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War on YouTube: Viacom takes it!

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In the past years, Viacom(Nickelodean, MTV, CMT, BET, TV Land, Spike, Dreamworks and ALL original programming for these like Spongebob, Dora the Explorer, and South Park.) has sued YouTube for copyright infringement by its users. They are claiming to get 1,000,000 dollars off this. Will YouTube die? Nope. Thanks to the help of JeepersMedia, no way.



What now, TV channels I've sworn off for a month?!

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Viacom = a bunch of whiny little greedy selfish cunts.

They just need to crawl back into their ditch where they belong.

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And make it so Viacom doesn't get to throw copyright crap on anything anymore.


At least when someone puts, say, Spongebob or iCarly clips in a YTP, 99.5% of the time, THEY GIVE CREDIT. Viacom isn't.

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Remember that bomb scare last week? Well I heard that it was offended Muslims over South Park. The car was parked outside the Viacom building. I know its a terrible thing to say but if it had happened it'd be a collosal monkey off a lot of people's back.

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