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Shard the Gentleman

Sonic Lost Worlds

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SEGA of Japan has just purchased a new domain. What does that mean? Nothing in itself, but when taking a look at the URL...
It leads to a blank page, of course... for now.
We discovered this through some paperwork that is under the name of SEGA of Japan that has been floating around, which I guess is some sort of sheet they had to fill out in order to buy the domain.. The paper work says nothing about the game, except the paperwork also mentions, in detail, how game programmers, game software, and disks along with cartridges and digital device usage are all included as part of this trademark.
Here is the "Paper work"
Posted Image
What do you think? Is this paper work real, or fake? Is the next sonic title JUST around the corner?

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Sonic lost World is confirmed to be the next Sonic game. It will be a Wii U and a 3DS exclusive and will release in Fall 2013. 

Cool. A new 3DS game to try! I just hope it isn't watered down like Generations for 3DS was. The 3DS was powerful enough, but they felt that it wasn;t,

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A rumor is up?


According to a couple of our readers, the official Sonic Facebook page leaked the Sonic Lost Worldannouncement early this morning, including three images and the promise of more details May 29th. One of the images sounds like the above one released this afternoon, while another is said to have featured the outline of six ‘guardians’ from the game who may be friends or foes. What gives these details some credibility is that both readers say the leaked post mentioned the SEGA and Nintendo partnership for the next three Sonic games BEFORE it was even announced this afternoon.

You can read the 2 comments after the jump. Thanks to M.S. and Bark the Polar Bear for the info.
If you saw the images and managed to grab them before they were removed, please send us a news tip at news@sonicstadium.org.

Submitted on 2013/05/17 at 6:33 am
The sonic Facebook page just leaked a picture of the lost world, six “guardians”,
And the announcement that sega and Nintendo are forming an “exclusive partnership” for three games.




Bark the Polar Bear
Submitted on 2013/05/17 at 1:41 pm
The Facebook page accidentally leaked 3 pictures of the game with important information:
- Full details will be announced on the 29th.
- the lost world (not worlds) is a partially unfinished planet seemingly made of hexagon tiles.
- the game has six “guardians” who may be friends or foes- only their outlines are shown but they look very cartoony, like characters from Rayman.
- most importantly, Sega and Nintendo have entered an exclusive partnership for Sonic’s next three games.
These photos should still be accessible, they’re just not in posts but rather in the picture gallery itself.
At this point I consider the Somic Excursion rumor to have no credibility.




Well this seems pretty legit. Can't wait for may 29th to see if it is true.

Edited by Weiss

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I hope SEGA has a explanation of how Eggman got out of the white world if hes in it.

Maybe lost worlds might be a sequel to Sonic Generations in which they include the stages they couldn't do in Generations



Oh for God's sake .-.

So if it was exclusive to Ps4...will you be happy????


Especially since the Ps4 would be far more expensive than the Wii U


Besides,this partnership is not surprising at all for two reasons:


1Sonic Game have much higher sales on Nintendo's consoles than other consoles.....Sonic Colors sold more than Sonic Generations despite Generations being a multi-platform game


2Sega's financial problems,they need as much support as they could so they can recover from their last losses and layoffs....if the next Sonic game got released on other consoles and didn't sell they would likely lose millions that they can't recover easily

Edited by Metal Snake

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Maybe lost worlds might be a sequel to Sonic Generations in which they include the stages they couldn't do in Generations

So if it was exclusive to Ps4...will you be happy????


Especially since the Ps4 would be far more expensive than the Wii U


Besides,this partnership is not surprising at all for two reasons:


1Sonic Game have much higher sales on Nintendo's consoles than other consoles.....Sonic Colors sold more than Sonic Generations despite Generations being a multi-platform game


2Sega's financial problems,they need as much support as they could so they can recover from their last losses and layoffs....if the next Sonic game got released on other consoles and didn't sell they would likely lose millions that they can't recover easily


If they at least also put the game for the PS3...

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If they at least also put the game for the PS3...

So you want it to be a Ps3 exclusive????


Okay,I don't like to repeat myself but have you read the rest of my post???



Besides,this partnership is not surprising at all for two reasons:


1Sonic Game have much higher sales on Nintendo's consoles than other consoles.....Sonic Colors sold more than Sonic Generations despite Generations being a multi-platform game(I'm not saying that out of my ass,this is true,just read the sales of Sonic games since Sonic Adventure 2 Battle version on Game Cube until now and you'll see)


2Sega's financial problems,they need as much support as they could so they can recover from their last losses and layoffs....if the next Sonic game got released on other consoles and didn't sell they would likely lose millions that they can't recover easily

Edited by Metal Snake

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So you want it to be a Ps3 exclusive????


Okay,I don't like to repeat myself but have you read the rest of my post???



Besides,this partnership is not surprising at all for two reasons:


1Sonic Game have much higher sales on Nintendo's consoles than other consoles.....Sonic Colors sold more than Sonic Generations despite Generations being a multi-platform game(I'm not saying that out of my ass,this is true,just read the sales of Sonic games since Sonic Adventure 2 Battle version on Game Cube until now and you'll see)


2Sega's financial problems,they need as much support as they could so they can recover from their last losses and layoffs....if the next Sonic game got released on other consoles and didn't sell they would likely lose millions that they can't recover easily


I'm not saying that.


I'm saying that if they put the game on PS3, Wii U and on the 3DS, they could get more sales.

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I'm not saying that.


I'm saying that if they put the game on PS3, Wii U and on the 3DS, they could get more sales.

Not nessessarly.


As I told you the sales of Sonic games on Ps3Xbox 360 isn't that much compared to Nintendo consoles which are more family friendly 


Most Ps3Xbox360 owners doesn't care about Sonic as much as Call of Duty and other games


Besides,Remember Sonic Colors??? That game didn't have a Ps3 version but it sold more than Sonic Generations that Got released on Ps3Xbox 360.


Yeah They would've got more sales but not that much,most of the time only Sonic games units on Nintendo consoles gets most of the sales from both Sonic fans and non-Sonic fans since you know that Sonic is for kids(It's not an insult,I'm a Sonic fan but that's true even with Mario),while Sonic games units on Ps3Xbox360 either sell less or collect dust on the shelves

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The game is going to have new gameplay and enemies.


“With ‘Sonic Lost World,’ we’re going to introduce new gameplay and enemies, which is always fun. In terms of Sonic and his friends, he’ll have his same friends there, and I think there’ll be some new ones as well. It’s not a reiteration. It’s going to be all new.”


Source: http://mynintendonews.com/2013/05/19/sonic-lost-world-will-introduce-new-gameplay-enemies/

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The game is going to have new gameplay and enemies.


“With ‘Sonic Lost World,’ we’re going to introduce new gameplay and enemies, which is always fun. In terms of Sonic and his friends, he’ll have his same friends there, and I think there’ll be some new ones as well. It’s not a reiteration. It’s going to be all new.”


Source: http://mynintendonews.com/2013/05/19/sonic-lost-world-will-introduce-new-gameplay-enemies/

New gameplay, huh? I wonder what they're gonna bring in.

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New screenshot of the six characters who can be freinds or foes. (no confirmation on which yet)Posted Image


And a quote from SEGA

Six will rise from the Lost World. Are they friends or foes? Find out on May 29th. pic.twitter.com/QttrHDgI3C

Can't wait.

Edited by Weiss

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From what the rumors have said BEFORE this post, they're are the six guardians.





"According to a couple of our readers, the official Sonic Facebook page leaked the Sonic Lost Worldannouncement early this morning, including three images and the promise of more details May 29th. One of the images sounds like the above one released this afternoon, while another is said to have featured the outline of six ‘guardians’ from the game who may be friends or foes."


Still. We don't know if they'll be friends or foes.

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"According to a couple of our readers, the official Sonic Facebook page leaked the Sonic Lost Worldannouncement early this morning, including three images and the promise of more details May 29th. One of the images sounds like the above one released this afternoon, while another is said to have featured the outline of six ‘guardians’ from the game who may be friends or foes."


Still. We don't know if they'll be friends or foes.

 I think they'll be both. Gaurdians to protect thier home, yet once they realize that Sonic + them are good guys, they'll turn on the real bad guy.

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