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The Protagonist

Don't you think that the heros should lose every once in a while?

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Considering what the villains are capable of, if they win, it's gonna be pretty damn hard to correct it.


Besides, didn't the BBS crew lose big time?  They pretty much set up everything the series is working with, for good and ill.

Edited by Dracozombie

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Considering what the villains are capable of, if they win, it's gonna be pretty damn hard to correct it.


Besides, didn't the BBS crew lose big time?  They pretty much set up everything the series is working with, for good and ill.

No i meant they lose even after all their efforts and then in the ends the heroes turn evil and MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

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Well as the title said,sometimes I wish that everyone thing would just go wrong for the heros and they lose and the villains win.

it happens to me more than it should but i hate it when the hero wins....every...single...time.... kinda like jaden in yugioh Gx he won....99% of the time

Edited by XxCobaltxX

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No i meant they lose even after all their efforts and then in the ends the heroes turn evil and MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!


Then it'd be pretty disappointing.  It's the nature of a story; you want them to lead to something satisfactory, so the heroes are pretty much always gonna win.  If they don't, it feels like a waste of time.  Well shit, all that effort and they couldn't accomplish anything?  What did I pay my money to see/read/play?

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I like when there are plot twists if that's what you mean! The game would go normally, then A LOT OF BAD STUFF HAPPENS, then we manage to fix things up!

A game that ends with bad stuff is a very frustratingone. It wouldn't be bad, but kinda angering. For a long series, it's something that could actually work.

BbS is a little like that. It's not like Xehanort gets all he wants, but he does get Terra and leaves Aqua in RoD =S

I would like to see more complicated plots, but not with evil fully prevailing at the end. That'd be a bummer

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I don't mind having the heroes winning as long as it does make sense in the contest of the story


Unlike some characters that win 99% of the time by sheer f.ucking luck like Jaden from Yu gi oh GX.


But there are a lot of cases where heroes can lose.




In XIII-2,you basically lose to Caius and accidentally kill Etro


and in Heavy Rain,you can kill almost every hero  in the story (Ethan,Madison,Norman Jayden) and let the Origami Killer live

Edited by Metal Snake

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I mean in the end heroes ALWAYS WIN.Wouldn't it be nice if the Villains won?I would go more into detail but I'm sleepy *yawn*

For a game like KH? How about no. I wanna see Sora and Kairi together, not one or both dead...

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No i meant they lose even after all their efforts and then in the ends the heroes turn evil and MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

So basically like Two-Face but with all the heroes. Yeah, I could get into that.

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I love it when the villians win because it's so unexpected. Here's a not-so-good example, but in the movie Insidious

The demon ends up taking the boy and father into the demon world..And it was sad!

The movie Sinister ended similarly.  When watching a movie I always know the hero will prevail, and when he or she doesn't, it's a major surprise and I like it!

Edited by Lalalablah

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I wouldn't mind if they lose but they have to win eventually I mean its good vs evil most of the time good wins but hey I wouldn't mind seeing the villain win every now and then and then get their butts kicked in lol

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Well, some games have done it right(Persona 2:Innocent Sin)

Everything you did was carefully planned by Nyaralothep since you and your friends were mere children and by manipulating a group of deluded people, he literaly destroys the world(And now you're thinking but weren't the persona games all on the same continuity, well to stop the villain the only thing they can do is ask Philemon to reset the timeline and erase their memories, and you know what happens when they meet again, they don't recognize each other). Talk about a well done downer ending.


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Yes heros,should lose once in a while.At first I didn"t mind,but I change my mind when I saw the end of Sora story in KH3D. I think Sora should have lost to Xemnas,it would have made a lot more sense,but instead Xemnas lose the fight and Sora falls for no reason,I know there"s a reason,but if he was gonna fall anyway then why even fight.


Birth by sleep kinda had the same issue at the end of the game.

Edited by Isaix

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So, it sounds like you want to have a theatrical tragedy as a game, or possibly even the story of a hero falling and becoming a villain by the end. I believe L.A. Noire falls under the genre of tragedy with the little I have heard of it. Though honestly since most games try to empower a player it would have to be akin to a Greek tragedy where even with all this perfection the world still brought them to despair and misery. Instead of a modern tragedy where an everyman tries to battle the big machine and inevitably fails.

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