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Anybody else wanna see Lea/Axel's soft side?

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Isa isn't that great. I never cared to much about him before. But after I thought about his character for a while he actually is pretty interesting. I'd rather Lea's friendship with him be restored than the other 2. :P But I'm a bit bias. >.>


I have my own biases as well.  It doesn't matter how interesting how Isa actually is or has the potential to be.  I'm just so unsympathetic to him and the others that until future games prove me otherwise, I don't see much reason for why Isa deserves a reunion.  I feel sorry for Roxas and Xion.  I don't feel sorry for Isa.

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See, and I think that the reunion with Saix would have been more emotional if Saix wasn't being controlled, and was totally aware of what he was doing. Because then, he would have flipped off his childhood friend for the sake of power and prestige, and I think that would be way more gutwrenching to Axel, knowing that he had been kicked to the curb. Especially after all he had done for his old buddy.

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See, and I think that the reunion with Saix would have been more emotional if Saix wasn't being controlled, and was totally aware of what he was doing. Because then, he would have flipped off his childhood friend for the sake of power and prestige, and I think that would be way more gutwrenching to Axel, knowing that he had been kicked to the curb. Especially after all he had done for his old buddy.


That and we don't know for sure how willing Saix was or wasn't to do what he did.  It's hard for me to feel sorry for him considering the only bout of care Saix ever showed anyone was that one scene in BBS, whereas Axel got an entire game to show his bond with Roxas and Xion.  The only smidgen of caring Saix showed Axel in Days had to do with their plot, and that was mostly telling Axel that their friendship was more important than his friendship with Roxas and Xion.  Essentially saying screw that friendship, this one counts more.  Then there's how, despite how the Organization was being lied to, not a single one of them displayed the slightest bit of remorse for what they did, proto-hearts or no.  Even Demyx, easily the least malicious of them all, didn't give a shit about anyone but himself.  And I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?

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That and we don't know for sure how willing Saix was or wasn't to do what he did.  It's hard for me to feel sorry for him considering the only bout of care Saix ever showed anyone was that one scene in BBS, whereas Axel got an entire game to show his bond with Roxas and Xion.  The only smidgen of caring Saix showed Axel in Days had to do with their plot, and that was mostly telling Axel that their friendship was more important than his friendship with Roxas and Xion.  Essentially saying screw that friendship, this one counts more.  Then there's how, despite how the Organization was being lied to, not a single one of them displayed the slightest bit of remorse for what they did, proto-hearts or no.  Even Demyx, easily the least malicious of them all, didn't give a shit about anyone but himself.  And I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?

It's true we don't know exactly for a fact how willing Saix was , but the events of Days back up that it was more than likely not voluntary.. He was part of a known plan between the two of them to rebel against the org bc it was stated they did not trust Xemnas and didn't believe they would get their hearts back through him .They also were trying to figure out what he was hiding . If Saix was a willing nort he would already know what Xemnas was truly up to and wouldn't also be planning to rebel against him . When Axel left, Saix even bemoaned it by saying now they would never get their hearts back bc the plan was ruined . Axel at first tried to save both friendships but ultimately was forced to choose between the two .Because of how 'changed " Saix had become Axel chose in the end to go with RAX. However, being norted and slowly becoming xehanort prolly more than contributed in saix becoming such an asshole ..

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That and we don't know for sure how willing Saix was or wasn't to do what he did.  It's hard for me to feel sorry for him considering the only bout of care Saix ever showed anyone was that one scene in BBS, whereas Axel got an entire game to show his bond with Roxas and Xion.  The only smidgen of caring Saix showed Axel in Days had to do with their plot, and that was mostly telling Axel that their friendship was more important than his friendship with Roxas and Xion.  Essentially saying screw that friendship, this one counts more.  Then there's how, despite how the Organization was being lied to, not a single one of them displayed the slightest bit of remorse for what they did, proto-hearts or no.  Even Demyx, easily the least malicious of them all, didn't give a shit about anyone but himself.  And I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?

Yes. You are supposed to feel bad for Demyx. You heartless meanie. >: |

Edited by Megaman X

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And am I the only one who doesn't care about Lea's relationship with Isa? xD Truth be told, I only cared about Axel through his friendship with Roxas and Xion.  C'mon, Lea and Isa got one scene--Axel, Roxas, and Xion got 1 and a quarter games.  And considering how unsympathetic I am to the Organization bar those three... yeah, Isa can go rot for all I care.  Sorry, guys.


Well, that's for sure, because Roxas, Axel and Xion are the main characters in Days, so there you go, they have more screen time. But after watching the cutscenes in KH1.5 I noticed that Axel and Saix had a lot of cutscenes too, and they were very interesting.


Besides, like I said, Isa was his buddy when he was young, he has known him for at least more than 10 years. We don't know much about their backstory, but from that little cutscene in BbS we can say that they know each other for a long time, they are best friends and really care about each other, they were always together.


I'm not saying Axel and Roxas don't have a strong friendship (I love those two, don't really care about Xion), but his relationship with Isa is stronger.



Isa isn't that great. I never cared to much about him before. But after I thought about his character for a while he actually is pretty interesting. I'd rather Lea's friendship with him be restored than the other 2. :P But I'm a bit bias. >.>


You know, I didn't really care about Saix when I started with KH. It was just another character. But after knowing his relationship with Lea in BbS I found him more interesting. I really wanted them to be friends again, and I thought in KH3D that will happen. When Lea woke up and he was searching for Isa I thought that he would find him at the end.


I was shocked at the ending, just like Lea. I felt betrayed xD I really thought they would be friends again and fight together, but things just got worst! And after that ending I made my mind, and I want Lea to save Isa more than anything else, because they deserve to have their happy ending.


Yes. You are supposed to feel bad for Demyx. You heartless meanie. >: |


I don't really care about Demyx and I don't know why people love him so much xD I mean, he was a lazy, coward guy. He was a bit hot yes but I didn't find him interesting enough to like him.

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On the Lea,Xion, Roxas reunion: I see Lea being his usual self and saying "See I told ya I'll bring you back. I always keep my promises" or something around those lines.


As for Lea and Isa...I hope that Isa can be saved...I hope their next reunion doesn't end up being bittersweet (the end of course as the beginning will likely be dark)...Also I hope that MX doesn't use the link between the two to make Lea one of the 13...that sounds like something he'll do.

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