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Greatest Villian of all-time in video games

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Here my top 50


49)Sander Cohen from Bioshock

48)Atoq Narvarro from Uncharted

47)Big Boss from MGS

46)King k Rool from DKC



43)Dark Samus

42)Scolar Visari from Kill Zone 2

41)Eddy Raja from Uncharted

40)Star Wolf from Star Fox

39)Colonel Mael Radec from Kill Zone 2

38) Shephard from mW2

37) Diablo from diablo

36)Harry Flynn from Uncharted 2

35)psy-chow from Earthworm Jim


33)Ares from god of war

32) Eden from fallout 3

31)The End from MGS3(pretty good for a guy who was 100 year or more older)

30)Fawful from Mario and Luigi superstar sega

29)Mecha Hilter from Wolfenstein 3D

28)Nemesis from Resideent Evil

27)Mother Brain from Metroid

26)Darth Malak from Knights of the Old Republic

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Not really in order, I just love most of these villains.


Genesis - Crisis Core.

Ganondorf - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

DARK LINK - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Braska's Final Aeon - Final Fantasy X.

Seymour - Final Fantasy X.

Every Villain In Final Fantasy VIII :D

Ansem - KH1.

Xemnas - KH2.

Marluxia - KHCOM/RECOM.


And I guess I'll say Sephiroth as well. Although in FF7 he was so damn hard for me the thought of him makes me cry. But he is quite pretty... and epic. :heart:

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the rest of top 50

25)The Dog from Duck Hunt (he might not be as evil as the others but one eles is a bigger Douche.You could shoot 99 ducks in row but if you miss one he laughts his head off.No one eles is more annoying than this dog)



22)Saren from Mass Effect

21)Kratos from God of War

20)Vamp from MGS 2 and 4

19) Zeus from God of War 2,3

18) Bowser

17) Dr.Breen from Half-Life 2

16)Xehanort Heartless

15)Dr.Nefarous from RAC

14)Liquid Snake from MGS



11)Lararevic from Uncharted 2

10)Zero from MGS series

9)Albert Wesker from Resdient Evil

8)Psycho Mantis from MGS

7)Septhiroth from FF

6)Kessler from Infamous

5)Origami Killer from Heavy Rain

4)Kefka from FF

3)Glados from Portal

2)Revovler Ocelot from MGS series

1)Frank Fontaine from BioShock(there no greater quote than Would you Kindy? and they way uses it)

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Okay my top 5:

#1:Arm of Death form dewprism: pretty much the KH Seires ripped this game off to certian points. but this guy makes Xehanort look like Dr. Robotnik in SoA rememebr "Pingas!"? point said. and taken.


#2: Big Sister form Bioshock 2. nuff said. I mean when you kidnapped little girls and do things to them,well that sentace sounds sick enough as it is. nuff said.


#3: The Origami Killer form Heavy Rain:

Take an already intrasting story, add a few different charaters that are all tied to this psycho thriller. and you get one badass game. But that this guy is never caught and can blend in so well,its one twist form another.


#4: Setheroth form Final Fantasy 7: he';s the only villian hwho has an epic theme song, plus A giant sword,and killed the heroes girl later in the game. you think he'd be number one, but Still Arm of death kicks his butt.


#5: Gannon: he's been over used. A lot. Period. But he's still a classic villian,with a certian flare for power. The thing about gannon is even in all his incarnations,he still has one thing in comman. He's a thift. and Evil King.

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Okay my top 5:

#1:Arm of Death form dewprism: pretty much the KH Seires ripped this game off to certian points. but this guy makes Xehanort look like Dr. Robotnik in SoA rememebr "Pingas!"? point said. and taken.


#2: Big Sister form Bioshock 2. nuff said. I mean when you kidnapped little girls and do things to them,well that sentace sounds sick enough as it is. nuff said.


#3: The Origami Killer form Heavy Rain:

Take an already intrasting story, add a few different charaters that are all tied to this psycho thriller. and you get one badass game. But that this guy is never caught and can blend in so well,its one twist form another.


#4: Setheroth form Final Fantasy 7: he';s the only villian hwho has an epic theme song, plus A giant sword,and killed the heroes girl later in the game. you think he'd be number one, but Still Arm of death kicks his butt.


#5: Gannon: he's been over used. A lot. Period. But he's still a classic villian,with a certian flare for power. The thing about gannon is even in all his incarnations,he still has one thing in comman. He's a thift. and Evil King.


the orgami killer can get killed it depend on how you play the game.i don't think big sister can't be ass evil frank fontanie but i shall find out in month when i get it

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I think Jenova. She's so misjudged. I mean she almost destroyed an entire planet, and if she did she would use it as a vessel to conquer the universe. Plus, it took an entire race of the Ancients just to makeher unconsious (bc in ff7 she's being preserved in a toob thingy) Not to mention theres all of these wackos wanting her cells to become all mighty powerful. But heck that's my opinion xD

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Still man Arm of death makes jenova look like a kitten,this guy is one fo the best origal villoains ever created! I Mean Xemnas/Ansem/M. Xehanort is basicly a crappy rip off, and not a very good one,cuase this dude,well makes sephiroth is a little gummy bear!


And no,Big sister is more evil then Frank. Frank is a good villain thoguth but I think BS kicked FF's butt!

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Still man Arm of death makes jenova look like a kitten,this guy is one fo the best origal villoains ever created! I Mean Xemnas/Ansem/M. Xehanort is basicly a crappy rip off, and not a very good one,cuase this dude,well makes sephiroth is a little gummy bear!


And no,Big sister is more evil then Frank. Frank is a good villain thoguth but I think BS kicked FF's butt!


idk frank fontaine was in secert for while and used you +he killed ryan.But Ocelot would school them all with his skill and his backstading,

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Ocelot kicks ass. but still Arm of Death, I don't think I can even say the things he did on this form. they're is also a others form some other games I really can't say or talka bout but these guys are belive me,way more kickass!

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GLaDOS from portal.


She is a super computer with a cynical sense of humor and is very sarcastic all the time. The stuff she says is hilarious.


Lets not forget she is one of the few bosses that actually have a song they sing.


Here are some of her best quotes.


"We did have some fun though. Remember when I was sliding you into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye!' and you were all like 'NO WAY' and then I said, 'We pretended to murder you!' That was great."


"That thing is probably some kind of raw sewage container, why don't you go and rub your face all over it?"


"If you love that thing so much why don't you marry it? Would you like to marry it? WELL I WON'T LET YOU! How does that feel?


Ah there I go again. look at me still talking while there's science to do.

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GLaDOS from portal.


She is a super computer with a cynical sense of humor and is very sarcastic all the time. The stuff she says is hilarious.


Lets not forget she is one of the few bosses that actually have a song they sing.


Here are some of her best quotes.


"We did have some fun though. Remember when I was sliding you into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye!' and you were all like 'NO WAY' and then I said, 'We pretended to murder you!' That was great."


"That thing is probably some kind of raw sewage container, why don't you go and rub your face all over it?"


"If you love that thing so much why don't you marry it? Would you like to marry it? WELL I WON'T LET YOU! How does that feel?


Ah there I go again. look at me still talking while there's science to do.


Don't forget:


look, i have your data backed up, listen 'hello!', did you hear that? that's how dumb you sound!

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FF5's Exdeath was pretty bad. He wanted to turn everything (back) into nothing, that's just evil. Then he turns into a GIANT tree in the end, which again is pretty evil.

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Please. ALBERT WESKER. will own you all. He survived like all the way to resident evil 5, then it took alot of bullets, a shot to weaken him, some missles, some more firing at his weak points, then firing a ROCKET LAUNCHER into the VOLCANO he was STANDING in to kill him.

and i bet hes not even dead.


and lets not forget the Tails Doll?


also, the biolizard scared the crapout of me. It doesnt have any eyes and its the color of rotten meat and its a FAILED ultimate life form. How does that work??

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Xion, he North (AMVO)AMerican VOice scares the Sh@tner out of me!


seriously its that horrible.


ARM of Death STILL BEATS THIS LIST! Don't get me started on the other guy.



Oh,and Lord Zedd form Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,when you got a brian thats ont he outside of your head and looks pretty badass...well...yeah...

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two great villians i havdn't hear talked about and are awsome is Pyramid Head from Silent Hil 2 and Sofia Lamb from Bioshock 2.Pyramid Head is a stalker and he also sexually assaults several monsters over the course of the game, terrifying and creepy,makes him so different to other villians.Sofia Lamb isn't as intersing as Fontanie and Ryan but she is just plain evil she shoots you in opening scene and What she does to Mark Meltzer is evil.

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AoD dude Arm Of Death still beats out sofia if the game were M-rated jeez PH would have a run for his money.



but PH is pretty sickenning. another villian Mickey Mouse in

mickey mouses magical mirrior Adventure that game was so horrible! then agian allk disney games hacve been bad with the exception of Epic Mickey,and the KH Franchise(unless you count Vocie acting asd villian,and vanitas, then yeha).

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AoD dude Arm Of Death still beats out sofia if the game were M-rated jeez PH would have a run for his money.



but PH is pretty sickenning. another villian Mickey Mouse in

mickey mouses magical mirrior Adventure that game was so horrible! then agian allk disney games hacve been bad with the exception of Epic Mickey,and the KH Franchise(unless you count Vocie acting asd villian,and vanitas, then yeha).


ducktale games were good and that mickey mouse game did suck.And i didn't say Sofia was best villian but she does contral the Big Sisters

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