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Which Kingdom Hearts do you think has the best Gameplay?

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I haven't played BBs, but from the looks of it it was great

out of all the ones I played I'd have to say DDD or KH2

KH2 was fun and pretty fast paced, but the fact that you could never get to use the cool forms in a lot of important battles kinda makes me not too fond of it

I guess DDD... I love the deck style command things and flowmotion >w<

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KH2 you have to love the dual wielding epicness of the drive forms and being able to shoot magic from your keyblade with wisdom form.

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I've only played KH/2, Re:CoM, and 3D, so I'd have to say Kingdom Hearts. In my opinion, it was the perfect game.

I dunno.. while i still think KH1 was the best, I feel the battle system is a bit... "doinky" and a bit difficult

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If it weren't because KH2 didn't have Dodge Roll it would have been the winner, but I'll pick either KH or DDD. Why?

KH has this not so easy not so difficult gameplay that started it all, it was somehow perfect and it let YOU be the one doing all the strategy.

DDD adds flowmotion to a simple movement and that was awesome not to mention the DE were cute and they felt like actual pets.

Ahhhh.... I want my 3DS back... u.u'''

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If it weren't because KH2 didn't have Dodge Roll it would have been the winner, but I'll pick either KH or DDD. Why?

KH has this not so easy not so difficult gameplay that started it all, it was somehow perfect and it let YOU be the one doing all the strategy.

DDD adds flowmotion to a simple movement and that was awesome not to mention the DE were cute and they felt like actual pets.

Ahhhh.... I want my 3DS back... u.u'''


KH2FM has Dodge Roll.

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Of the three (four if you include Re:COM and COM as separate games) KH games I have played, I prefer KH 1's combat the most. While KH 2's was a lot flashier and impressive than KH 1's, I felt more in control in 1's combat than 2's even though in some ways 2 gave you more control. Also I vastly prefer 1's mana system to 2's. As far as COM goes I liked the overall feel of the game compared to RE:COM, but RE:COM had better combat.Edit: Even though I generally prefer few restrictions on how I attack, I liked COM and RE:COM's combat more than KH2's.

Edited by Tigerruss

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BBS. The gameplay is smooth but not just stormy like 3D, so it's easier to control it and you also need to think something, while in 3D it's sometimes (for me at least) that I just attack and use flowmotion and jump and everything and I don't even all the time know what I'm doing but finish the enemies anyway.. Also, there's melding and commands level up, which makes using commands more rewarding. And D-links.

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Chain of memories!


JUST KIDDING. Kingdom Hearts 2 was my favorite gameplay because of drive forms and reaction commands, but I liked the setup of the menu (when you press start) in KH1 a lot better.

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But if I recall correctly it only has it when you're on Limit Form. I wanted it as a custom ability like in KH, RE:COM, RE:CODED, BBS, DDD :/

If they don't put it on KHIII I will slap Nomur >:7

You can equip it without Limit Form after leveling Limit Form to LV3. 

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