they lost all KH files and had to rebuild it from scratch, yet we still see some things that are lazy and the exact same as the original PS2 version. Open your eyes and realize that they lied, HD or not.

Im not. I know how the game industry works and false advertising isnt new unlike you guys who just play it, want something better everytime and bitch and moan and nipick at the tinyest thing. You're just a 13yr who knows nothing. Atleast your moms buying it for you and you dont have to waste your money if you have any. Consider it a beta HD Collection. They are never the same when they come out. They didnt lie about anything. You guys are way to gullible and hype. Work in the game industry then talk. You guys have no right to judge laziness when you cant animate, program, and right a story. You also dont understand the limitation of the PS2 and why somethings had to be the way they are. the PS3 cant do some of the things the PS3 can do. I bet you didnt know that. But i guess thats "lazyness" from SONY.

Edited by peronmls

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This is my two cents on this matter. Sure, we might not get everything that we were promised, but the fact that we are getting the HD Remakes at all is something I am grateful for. I mean Square Enix could say that between DDD and KH3, no new KH Games whatsoever. Now I don't know about the rest of you, but that would suck for me. Especially considering how big of a fanboy I am towards KH.

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Im not. I know how the game industry works and false advertising isnt new unlike you guys who just play it, want something better everytime and bitch and moan and nipick at the tinyest thing. You're just a 13yr who knows nothing. Atleast your moms buying it for you and you dont have to waste your money if you have any. Consider it a beta HD Collection. They are never the same when they come out. They didnt lie about anything. You guys are way to gullible and hype. Work in the game industry then talk. You guys have no right to judge laziness when you cant animate, program, and right a story. You also dont understand the limitation of the PS2 and why somethings had to be the way they are. the PS3 cant do some of the things the PS3 can do. I bet you didnt know that. But i guess thats "lazyness" from SONY.




Here is what i think of his complaints:


Square Enix photoshopped the official photo's to make believe they put more effort into remaking the cutscenes to look better, when they really didn't and were lying to everyone to get more money. -__- I didnt like that at all. They shouldve just fixed up the default faces to make them look better.


I don't mind that there isn't a theater mode in KHFM, but Everglow has a point that every other KH game has it, and Square shouldve put it in KHFM since its the beginning of the series.


I really wish that they wouldve put a few battle scenes in 358/2 Days. At least Roxas vs Xion and Roxas vs Saix. Come on Square, you couldve at least put small battle scenes that were like maybe half a minute to a minute long like in Re:COM, and that would've been enough. But no, you just completely cut them out. *sigh*


I dont mind so much that the tracks for Re:COM werent remade, since its a remake in itself and ive only played COM(GBA) so they're all remade in my eyes(or ears).


I dont really mind that the models for Re:COM weren't updated. TBH I cant really tell the difference for Sora's model from the original KH model, to DDD as its really small to me. I can tell the difference between the new and old Ansem models though, but again, i dont mind. All i really care about is getting to play the game. xD


The only bad thing about having the Triangle prompt is if you need to fight an enemy like Pink Agarus to get a rare drop and need to use Ragnarok, you can end up not getting it because Donald and Goofy attack when you use Triangle and it decreases the counter. So that will be a problem, but otherwise its a big improvement over the context slot in the battle menu from the first game.


The Lip sync for KHFM sometimes is still the english lip sync, but i dont mind, as long as in the English version, they keep the english lip sync and dont put japanese lip sync for some of the english scenes.


I dont mind much about the Sephiroth quotes, but oh well. Its a glitch that Square Enix probably hasnt fixed in the english version anyway.


I wish they wouldve added a Xion Card to the game with Double Magic ability(to counteract Roxas's Double Attack ability, since they're counterparts), since its focusing on 358/2 Days content. It wouldve been appreciated, but again Square was too lazy. -__- But its only a small detail, so ill overlook this. Still, it wouldve been cool.




I agree with some of his points, that they couldve made this better, but overall i think its still amazing and i can easily OVERLOOK all the problems and focus on the good alone. I mean, come on, ITS Kingdom Hearts. Well, i may look at the collection as better then it may be, but thats because ive never had to chance to buy a PS2 and play the originals myself, so now i have that chance and im just estatic that i get to play this. I may be exxagerating on how good this collection is, but its my opinion, and from My POV if you guys were like me and were getting to play KH for the first time, you'd probably be as excited as me too. :)

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-__- DUDE, OPEN YOUR firetruckING EYES. THEY FALSE ADVERTISED SOME OF THOSE SCENES TO GET MORE PEOPLE TO BUY THE GAME. YOU CANT JUST firetruckING SAY THAT THEY DIDNT TRICK PEOPLE WITH THOSE "OFFICIAL SCREENSHOTS" THAT WERE OBVIOUSLY PHOTOSHOPPED. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING IF YOU CANT EVEN REALIZE THAT THEY FALSE ADVERTISED AND TRICKED PEOPLE IN ORDER TO GET MORE SALES. Jesus, you're dumb as f***.  Here is what i think of his complaints: Square Enix photoshopped the official photo's to make believe they put more effort into remaking the cutscenes to look better, when they really didn't and were lying to everyone to get more money. -__- I didnt like that at all. They shouldve just fixed up the default faces to make them look better. I don't mind that there isn't a theater mode in KHFM, but Everglow has a point that every other KH game has it, and Square shouldve put it in KHFM since its the beginning of the series. I really wish that they wouldve put a few battle scenes in 358/2 Days. At least Roxas vs Xion and Roxas vs Saix. Come on Square, you couldve at least put small battle scenes that were like maybe half a minute to a minute long like in Re:COM, and that would've been enough. But no, you just completely cut them out. *sigh* I dont mind so much that the tracks for Re:COM werent remade, since its a remake in itself and ive only played COM(GBA) so they're all remade in my eyes(or ears). I dont really mind that the models for Re:COM weren't updated. TBH I cant really tell the difference for Sora's model from the original KH model, to DDD as its really small to me. I can tell the difference between the new and old Ansem models though, but again, i dont mind. All i really care about is getting to play the game. xD The only bad thing about having the Triangle prompt is if you need to fight an enemy like Pink Agarus to get a rare drop and need to use Ragnarok, you can end up not getting it because Donald and Goofy attack when you use Triangle and it decreases the counter. So that will be a problem, but otherwise its a big improvement over the context slot in the battle menu from the first game. The Lip sync for KHFM sometimes is still the english lip sync, but i dont mind, as long as in the English version, they keep the english lip sync and dont put japanese lip sync for some of the english scenes. I dont mind much about the Sephiroth quotes, but oh well. Its a glitch that Square Enix probably hasnt fixed in the english version anyway. I wish they wouldve added a Xion Card to the game with Double Magic ability(to counteract Roxas's Double Attack ability, since they're counterparts), since its focusing on 358/2 Days content. It wouldve been appreciated, but again Square was too lazy. -__- But its only a small detail, so ill overlook this. Still, it wouldve been cool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree with some of his points, that they couldve made this better, but overall i think its still amazing and i can easily OVERLOOK all the problems and focus on the good alone. I mean, come on, ITS Kingdom Hearts. Well, i may look at the collection as better then it may be, but thats because ive never had to chance to buy a PS2 and play the originals myself, so now i have that chance and im just estatic that i get to play this. I may be exxagerating on how good this collection is, but its my opinion, and from My POV if you guys were like me and were getting to play KH for the first time, you'd probably be as excited as me too. :)

First of all they didn't photoshop anything. They replaced the low models with the high polygon cutscenes models. It was to give you a better visual what the textures look liked. So they put AA on the models so they they could get rid of the jagged edges just for you. So you can complain and whine all you want. *Boo hoo* *sniffle sniffle* *smack the floor* *cry to mommy* *complain*. Hey at least you can get you mommy to buy it for you spiderfreak you 14 yea told whiner. This place is ful of children you whin and want more and get butt hurt. I got a better idea. If it such a big deal SUE THEM FOR FALSE ADVERTISING or you make the HD Collection instead of get up set. Done with this childish place and this thread should have been locked awhile ago. It over run with 12 year olds. See ya.

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First of all they didn't photoshop anything. They replaced the low models with the high polygon cutscenes models. It was to give you a better visual what the textures look liked. So they put AA on the models so they they could get rid of the jagged edges just for you. So you can complain and whine all you want. *Boo hoo* *sniffle sniffle* *smack the floor* *cry to mommy* *complain*. Hey at least you can get you mommy to buy it for you spiderfreak you 14 yea told whiner. This place is ful of children you whin and want more and get butt hurt. I got a better idea. If it such a big deal SUE THEM FOR FALSE ADVERTISING or you make the HD Collection instead of get up set. Done with this childish place and this thread should have been locked awhile ago. It over run with 12 year olds. See ya.

Im just saying, they were false advertising and it was wrong, they just tricked people into thinking it looked better then it really was. If you can't accept that fine, but you're just ignoring the fact that they did that.


Im not Butt hurt, Im just stating the facts that they lied about that. You're just ignoring the obvious because you love Square to death and are a fanboy. -__-

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Im just saying, they were false advertising and it was wrong, they just tricked people into thinking it looked better then it really was. If you can't accept that fine, but you're just ignoring the fact that they did that.


Im not Butt hurt, Im just stating the facts that they lied about that. You're just ignoring the obvious because you love Square to death and are a fanboy. -__-

Well some trailer of Kh3d where beautifull but that wasn't really footage of the game.


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Im just saying, they were false advertising and it was wrong, they just tricked people into thinking it looked better then it really was. If you can't accept that fine, but you're just ignoring the fact that they did that. Im not Butt hurt, Im just stating the facts that they lied about that. You're just ignoring the obvious because you love Square to death and are a fanboy. -__-

All they did was switch models for scenes in the screens. so what? and Lol fanboy of square? You relize that they are just publishers and literally just publish games. I only own KH series and Crisis Core. They just showed what you wanted to see. I knew it wasn't actual ps3 footage just computer rendered. Every gaming company does this you got to understand and relize this from now on EVERYONE. It can't be helped. I have the same support for all games. Esspicsl the ones that listen to fans instead spitting the same shit out like COD. So I have full support for devs that care about the games and fans beside people like call of duty devs. And I understand limitations with the system and money in the gaming business.

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First of all they didn't photoshop anything. They replaced the low models with the high polygon cutscenes models. It was to give you a better visual what the textures look liked. So they put AA on the models so they they could get rid of the jagged edges just for you. So you can complain and whine all you want. *Boo hoo* *sniffle sniffle* *smack the floor* *cry to mommy* *complain*. Hey at least you can get you mommy to buy it for you spiderfreak you 14 yea told whiner. This place is ful of children you whin and want more and get butt hurt. I got a better idea. If it such a big deal SUE THEM FOR FALSE ADVERTISING or you make the HD Collection instead of get up set. Done with this childish place and this thread should have been locked awhile ago. It over run with 12 year olds. See ya.

Quit insulting people. Sooner or later this thread is going to be locked because of you.


On-topic, I wonder if they could update the game later..

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Quit insulting people. Sooner or later this thread is going to be locked because of you. On-topic, I wonder if they could update the game later..

Sorry I can't stand people like you. And no. There's nothing to update. updates are for fixes and so far there are no bugs or FPS issues. Updates are not for graphics enhancing or what ever you are wanting. This is a 90 percent chance this his will never get an update becuase its almost perfect.

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Sorry I can't stand people like you. And no. There's nothing to update. updates are for fixes and so far there are no bugs or FPS issues. Updates are not for graphics enhancing or what ever you are wanting. This is a 90 percent chance this his will never get an update becuase its almost perfect.

People like me? I'm a normal person who complained over something for a good reason. I should say people like you, the ones that are so rude.


Now that I have this game I can say that it looks exactly like it does in the screenshots.

How far are you?

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