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Roxas and Namine

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The relationship of these characters is really unclear to me really and the thing is that I can't imagine what it would be like when they meet again in KH3 (which I believe they will). Many KH characters are clearly friends but I can't say a thing about Roxas and Namine. For me it's like they just met and they got along and all, but without the end of KH2, I wouldn't even call them friends.


And then there is the end of KH2 with their conversations and Namine for example saying that "We can be together again!". And for me it just does not make sense that they'd be THAT happy about it, they just met!


So what I'd quess is that Roxas and Namine are supposed to have some sort of romantical feelings for each other because they're Sora's and Kairi's nobodies, even though for me it's  not a big enough reason and I don't really like them as a couple.


So when I think of KH3 and really try to see how they'll act, I kind of see them having a romantical moment or something, becoming some kind of couple, or a hinted couple.. But I wouldn't want to see that and it wouldn't even make sense to me but still I kind of have a feeling that the game makers want it that way : O


But I'd want to hear how you see their relationship and what you believe will happen between them in KH3, since I really don't know

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I think they're supposed to kind of be a couple since they're the Nobodies of Sora and Kairi and they're the main couple in the series. I don't really think they'll bring Namine back in KH3 for that long. From what I can tell it'll probably be a keyblade wielder type of thing and I think they already ended Namine in Re:coded

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Roxas x Namine. <3  I don't think Nomura will ever make it clear that any of the characters are officially shipped together because it can cause fan wars for both sides of the spectrum.  I'd love it if he did though as Roxas and Namine are one of my favorite couples in Kingdom Hearts!! [:

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Roxas and Namine's relationship mirrors Sora and Kairi. While some debate about if Sora and Kairi have a romantic relationship continues to go around, there is at least a strong friendship between them, and thus between Roxas and Namine.

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Look at my avatar, my sig, and my profile...This will tell you my opinion about them and their relationship.


In Chain of Memories, Namine wanted to feel acknowledge and so forth as well as be loved like how, Sora is to Kairi. You also must remember that in the beginning of KH2 she also wanted to meet, Roxas at least once. So the part where she says "So, We can be together again!" is more or so that she finally found one that loves her like how Sora does to, Kairi.


And the reason why they're happy about that is, because they're finally whole with their original selves they didn't fade into darkness as, Nobodies would. So they will always be together.


"I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you" - Roxas.

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Roxas and xion makes 50x more sense to me.

But it would be weird since they are technically the same person. And "Roxas X Naminé" mirrors "Sora X Kairi" relationship as said above.

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I can see that they're meant to be like Sora and Kairi but for me it just does not work anyway. Roxas and Namine are the nobodies of Sora and Kairi but still they are not the same people. They don't even have their memories and they haven't really experienced much together.


I think they're supposed to kind of be a couple since they're the Nobodies of Sora and Kairi and they're the main couple in the series. I don't really think they'll bring Namine back in KH3 for that long. From what I can tell it'll probably be a keyblade wielder type of thing and I think they already ended Namine in Re:coded


I think I really need to play or at least watch Re:Coded..


In Chain of Memories, Namine wanted to feel acknowledge and so forth as well as be loved like how, Sora is to Kairi. You also must remember that in the beginning of KH2 she also wanted to meet, Roxas at least once. So the part where she says "So, We can be together again!" is more or so that she finally found one that loves her like how Sora does to, Kairi.


I know. Actually, that's the part I like in them. From Namine's side you can think that Roxas would be the one to finally actually love her, instead of Sora who just liked her because of the fake memories she created. She has been so lonely and really needs some friends. If Roxas and Namine's story would had been made differently, so that there would have been more story, who knows, maybe I'd even like them. But now there's just not enough for them to love each other I think. 

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The people who say Roxas and Namine should be together just because Sora and Kairi are (most likely) together, probably aren't realizing how shallow that would make their relationship.  If they're only a couple because it's supposed to mirror someone else's, what does it say about the "relationship?"  Also think back to their interactions.  The entirety of Namine's relationship with Roxas is getting him to realize he wasn't supposed to exist and everything he knows and cares about is a lie.  Very romantic there.  Really, I still ship them, but only because I just like the way they look together, like a pair of dolls on a shelf.  I'd never defend the pairing on any canonical grounds.

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I personally don't see any romance between Roxas and Namine, they've had a total of like, 5 hours or so together. It's hard to convince me that they're in love/ have a crush on each other. Roxas and Xion had more chemistry if you ask me *romantic? Idk & Idgaf*....same with Sora and Namine, they totally had more chemistry and moments together; which is why I was annoyed and confused at her "We can be together again" line. Like, you spent all of CoM & Days pining over Sora and then when you get the chance to see him again at the end of KH2, you ignore him for his Nobody? Really? Really Namine???? 

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I agree with Kishira. Roxas and Naminé hardly met each other. Besides, Roxas spent his entire existence trying to be his own person. Liking Naminé just because it mirrors Sora's actions completely goes against that. I like Roxas and Xion together because they knew each other and have helped each other out of difficult situations, even going so far as to stand up to superiors. Also, Xion is an imperfect replica of Roxas, she only has his abilities and link to Sora, making them separate people.

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same with Sora and Namine, they totally had more chemistry and moments together; which is why I was annoyed and confused at her "We can be together again" line. Like, you spent all of CoM & Days pining over Sora and then when you get the chance to see him again at the end of KH2, you ignore him for his Nobody? Really? Really Namine???? 


Same here : /

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I personally don't see any romance between Roxas and Namine, they've had a total of like, 5 hours or so together. It's hard to convince me that they're in love/ have a crush on each other. Roxas and Xion had more chemistry if you ask me *romantic? Idk & Idgaf*....same with Sora and Namine, they totally had more chemistry and moments together; which is why I was annoyed and confused at her "We can be together again" line. Like, you spent all of CoM & Days pining over Sora and then when you get the chance to see him again at the end of KH2, you ignore him for his Nobody? Really? Really Namine???? 



Not really no, Remember even though she wants to, see Sora...She also understand that even though she messed with his memories tricking, Sora into liking herself. That those feelings towards her are really towards Kairi and she realized that. So that could be a more or less reason as to why she ignores him.

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I don't know. If I were Roxas, it would be awfully hard to come to grips that the person you're dating is also the one who happened to kill you in the first place.


Not to mention that, if he ever made her mad, she could totally just stick him back in Sora again.

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I always saw their relationship as more long lost twins, even baring physical similarities in the blond hair. A combination of Sora&Kairi gave birth to both of them so in a way Sora&Kairi are like their parents. Ventus might be sort of like a pseudo-brother of Sora's in this kind of relationship where essentially his genes bleed through into Sora's kids in the same way I have my dad's brother's hair rather than my dad's hair. Though instead of genes it's his heart and special connection with Sora.


As for Roxas drawn to Namine I think in part we need to look at Days. When Axel wouldn't give Roxas the answers he sought Roxas decided Axel who is lying and hiding things from him wasn't his friend. As he turned away to leave the room he said he'd leave the organization and find someone who would give him in the answers he sought, and that when he finds that person that person will be the friend that he trusts. Thus that prophecy came true, he found Namine and because she gave him answers he trusted her and considered her to be his friend. She's the friend Roxas needed and wanted in addition to basically being his sibling and that's what I think is the source of Roxas's draw to Namine.


While Namine's draw with Roxas was a bit different a combination of multiple things. For one was that he was one of the persons she hurt/was hurting and so she felt a sense of remorse for him. Another is she had watch Roxas throughout all of Days, she'd seen him grown and she' had seen him fight so hard to try and be his own person. After watching someone from afar for so long it's only natural that she'd want to meet him. Finally she made a promise to Xion that she would watch over Roxas and guide him when she's gone, even if the memories faded the promise should have remained just like Sora's promise with Namine did. Then of course they became friends and that coupled with their sibling connection was her draw to Roxas.


Near the end though they uncovered and understood something knew, it's that even though they are locked up in Sora & Kairi they can still see each other when Sora and Kairi look at each other. Namine knows now she'll not just be a phantom inside Kairi no one can see or hear, because of Roxas. So she'll never be alone again and as she said way back in CoM she was just so lonely and had wanted a friend of her own, and now she's got one. It's not love that had her excited it's that she had just achieved her dream she had longed for since back in CoM.


As for Roxas and Xion I do think there is love between them but I don't think it's quite romantic love. Roxas and Xion were so alike and shared the same kind of life, they shared the same plights, the same friends, the same keyblade, the same hopes and dreams, and so it's only natural they were drawn to each other. If Namine is the sibling then Xion is the childhood friend that has a sense of familiarity about her, deep down she reminds Roxas of parents Sora&Kairi without actually knowing that. So it's in Xion he seeks comfort, it's Xion he fawned over, and it's Xion he loved but in platonic way. In the end I think it's possible their platonic love was sort of evolving into romantic interest with how she was caressing Roxas's face, but it was very early and it didn't get a chance to blossom past those final moments.  

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Roxas and Xion make more sense to me. Roxas and Namine may know each other through Sora and Kairi knowing eachother, but, really, Roxas and Namine barely know eachother. If the two of the DO get together, that's great, but still, I guess they are doing a "love a first sight thing" y'know? lol

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Roxas and Xion make more sense to me. Roxas and Namine may know each other through Sora and Kairi knowing eachother, but, really, Roxas and Namine barely know eachother. If the two of the DO get together, that's great, but still, I guess they are doing a "love a first sight thing" y'know? lol

I agree with the Roxas Xion thing since they have known each other for just under a year and were lets be honest, quite close. That said, considering their ties to Sora, that technically makes them siblings.......so......yeah. And with regards to Namine, i could see that happening only because of Soras feelings toward Kairi. Like it has been pointed out, Roxas' only interaction so far with Namine was in the fake Twilight Town and sure she probably gets points for trying to tell him the truth about himself but otherwise, their only other interaction was just before Namine went back to Kairi, so unless they have been able to talk to each other while merged, there frankly is not much basis any feelings between them.

Edited by Zero071

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On 7/25/2013 at 5:28 AM, Zero071 said:

I agree with the Roxas Xion thing since they have known each other for just under a year and were lets be honest, quite close. That said, considering their ties to Sora, that technically makes them siblings.......so......yeah. And with regards to Namine, i could see that happening only because of Soras feelings toward Kairi. Like it has been pointed out, Roxas' only interaction so far with Namine was in the fake Twilight Town and sure she probably gets points for trying to tell him the truth about himself but otherwise, their only other interaction was just before Namine went back to Kairi, so unless they have been able to talk to each other while merged, there frankly is not much basis any feelings between them.

358/2 Days Took Place before Kingdom Hearts 2 According to The Timeline.

Roxas is more of the Brother Figure in his Relationship with Xion, Honestly Not Proven anything CLOSE To Romantic Interest in All Those Scenes.

However, In KH2 Roxas shows more Romantic Interest in Naminé Since At the End He had done his whole speech on them Remembering Each Other and How They would be together as long as Sora and Kairi are. It's more Canon too, In the Third Kingdom Hearts Roxas's Feelings is mentioned by Sora in the Final World when He told Naminé how much Roxas misses her dearly He's referring to The Romantic Feelings He harbours for her.

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2 minutes ago, Jennifer Chen said:

Did you NOT Read My Reply Like At All?

Roxas hardly knows Namine.  He had more time with Xion and more time to develop feelings for her.  Namine was pretty much the girl that manipulated him into forgetting about his time in the Organization and Xion was just a replica that he was doomed to forget.

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