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Something i have been randomly doing

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[align=center]I have been trapping funny people in box's.

Well them and people who want to rip my face off


Since i don' try to laugh, and these people have been causing me to laugh, i have been trapping them in these high quality, diamond-steel box's,and hiding them somewhere so smart not even the government can find them.my closet And the only way to save them is for them to get 100 Fan posts.


Yes, im still catching people, and the next person i have in mind is going to be a little tough, he has a green name and their is no one on KH13 who hasn't heard of him. Good luck sucker.


Here is who i caught.


Chronic Tumor-Nice Distraction, very cunning, NOT.

Hinako-U-She was SO easy. I jsut threw a box over her, but he did try to escape.(Also to mention he totally wet himself in my closet.)

Res of Nusquam-Or however its called, he tried fleeing but i glomped and caught.

Rebellexa-NEVER. AGAIN. She has an arsenal of words to say, not to mention a beuatiful vocabulary. But i caught her, yay.

Ocelot-Easier then Hinako.


[Ventus]-She pretty much got dragged in with Tricia.

.:Cricket:.-Jenyflo's pants are an instant magnet for this girl. Lucky i put a box in them.

Sorage55-I was expecting a battle, but he ran, and i caught him. Yay!

RoxSoxKH-In soviet Russia, You capture Box!

Riku'sAngel-NEVAH. DO. THAT.

Aaron-I have captured your king.


I wonder who will be next. Have fun :D.[/align]

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WTF? Boxing people is not cool. That's why you send them to the world of Resident Evil, where these zombies are SUPA ZOMBIEZ :D

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WTF? Boxing people is not cool. That's why you send them to the world of Resident Evil, where these zombies are SUPA ZOMBIEZ :D


*Throws Deathskull in a box*


That was funny and made me laugh. In you go.

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I'm not in a box?

...I don't accept, pants are cooler ;A;

wait, if I am in hinako's pants which are in roxsox's which are in cella's, would that make me in their pants in a box as well? o3o


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