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Upset with the lack of games for Consoles?

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I walked into my local Gamestop the other day and was looking at some of the games for the Wii U, PS Vita, and some of the launch titles for the PS4, and XBOX One. As I was looking, I noticed that very few games are coming out for these systems, now you may say "PS4 and XBOX haven't even come out yet!?" I know, but the Wii U and PS Vita have been out for some time now, and they still only have about 15 different games to choose from. What I'm upset about is the fact that the companies who make these consoles are in such a rush to get the consoles out that their first priority isn't the games. I don't care about being able to get on the internet on my console, I want to be able to play a great game! That's why I bought the console and not a computer! What do you guys think? 

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I walked into my local Gamestop the other day and was looking at some of the games for the Wii U, PS Vita, and some of the launch titles for the PS4, and XBOX One. As I was looking, I noticed that very few games are coming out for these systems, now you may say "PS4 and XBOX haven't even come out yet!?" I know, but the Wii U and PS Vita have been out for some time now, and they still only have about 15 different games to choose from. What I'm upset about is the fact that the companies who make these consoles are in such a rush to get the consoles out that their first priority isn't the games. I don't care about being able to get on the internet on my console, I want to be able to play a great game! That's why I bought the console and not a computer! What do you guys think? 

What about Nintendo 3DS? And by the way, computer rules for them games.

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It's not really a secret that the Wii U and Vita don't have a huge library of games. The Wii U can be forgiven as it is only 8 months old and Nintendo are releasing games for the system over the course of the next couple of months. However the Vita has a problem and that is nobody is releasing games for it. It has it's fair share of good games but just not a lot of them, I've had the Vita for over a year now and I've only ever owned 4 games at most (physical ones any ways).


I don't think Nintendo rushed the Wii U out, they knew launching at Christmas is a good time and that their competitors would release this year so they went first and just like the 3DS they had a slow start it happens. I bet the PS4 and X1 will be the exact same this time next year while Nintendo is releasing a great line-up of games for the Wii U.

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I will regret buying a Wii U early if I see a discount by the end of this year. I'm still waiting on MK8, NSMB... Whatever it was called, and SSB4. (Only interested in Mario because I have a brother to play with+Peach playable, and her along with the others remind me of SMB 2.)

Edited by OmegaForte

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Idk/care about the Vita but the Wii U flood of games are coming, I can feel it. First of all, summer is slow so walking into any game store over the course of the summer is going to yield little results for new games. Secondly, the momentum of the Wii U will probably be similar to the 3DS, starts off slow but will pick up soon. I wonder how PS4/XBOX1 will handle this.

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The thing is that stores like Gamestop or really any other store really don't sell too big variety of games for consoles that don't sell that well and Vita has already ton of amazing indie titles, but most of them don't have physical version of it. Like seriously, I go to store and see Vita/Wii U games, there is like under 15 different games. I go online and check. Totally different thing

Also both of these consoles have good games, but you must be ready to try new games and not just wait for AAA titles to come out. 

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I am glad I didn't get a PS Vita, it has such a small library and the games I would play on Vita are games I already have on my PS3 so there is no point.

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Yea...I really wish there was some more games for the Vita. Mine has just been sitting on my desk collecting dusk.

If you need to nail something against the wall and can't find the hammer, the vita will become useful once again ;)

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In time you will see an increase in games. Some GameStop stores are better than others at this too, like one store will have all the cool games and another will be barely stocked.

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Hate to be that guy, but on the PC the number of games you can play is only limited by your wallet, and the time you have to play them.

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