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Lu Xun

Do you usually only study when there's a test approaching?

Doyou usually only study when there is a test approaching?  

129 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you usually only study when there is a test approaching?

    • Yes... Sometimes I regret not studying earlier...
    • Yes, but in the end, I usually pass everything!
    • I usually try to study earlier, but it never works out.
    • No! I'm constantly studying.
    • I don't go to school/university anymore...
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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Actually I almost never study...unless its for Math test or something like that.... and sometimes if i do study it kinda goes like this...Me: *opens book and stares at page for 15 minutes*Then i close it..... but actually i never failed a test before. But I got a problem when it comes to studying xDD

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I never study nor do I pay attention in class xD But I still manage A's in my class. I love surprising my teachers back in the day thinking I was just some lazy kid that doesn't care about school.

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During the school year I am constantly studying. I like to memorize the material well before there is a test coming up, because it helps me a lot. I do pay attention in class, but I have a terrible memory so constantly reviewing materials helps me. :P

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I've already graduated but when I was in school I usually studied the moment they tell me I have a test which is like a week before the actual test.

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