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i guess this goes here but i was wandering why would they just now decide to add different worlds they have used the same worlds over and over and OVER and i know its a new game and all and it like 10 years in the past but they could have used some of the worlds in kh 2 couldnt they? just seems strangs now of all times they choose new worlds. but i guess it would be wierd going in the same world 10 years ago 0.o....not that i want to goto halloween town AGAIN!!!!!

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Sometimes he's also pressured to include games that don't neccessarily fit the game either, whether by Disney (see PotC in KH2) or by popular demand by fans. But like Rob said, he chooses worlds that fit best.

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The worlds that he chose fit the time line, in a sense. The worlds are those that feature the princesses of heart, so that a bit of background info about them is given and Nomura can explain how Maleficent got started on her quest to rule the universe by using the hearts of the princesses.


And you do have Olympic Colosseum. xD

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Also, in actual game terms, it's simply not very interesting working with the same characetrs and environments. That's why Never Land was different in 358/2 Days, and most of the places had new areas to explore, and why the world in KH2 were redesigned. It's to prevent boredom from both teh player and the people who make the graphics.

Additionally, given all the rights to Disney that Square recieved, it would be silly not to actually use them.

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First of all, what Rob said, it has to fit with the plot; second, let's say in BBS you went to Atlantica, that'd mean Ariel was 10 years younger and would be kinda weird and unusual. I say Nomura chooses the worlds very well, although I realized Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora look the same in BBS and KH, despite the difference in years.

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