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Post your triumphs/victories

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This isn't much but I wanna post it anyways??? 

I'm saving up money for singing classes, I haven't been spending money like I usually do and I'm getting much better at palm reading.

I hope by 2014 I will have a scholarship to a good Performing Art school, or a summer class at least, and I won't give up anytime soon.

I have cut out all the people who hurt me in the past out of my life, both IRL and online. 

I am becoming a pretty good writer, yay!

I haven't had a melt down nor Panic Attack in 3 months, I don't even know why I get them anyways, I guess cause of the things I was going through?



I'm talking to people around my age and not being fearful or getting shy. I know that isn't a big deal but I been home school for 4? years now.


I started reading and studying a lot, even if I'm studying something stupid like mythology. 


I started control my anger, if I feel angry, I write a poem, draw something or write a rant in my notepads.

I am finally confident enough to enter a beauty  pageant , even tho it sucks here. I still wanna do. Plus I get 500 dollars and it might help with the scholarships.

Plus 500 dollars. Like, I get to buy books! And games! AND SHOES!!!!


Short story short.


I'm proud of myself, I went through a lot of stuff these past 3 years, and even tho it's not gonna get better. I'm still happy, and I'm ready for whatever people have to through at me. 

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I did really good in school for my first year in a competitive university.  I have a 3.8 GPA and I got on the dean's list in my college.  On top of that, I applied for 5 scholarships and got 3 out of the 5 I applied for.  I will be receiving $11k from scholarships towards my study abroad.  Including the grants I already earn, tuition and room&board are paid off; I just have to pay for personal expenses.  That is so freaking incredible I cannot put it into words.  I never thought study abroad would ever be possible for me and now I can do it without racking up a huge loan.



I also tried to post in the painful past thread.  I deleted the post 1 minute later, but that's much more than I would have been able to do a year ago.  Maybe one day I'll be able to talk about it.


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This thread makes me wish I had some.


como que no

apprenty, you are alive and fighting and strong despite the shit that has happened to you. you are a good friend and a wonderful person. ive seen you get through tough shit and ive seen you grow as a person. those are some pretty great accomplishments and i think you might have more than you realize. 

Edited by Koko

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como que no

apprenty, you are alive and fighting and strong despite the shit that has happened to you. you are a good friend and a wonderful person. ive seen you get through tough shit and ive seen you grow as a person. those are some pretty great accomplishments and i think you might have more than you realize. 


okay well this list might seem like much and it was really hard of me to type this up but i did it anyways.


  • i got rid of toxic people in my life and now i have much healthier online friendships
  • i'm really proud of how i educated myself on social justice despite the difficulties my asperger's syndrome presented me when it came to understanding it
  • well, one of the symptoms of asperger's syndrome is processing information at a slower rate and i'm proud to say that i've successfully exercised my brain over the past few years into understanding concepts and processing information faster than i would have had trouble with years ago
  • i managed to survive five work placements during high school despite my anxiety and social awkwardness
  • i excelled in my grade 12 social studies class and was pleased to realize that i'm really into politics and history
  • my stint as a moderator makes me pretty proud (i never thought i would be good at something like that) despite the extreme stress that made me quit in the end
  • being able to finally come out as bisexual despite being terrified at the thought months beforehand and recently with my gender identity. it was a huge breath of fresh air.
  • also the stuff koko mentioned about me growing as a person

i'm not sure what else,,,,,,

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Ehh.. I don't know how many of these are any "real" victories or triumphs, but they are for me

  • I had quite successful year as student council president
  • I do think that I have been able to become much more healthier person, I have been able to sleep better, I don't have continuous headaches anymore etc.
  • My social skills have improved greatly during last year. I can finally talk to new people without feeling completely awkward and I can make new friends, give compliments for people, help them with their problems.. etc  
  • I have made new friends. Seriously during my junior high I felt like I have only my own friend group and no one else wants to be my friend. Now I have been able to make lots of new friends and I feel like I have found my place in society 
  • I feel really good that I got place in highschool where I really wanted to study
  • My grades have gone up
  • I actually got place as sectional moderator which was quite surprise for me

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In the past few years, I've grown as a person. I think I've become more open-minded, I mean, people I used to hate, I don't hate anymore. I've learned to live with them.


I have recovered from numerous self-esteem problems. I was bullied at school for about... Actually, people still made fun of me last year, but I don't mind. I was bullied mostly because I wasn't the thinnest person nor the most good looking. I always got compared to my older brother. People were always like "Hey you're that dude's younger brother!". And people treated me as if I was dumb.

And that was a part of the reason I wanted to do well at school. I did. Highschool awaits, though I have to part ways with my best friends.


I have been quite actively dealing with church lately. I took this "training" and got to work at a confirmation camp this summer. I got to teach the 'campers' though I'm only a year older. And I think the church has taught me valuable things too.


I've become a more open person. I'm not as shy anymore. I can talk to people I don't exactly know. And I can who I am without being afraid that someone'll judge me.


Oh! I have also lost weight and become a little more athletic overall.

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Admiting PUBLICLY how horrably I treated Sodom made me feel better about myself.


Regardless of whether or not I felt she deserved it, how I treated her was very very wrong....



And should NEVER be 'nessasary' in ANY 'situation' or 'circomstance'. Period.

Edited by ~DawnStar2004~

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Might not be much of a triumph or victory to others but I started college in 2009 and attended it until 2010, at the time, it wasn't for me and I took a break from it. I know most people after they take a break from school usually never go back, I'm an exception. I went back on August 18th, 2014, and that little fact alone is triumphant enough for me.

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