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KHBbS Birth By Sleep: Volume 2 Theories

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I recently went back to watch the trailer for the possible BBS Vol. 2 and was wondering if any of you had any theories or ideas in which this possible game would be about.


I personally have no concrete idea, besides it involving Aqua and her quest in the realm of darkness. And what's up with the Castle of Dreams or whatever being there two? So many questions!

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That ending of BBSFM is definitely intriguing isn't it? As for theories I don't have any myself but I assume it would take place between the gap of BBS and the original KH. 


Unfortunately BBSv2 was scrapped so until further notice a game or even a story for it seems bleak at this point in time. :/

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Always listen to Flaming Lea...

Well, maybe they'll put in it in HD collection with BbS. That way Nomura gets to tell his story, but doesn't have to make the game (like he "wants", and did with Days)

Edited by AntonioKHT

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Always listen to Flaming Lea...Well, maybe they'll put in it in HD collection with BbS. That way Nomura gets to tell his story, but doesn't have to make the game (like he "wants", and did with Days)

That sounds about right, kinda like how they did the 358 Days Cutscenes in 1.5. But what exactly would the cutscenes be about? Aqua, Mickey, Twilight Town? And what was up with that part with Ansem? The only thing I could think of is maybe it was showing off members of the new Organization.

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i always sorta thought that bbs volume 2 would tell us how mickey knew where aqua was cuz after he told yen sid that he thinks he knows where ven's heart is yen sid said "that leaves only terra" and there was a clip of mickey in the RoD so i thought that would have been a possibility. some story ideas from bbs volume 2 could also have been put in kh3d cuz ansem, young xehanort, and xemnas all appear in the trailer. 

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I don't even think that's a game anymore. What Nomura should do is make it into a movie, kinda like the Days movie in 1.5.

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That sounds about right, kinda like how they did the 358 Days Cutscenes in 1.5. But what exactly would the cutscenes be about? Aqua, Mickey, Twilight Town? And what was up with that part with Ansem? The only thing I could think of is maybe it was showing off members of the new Organization.

I always figured it would tell about some events that took place after BbS, telling what Aqua had to face there, and maybe Mickey's quest on RoD.

I don't think he found her there though... If he did, there would have to be an explanation as why he left her alone in RoD. But I don't think it fits the story... What i do think happened is that they found where she was, somehow. Just that, no story behind it.

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Maybe Aqua visits worlds that were overcome by darkness? She could of went to the castle and maybe interacted with the characters there and near the end the whole world around her is being sent back to the realm of light while Aqua stays behind sadly with sad music playing in the background.

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what I think it is is that it will be like Birth by Sleep where you control three characters and they will be Aqua Riku and Mickey and the story will be Aqua will of course be in the Realm of Darkness and exploring the worlds I guess Riku's and Mickey's story will be what they did between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 yes you get some of that in Days and of course Chain of Memories but Nomura said he wanted to explain the stories of Rikus absences and the Kings absences and this would be a good way to do that but like Lea said Nomura doesn't plan to make this into a game so who knows we just have to wait and see

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It's possible that BBSv2 and KH3 are the same game. Or at least they might have part of the story in flashbacks at least. I'm pretty sure they're not going to leave it completely under the dust.

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That ending of BBSFM is definitely intriguing isn't it? As for theories I don't have any myself but I assume it would take place between the gap of BBS and the original KH. 


Unfortunately BBSv2 was scrapped so until further notice a game or even a story for it seems bleak at this point in time. :/


It wasn't scrapped, they just haven't developed a game for the story.

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I really hate that they teased us with a title and concept when they weren't positive it could come to fruition. If by chance it were to be made, I personally would like to see a game in the style of BbS where there are multiple stories in which Kairi and Mickey are playable.

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It sucks that they dropped development for this game. It could have been neat for the Vita with playable Aqua/Riku/Mickey. I hope they get back to it someday.

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