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Shard the Gentleman

A formal request to marry KH13

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Hello. It has been two lovely years since KH13 and I first got together... there wasn't one day since then that I didn't think about KH13. KH13 is such a big part of my life now, and I wouldn't know where I'd be without her. We spend so much time together, and its just the best experience in the world to know that KH13 will always be there for me, and I for her... so, this is me, asking if I can marry KH13. DC, if you read this, I ask also for your blessings.

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Okay, but you need to pay for the wedding.


Aaron made a post owo



Hello. It has been two lovely years since KH13 and I first got together... there wasn't one day since then that I didn't think about KH13. KH13 is such a big part of my life now, and I wouldn't know where I'd be without her. We spend so much time together, and its just the best experience in the world to know that KH13 will always be there for me, and I for her... so, this is me, asking if I can marry KH13. DC, if you read this, I ask also for your blessings.



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imagine someone with the username (kh13) coming and saying "i do" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

*think's i should get someone from another forum i'm on to join and make that they're name just for the hallerity xD*


j/k i'm kidding you don't mess around with true love...


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*think's i should get someone from another forum i'm on to join and make that they're name just for the hallerity xD*


j/k i'm kidding you don't mess around with true love...


your right.

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