Decimo 243 Posted July 12, 2013 (edited) This guide is very much in progress and incomplete, and as the game is still a beta, info might change! Feel free to leave a comment if you have additional information or if you spot any error.Only material names are listed, to give you an idea about where to find them; I might make a detailed guide on where to find materials later on, for now if you need help on finding them feel free to leave a comment.Unreleased keyblades can be seen here.--------- [*]You can change your keyblade from the deck editing menu, remember to save your change! [*]Keyblades boost card damage output when specific type of cards appear in a specific slot. STARLIGHTYour base keyblade, it's balanced and provides boosts for all three types of attack and works best with a mixed deck.+0 [*]Initial keyblade. +1 [*]Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.1 / Speed: x1.1 +2 [*]Power: x1.1 / Magic: x1.2 / Speed: x1.1 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x3 / Medicinal Leaves (薬草の葉っぱ) x5 / Medicinal Leaf (薬草の葉) x3 +3 [*]Power: x1.2 / Magic: x1.2 / Speed: x1.1 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Pure Water (きよらかな水) x10 / Forest Mushrooms (森のきのこ) x5 +4 [*]Power: x1.2 / Magic: x1.2 / Speed: x1.2 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Odd Bulb (おかしな球根) x3 / White Flower's Nectar (白い花のみつ) x10 / Candy Piece (お菓子のかけら) x10 +5 [*]Power: x1.3 / Magic: x1.2 / Speed: x1.2 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Hot Sand (熱をおびた砂) x10 / White Flower's Juice (白い花のつゆ) x10 / Teardrop (涙のしずく) x1 +6 [*]Power: x1.3 / Magic: x1.3 / Speed: x1.2 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Burned Coal (燃えつきた炭) x10 / Topaz Earrings (トパーズのピアス) x10 / Agate Ring (めのうのリング) x10 +7 [*]Power: x1.3 / Magic: x1.3 / Speed: x1.3 [*]Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Swamp Water (沼地のわき水) x10 / Ember (残り火) x1 / Agate Ring (めのうのリング) x10 +8 [*]Power: x1.3 / Magic: x1.3 / Speed: x1.4 [*]Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Pure Water (きよらかな水) x20 / Medicinal Bulb (薬草の球根) x20 / Gold Ore (金の原石) x5 +9 [*]Power: x1.3 / Magic: x1.4 / Speed: x1.4 [*]Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Odd Leaves (おかしな葉っぱ) x20 / Candy Piece (お菓子のかけら) x20 / Teardrop (涙のしずく) x5 +10 [*]Power: x1.3 / Magic: x1.4 / Speed: x1.5 [*]Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Hot Sand (熱をおびた砂) x20 / Star-shaped Sand (星のかたちの砂) x20 / Scarab Brooch (スカラベのブローチ) x20 ROCK SPLENDOR (Treasure Trove)Power based keyblade.+0 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.2 [*]Reward for clearing STORY1-2 at Dwarf Woodland +1 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.3 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Iron Ore (鉄の原石) x10 +2 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.4 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Medicinal Flower (薬草の花) x5 / Pure Water (きよらかな水) x10 +3 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.5 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Medicinal Flower (薬草の花) x8 / Medicinal Bulb (薬草の球根) x10 / Swamp Water (沼地のわき水) x10 +4 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.6 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Forest Mushrooms (森のきのこ) x15 / Odd Leaves (おかしな葉っぱ) x10 +5 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.7 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Pure Water (きよらかな水) x20 / Medicinal Bulb (薬草の球根) x10 +6 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.8 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Medicinal Flower (薬草の花) x8 / Gold Ore (金の原石) x5 +7 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.9 [*]Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Medicinal Bulb (薬草の球根) x25 +8 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x2.0 [*]Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Mithril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Pure Water (きよらかな水) x15 +9 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x2.1 [*]Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Medicinal Leaves (薬草の葉っぱ) x20 +10 [*]?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Power: x2.2 [*]Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Marsh Water (沼池のわき水) x20 LAST RESORT (Lady Luck)Speed based keyblade.+0 [*]Speed: x1.1 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.1 [*]Reward for clearing STORY2-3 at Wonderland +1 [*]Speed: x1.2 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.1 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Teardrop (涙のしずく) x1 +2 [*]Speed: x1.3 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.1 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Odd Leaves (おかしな葉っぱ) x10 / White Flower's Nectar (白い花のみつ) x10 +3 [*]Speed: x1.4 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.1 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Odd Leaves (おかしな葉っぱ) x10 / White Flower's Juice (白い花のつゆ) x5 / Candy Piece (お菓子のかけら) x15 +4 [*]Speed: x1.5 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.1 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / White Flower's Juice (白い花のつゆ) x10 / Odd Bulb (おかしな球根) x10 +5 [*]Speed: x1.5 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.2 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mithril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / White Flower's Nectar (白い花のみつ) x10 / Teardrop (涙のしずく) x5 +6 [*]Speed: x1.6 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.2 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mithril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Odd Leaves (おかしな葉っぱ) x20 / Odd Bulb (おかしな球根) x10 +7 [*]Speed: x1.6 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.3 [*]Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / White Flower's Juice (白い花のつゆ) x20 / Teardrop (涙のしずく) x3 +8 [*]Speed: x1.6 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.4 [*]Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / White Flower's Juice (白い花のつゆ) x10 / White Flower's Nectar (白い花のみつ) x20 +9 [*]Speed: x1.6 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.5 [*]Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Candy Piece (お菓子のかけら) x20 / Odd Leaves (おかしな葉っぱ) x10 / Teardrop (涙のしずく) x3 +10 [*]Speed: x1.6 / ?: x1.0 / Speed: x1.6 [*]Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Odd Leaves (おかしな葉っぱ) x20 DESIRE LAMP (Three Wishes)Magic based keyblade.+0 [*]?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.2 [*]Reward for clearing STORY1-7 at Agrabah +1 [*]?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.3 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Burned Coal (燃えつきた炭) x10 +2 [*]?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.4 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Burned Coal (燃えつきた炭) x10 / Ember (残り火) x3 +3 [*]?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.5 [*]Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Copper Ore (銅の原石) x10 / Iron Ore (鉄の原石) x10 / Silver Ore (銀の原石) x10 +4 [*]?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.6 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Star-shaped Sand (星のかたちの砂) x10 / Agate Ring (めのうのリング) x10 +5 [*]?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.7 [*]Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Hot Sand (熱をおびた砂) x20 / Scarab Brooch (スカラベのブローチ) x10 +6 ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.8 Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Burned Coal (燃えつきた炭) x10 / Topaz Earrings (トパーズのピアス) x20 +7 ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x1.9 Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Star-shaped Sand (星のかたちの砂) x20 / Ember (残り火) x5 +8 ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.0 / Magic: x2.0 Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 / Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Agate Ring (めのうのリング) x15 +9 ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.1 / Magic: x2.0 Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x10 / Copper Ore (銅の原石) x10 / Iron Ore (鉄の原石) x15 +10 ?: x1.0 / Power: x1.1 / Magic: x2.1 Mythril Crystal (ミスリルの結晶) x5 / Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 / Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 / Silver Ore (銀の原石) x20 Edited July 30, 2013 by Decimo 4 Kevin_Keyblade, Shard the Gentleman, Skai and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblader 325 Posted July 12, 2013 If I'm not mistaken, I believe it's spelled Mythril, but that's no matter. This is great for those who are playing the game! I'm quite interested myself, but I will only go at it if it makes some sort of english release. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 12, 2013 I highly doubt it's going to get any English release, I don't think any S-E browser games ever did. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shard the Gentleman 2,891 Posted July 12, 2013 I highly doubt it's going to get any English release, I don't think any S-E browser games ever did. I don't think it will either. I look at it this way: It's sort of a trade off. NA/EU/AU finally gets FM and FM+, in HD, in exchange for not being able to read Chi, but still be able to play it, which isn't bad, because it has nothing to deal with the KH storyline. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nermin Colakovic 61 Posted July 12, 2013 I don't think it will either. I look at it this way: It's sort of a trade off. NA/EU/AU finally gets FM and FM+, in HD, in exchange for not being able to read Chi, but still be able to play it, which isn't bad, because it has nothing to deal with the KH storyline. Think so too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted July 12, 2013 Linked to this thread on the Master Guide thread. 1 Decimo reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 12, 2013 Linked to this thread on the Master Guide thread. Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 13, 2013 Updated with more stats for Rock Splendor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caity 3,946 Posted July 13, 2013 I would suggest adding pictures to help clarify things (and pictures generally made large bulks of text more appealing to look at). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 14, 2013 Updated and fixed an error. I would suggest adding pictures to help clarify things (and pictures generally made large bulks of text more appealing to look at). Pictures of the keyblades? I don't see how that would make it more helpful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caity 3,946 Posted July 14, 2013 Updated and fixed an error. Pictures of the keyblades? I don't see how that would make it more helpful. The actual items required to upgrade like Leaves, Ember, Bulbs etc. For non-japanese speakers/readers they're going by the icons of items rather than the words cause they can't read them in game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supersaiyanmikito 32 Posted July 16, 2013 What's the deal with the Lady Luck? Why does speed show up twice? I tested it to see if maybe it stacked but nothing special happened, I only got a x1.1 boost. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 16, 2013 What's the deal with the Lady Luck? Why does speed show up twice? I tested it to see if maybe it stacked but nothing special happened, I only got a x1.1 boost. It boosts Speed cards if they appear on those slots, it doesn't stack them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 16, 2013 (edited) UNRELEASED KEYBLADES Edited July 18, 2013 by Decimo 1 KingdomHearts3 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted July 20, 2013 UNRELEASED KEYBLADES Ugh. The Foxes' Keyblade is ugly, but the other Guild Keyblades are friggin awesome. Blegh! I wonder what the Foxes Keyblade's stats tun out to be. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cactuar 21 Posted July 21, 2013 Nice Keyblades previews. "LaVieEnRose" seems sharp :DFoxes' Keyblade isn't bad at all, it looks like some sort of magic Keyblade.As a Purple Cobras' member, I like my faction's Keyblade. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerruss 576 Posted July 22, 2013 (edited) ROCK SPLENDOR (Treasure Trove)+8Stats ?/?/2.0 (power) Oops I accidentally didn't write down the requirements for +9.Though the stats are the same with 2.1 (power) at the end. +105 mythril crystals5 mythril stones 5 mythril drops 10 marsh water water. Edited July 22, 2013 by Tigerruss 1 Decimo reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 22, 2013 Thank you! Also, as a note, I changed what was previously translated as Marsh Water to Swamp Water, while 沼池のわき水 is now Marsh Water. Sorry for the confusion, it was because of my poor English. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerruss 576 Posted July 22, 2013 You are welcome, and I don't mind if the translation isn't perfect, since at least you are trying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrinceNoctis 1,011 Posted July 23, 2013 I like the starlight keyblade. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rodo 55 Posted July 23, 2013 (edited) Three Wishes Update: +5 ?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Magic: x1.7 Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 Hot Sand (熱をおびた砂) x10 Scarab Brooch (スカラベのブローチ) x20 +6 ?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Magic: x1.8 Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 Star-shaped Sand (星のかたちの砂) x20 Ember (残り火) x5 Edited July 23, 2013 by Rodo 1 Decimo reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 23, 2013 Thanks, update the first post. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rodo 55 Posted July 24, 2013 Three Wishes Update: +7 ?: x1.0 / ?: x1.0 / Magic: x1.9 Mythril Stone (ミスリルの魔石) x5 Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら) x5 Mythril Drop (ミスリルのしずく) x5 Agate Ring (めのうのリング) x15 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decimo 243 Posted July 30, 2013 Thank you! Gonna update everything now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted October 9, 2013 UNRELEASED KEYBLADES These keyblades look insane! It would be nice to see them in KH3. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites