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Shard the Gentleman

Video Sora says Riku and Kairi count

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I looked it up, and didn't see a topic for this, so here it is! Kairi sort of sounds weird after like 10.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0GujYonYwwKH: K:40, R:24 (Video says its 25, but the counter for Riku went up twice at the beginning for the same Riku)Total K:77 R: 92 (Video says 94, but he counted the same video twice in KH2, and look above for the other reason.)En Masse: 169

Edited by Admiral Antoine

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I kinda quessed this : D To Kairi's defence I must say that Sora forgot about her in COM so at least because of that she even couldn't get that many points in that game.

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