Kinode 3,056 Posted July 9, 2013 (edited) Here's a collaboration of things we all, including some people from Gamefaqs have figured out about the Gameplay: In the subject of Menus: Starting from the top Daybreak town - Takes you back to the day break town, this is where you see the Encounter Button when a Raid is going on, as well as some players form your current Group. World - Returns you to the world you were in. If you weren't in any, it brings you to the select menu. Status - Self explanatory, your name, level, LUX etc. is here AP - What you need to do actions with, can be replenished by pressing the button beside it (Potion), the menu for potions comes up even if you have none BP - What you need to carry out Boss Raids, can be replenished by pressing the button beside it (Ether), the menu for ethers comes up even if you have none The grayed out buttons are also self explanatory since they're in English/numbers, Sound on/off, quality of graphics and Menu Raid Boss (Purple) - Click this to go encounter a Darkside, only appears during events Gift Box - You get rewards from completing missions, you collect them using this Mission List - Tells you the missions you have to do, and lists the most recent ones you cleared Story - Recounts the story so far for you Bottom: World Select - Choose which world you want to enter with this Raid Boss - Similar to the other Raid Boss button but this one is always here. If there isn't a Raid happening, it will show the LUX conflict of the two Groups competing(See: Raids) Party Menu - Brings you to the party menu Edit Deck - You can edit the cards in your deck Card Synthesis - You can upgrade and synthesis cards you have using other cards you have. Keyblade Upgrade - Takes you to the menu to upgrade your Keyblade Card Draw - Brings you to the menu to buy new cards using either Moogle Passes, or Moogle Points. On the subject of cards: The attack cards have two numbers one I believe represents attack power and the other defense. So when the battle starts the game will calculate your damaged dealt based on the attack number and how damage you take based on the defense number. I believe this is why for example at times enemies will deal obscene amounts of damage on a first hit and yet on their next hit they deal pathetic damage, or vise versa. You can switch the cards in your deck, and you can't fuse two cards that are in your deck. Combining two of the same card with the same rarity causes a "Limit Cut". This seems to and increasie its max level by 5 and reduce the number of times you can do another Limit Cut by 1. Though there could be other ways of increasing the max level. Assist cards are HP bonuses and LUX increased rate. Each one will give a boost, so you should update as soon as possible.On the subject of worlds: WORLDS ARE NO LONGER BEING UPDATED IN THIS POST DUE TO NEEDING TOO MANY IMAGES AND BEING TOO HARD TO UPDATE. A THREAD WITH WORLD STORY GUIDES SHOULD BE MADE SOON. FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS FOR SOME WORLDS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT THE THREAD BUT WON'T BE POSTED IN THIS OP. The story objective battles have the same music the encounter battles do, so if you're trying to figure out what to do challenging a few heartless and seeing if you get the boss music is a good way of doing this.In Dwarf Woodlands it seems you have to kill the Large Body in front of the Dwarf 's house. After you beat the large body outside and talk to the one that gave you the mission to kill it. After you talk to him you then go talk to doc where the large body was. After this you have to wait until you are level 26 to continue the story.In Wonderland first you need to speak to the doorknob who is probably telling you you're to big so you need to drink from the bottle, a bottle that a soldier heartless steals. Kill that heartless and talk to the doorknob again to shrink down and enter the forest. From there you need to locate and speak to Alice and eventually during the conversation the white rabbit comes out which she chases after. Chesire cat appears and speaks. You need to be lv14 to enter the Teahouse and talk to the rabbit. After that you can talk to the white rabbit and thanks to help from a friend translating we were able to figure out what he wants you to do. The general gist seems to be the rabbit was running through the earlier part of the forest, fell in the water puddles in there, got drenched, and broke his watch so its missing the 2, 4, 5, and 11. What you need todo is go back to the water puddle section of the forest and you'll see some blue sparkly spots instead of the usual gold ones. Those sparkly spots contain what I assume to be the rabbit's missing numbers, either way you need them so grab them. Once you've got them talk to the rabbit to complete that story section. After that it's another level requirement for the next section this time level 24! Agrabah's story begins with you finding Alladin collapsed in the sand. There are 2 upcoming worlds, being Beast's Castle and Enchanted Dominion, as found in the game's database. On the subject of collectible resources:The sparkles on the maps are collectible items. Even if you can't read Japanese the things you collect are pretty much right where you expect. So if you see a picture of a flower then go to the dwarf woodland's flower patch to find them. These items restock eventually. Many of these items can be used to upgrade your Keyblade and completing quests.A guide on where to find resources is currently being made on this thread. On the subject of Lux:Everyone of your union is collecting Lux. At the end of the week all unions will have all the lux they collected tallied up and the three highest ranked Unions all get prizes. (Prizes to be mentioned) Collecting LUX each week(?) before the LUX reset gives you prizes: 3,500 gives you 2 potions. (a total of 20 AP when used) 5,000 gives 5 bronze moogle tickets. 7,500 gives 3 more moogle cards. 10,000 gives 3 silver moogle tickets.15,000 gives 1 gold moogle ticket.20,000 gives 5 ethers. 30,000 gives 5 potions. 50,000 gives 2 gold moogle tickets. 100,000 gives 5 moogle cards. 200,000 gives 3 gold moogle tickets. 300,000 gives 5 gold moogle tickets. And there are weekly rewards for the people who collect most LUX. They are listed in the link below, in ranking: On the subject of Moogles: Chest Moogles: Sometimes when you open a chest, a Moogle will pop out of it. If you have purchased the special purple orbs(?), you can trade them in for rare cards that can only be obtainable by trading them with the Moogle. You can also gain a free card by selecting the purple/blue orb in the bottom. It'll most likely be an N/N+ Assist card, but it is possible to find R and R+ cards too. Card Draw Moogles: You can access these Moogles at any time by clicking the Card Draw icon on the menu. In the "shop", you can purchase cards by using: SR Premium Passes: Extremely rare Moogle Passes that can be turned in for SR cards. Golden, Silver and Bronze Passes: Rare Moogle Passes that can give N+ - R+ Cards. Golden Passes have a better chance to give R/R+ cards than Silver Passes, and Silver Passes have a better chance than Bronze. Moogle Orbs/Pins: Special points that can be acquired easily through quests and as prizes in Raids. For every 200 points you can get a card, with a higher chance to get N+ than R/R+ cards. On the subject of Raid Bosses: Groups- During Raids, each Union will be divided into groups, whose members will be switched every day. Groups can be seen here: You can see which group you are in and which group you are going against that day. What they are- Raids are competitions between two teams to see which can deal the most damage to the Raid Boss, and who can collect the most daily LUX through them. Over at number 1 you have which team is currently winning the daily LUX competition, below the bar is how much longer the current Raid Boss will stay. Raid bosses always stay for 1 hour, and spawn 20 minutes after the previous one is defeated or escapes. When defeated, the next Boss will be 1 level higher than the defeated one, and when it escapes, it will decrease by 1 level.Over at number 2 you have the health bar of the Darkside, red is the damage your team did, blue is the damage the other team did, and green is its current HP. Below that is your attack (damage multiplier) options, 1x damage, 2.5x damage, or 4x damage. Each one states its BP cost. Using the 1BP option can be useful at keeping a Chain. 1 BP is recovered every 15 minutes. Not considering Chains, 4x damage is most efficient option. Over at number 3 there is the image of a Keyblade. Using that Keyblade against that Raid Boss will give you a "Keyblade Bonus" and you will deal additional damage. If the Raid Boss is low level, it is recommended to use as much BP as possible to kill it faster. However, it's also recommended to spare your BP to use it during LUX UP times. Over at number 4 you have the Chain information. When a team member attacks within 4 minutes of another they get a chain bonus and extra damage is dealt to the Raid Boss. Even if you were the last person to attack you can keep the chain going in hopes others will raise it by attacking. (There is a timer telling you how long you have to do it.) And below number four, if you are on the 3rd tab, there is a history of who attacked last, how much damage they did, when they attacked, and what team they were on. Your first attack on a Raid Boss doesn't cost BP and is a 4 times damage attack. Every time you attack the Raid Boss, you gain great amounts of LUX, depending on how much damage you dealt to it. Each time a Raid Boss is killed, the next one that day is more powerful. It has a bigger damage boost than HP boost if it has an HP boost. Though people will be doing less damage to it in the later "levels" of it because they won't survive as many hits. Each hour,the raid will be reseted. You can give BP to another player in your Union, by clicking the lack button above the Union Sigil. As you give BP to other players, you will also regain as much BP as you give out. You can give 5BP to other players per day, so I recommend you use this only if you believe that you can defeat the current Raid Boss. Regardless of which team wins, having more LUX or dealing more damage, if a Raid Boss is killed, everyone involved will gain prizes. It is impossible for a player to survive more than 5 attacks from the Raid Boss. On the subject of Keyblades: You unlock a different Keyblade every time you finish a world's story, much like usual KH games. You can upgrade your Keblade with raw materials. Keyblades give you boosts based on the command slots. Starlight, for example, will give 10%+ boosts for magic cards when those are used in the second slot and a 10%+ boost for wing/speed/aero attack cards in the third slot. Upgrading you keyblade seems add additional boosts and improve the boosts you already have. An in-progress guide on Keyblade can be found on this thread. On the subject of items: Right now, there are only a few kinds of items: - Ether (allows recovery of power necessary when fighting bosses, BP)- Potion (allows recovery of action power, AP) These can be acquired by completing quests. The GIFT BOX contains a lot of useful items for newbies, including a lot of Moogle Passes that unlock rare, powerful cards. About Parties/Friends: How to join a party. Click the button with the two smiley heads. Then click the bottom right red button. A menu will pop up saying "Search". There are two tabs at the top select the second one. List of other players with two red buttons out beside them. Click the first red button. the one right beside the players level. What you want to look for is a player that has more than one person in their party of 30. Select the bottom right button when you want to join that persons party. Select the left red button. Then you'll be in their party with an AP upgrade. Edited July 16, 2013 by Kinode 16 venxas24, Noobles, JTD95 and 13 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted July 9, 2013 Lol, i laughed when you said you find "Aladdin collapsed in the sand". Thanks for the tips But how do you use BP or give it? I don't know how to do that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted July 9, 2013 Lol, i laughed when you said you find "Aladdin collapsed in the sand". Thanks for the tips But how do you use BP or give it? I don't know how to do that. Basically in Raids, you use BP instead of AP automatically. You'll find you have 5 BP points in the top, they're blue balls. In a raid, you'll startby doing a 4X Attack for 0BP, but then you'll have the option do do 1X for 1bp 2.5 for 2bp 4 for 3bp To give BP to other players, you'll have to click the button under your Union Sigil and then the button next to the amount of BP of any layer in the list you want to give BP to. 1 Izaiah reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted July 9, 2013 Basically in Raids, you use BP instead of AP automatically. You'll find you have 5 BP points in the top, they're blue balls. In a raid, you'll startby doing a 4X Attack for 0BP, but then you'll have the option do do 1X for 1bp 2.5 for 2bp 4 for 3bp To give BP to other players, you'll have to click the button under your Union Sigil and then the button next to the amount of BP of any layer in the list you want to give BP to. Ok then, thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted July 9, 2013 I hope someone can make a translated menu picture for reference at some point... ._. 4 Reyn, Imoore4, Noobles and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noobles 301 Posted July 9, 2013 (edited) Thanks for sharing the information Kinode! Wish I could play but too busy! grr! I hope this open beta is another motivator on me to start learning Japanese Edited July 9, 2013 by Noobles 1 moogleman reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted July 9, 2013 Here's a collaboration of things me and some people from Gamefaqs have figured out about the Gameplay: Note: Most of the sentences written in first person were written by Hirokey123. I don't take credit for all the text even though i found some things out! On the subject of cards: The attack cards have two numbers one I believe represents attack power and the other defense. So when the battle starts the game will calculate your damaged dealt based on the attack number and how damage you take based on the defense number. I believe this is why for example at times enemies will deal obscene amounts of damage on a first hit and yet on their next hit they deal pathetic damage, or vise versa. You can switch the cards in your deck, and you can't fuse two cards that are in your deck. Combining two of the same card with the same rarity causes a "Limit Cut". This has two functions, from what I can see: reduces the number of that card you can have in your deck by one, and increasing its max level by 5. Though there could be other ways of increasing the max level. Assist cards are HP bonuses and LUX increased rate. Each one will give a boost, so you should update as soon as possible. On the subject of worlds: The story objective battles have the same music the encounter battles do, so if you're trying to figure out what to do challenging a few heartless and seeing if you get the boss music is a good way of doing this. In Dwarf Woodlands it seems you have to kill the Large Body in front of the Dwarf 's house. As the thing is pretty high level we're not sure yet what will follow killing it. In Wonderland first you need to speak to the doorknob who is probably telling you you're to big so you need to drink from the bottle, a bottle that a soldier heartless steals. Kill that heartless and talk to the doorknob again to shrink down and enter the forest. From there you need to locate and speak to Alice and eventually during the conversation the white rabbit comes out which she chases after. Chesire cat appears and speaks and that's as far as I(Hirokey123)'ve been able to get. Agrabah's story begins with you findng Alladin collapsed in the sand. There are 2 or 3 upcoming worlds. On the subject of collecting things: Even if you can't read japanese the things you collect are pretty much right where you expect. So if you see a picture of a flower then go to the dwarf woodland's flower patch to find them. It seems these items restock eventually or perhaps there is a trigger needed to make them restock, as it stands I could only acquire 7/10 bottles of water for a long time and then later in the day the water spots were sparkling again allowing me to get the last 3 I needed. On the subject of Lux: Everyone of your union is collecting Lux. At the end of the day all unions will have all the lux they collected tallied up and the one with the highest Lux wins. Not sure what you get for winning hopefully one of us is on the winning union and can tell the others. On the subject of Raid Battles: Each hour,the raid will be reseted. Attacking the boss will damage it till the reset time, thus, you and your team should be attacking the most you can to try to kill it before the reset. You use BP to attack, and using more BP will increase your power drastically. You can give BP to another player too. Looks like that the player that kills or gives the most damage to the Darkside is rewarded, and the battle restarts. After dying about 5 times the game won't let you participate in that Raid anymore. You can give up to 5 BP to other players in your Union in each raid. On the subject of Keyblades: You unlock a different Keyblade every time you finish a world's story, much like usual KH games. You can upgrade your Keblade with raw materials. Keyblades give you boosts based on the command slots. Starlight, for example, will give 10%+ boosts for magic cards when those are used in the second slot and a 10%+ boost for wing/speed/aero attack cards in the third slot. Upgrading you keyblade seems add additional boosts and improve the boosts you already have. On the subject of items: Right now, there are only a few kinds of items: - Ether (allows recovery of power necessary when fighting bosses, BP) - Potion (allows recovery of action power, AP) These can be acquired by completing quests. The GIFT BOX contains a lot of useful items for newbies, including a lot of Moogle Passes that unlock rare, powerful cards. About Parties/Friends: There is a party system granted it doesn't seem anyone know how it works yet. Also, i can't FIND ALICE IN THE FOREST. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rodo 55 Posted July 9, 2013 How do you use assist cards? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted July 9, 2013 How do you use assist cards? You don't use them in battle. they're only there to increase your chances of getting LUX and increase your HP. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMH 7 Posted July 9, 2013 Using my "X" name to post on these forums since I have enough accounts with my usual username. Anyway when I said forest I meant the part of the forest where you're not tiny. If you keep going through the woods, up the leaves, and across the flowers eventually you'll come into a forest section where you're clearly tiny while everything else is huge. There is a log blocking your way by some mushrooms. Touch the mushrooms to grow in size and jump over the log, Alice is in that forest section. At least I think she was, she could be in giant forest sections of earlier but I'm pretty sure she wasn't. Also I can update with a few more steps. After talking to Alice the white rabbit appears and so does the chesire cat, no idea what the Cheshire cat is saying but long story short you'll need to be Lv14 and talk to Cheshire to complete the next story segment. After that you can talk to the white rabbit and thanks to help from a friend translating we were able to figure out what he wants you to do. The general gist seems to be the rabbit was running through the earlier part of the forest, fell in the water puddles in there, got drenched, and broke his watch so its missing the 2, 4, 5, and 11. What you need to do is go back to the water puddle section of the forest and you'll see some blue sparkly spots instead of the usual gold ones. Those sparkly spots contain what I assume to be the rabbit's missing numbers, either way you need them so grab them. Once you've got them talk to the rabbit to complete that story section. After that it's another level requirement for the next section this time level 24! As I'm only lv14 right now I don't know what comes next, anyway I hope this helps some people who might be having trouble in Wonderland. 1 Kinode reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nermin Colakovic 61 Posted July 9, 2013 I have some stuff to add to Agrabah. First you need to enter Agrabah and talk with Aladdin when you enter the city, then you need to go to the castle entrance and talk with the guard, then you go back to the desert and go to the 2nd desert map and talk with aladdin, then you go back to the first desert map and search for a blue sparkling thing. After that you need to be lv 22 for the next quest. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerruss 576 Posted July 9, 2013 Hello, I came here because I thought I should interact with some people I can actually understand when playing KHX [chi].For the Dwarf Woodlands: After you beat the large body outside and talk to the one that gave you the mission to kill it. After you talk to him you then go talk to doc where the large body was. After this you have to wait until you are level 26 to continue the story. Some , LUX, and munny rewards for killing certain heartless. Shadow:2 AP40 2 Lux? Munny Heartless Dwarf:3 AP70 4 Lux200+ Munny.Crescendo:4 AP105 ? lux? MunnyGem bag Thingies:6 AP145 8 LUX900 MunnyBlue nocturne:3 AP70 4 Lux225 Munny. Flying Shadow Flower thing (In wonderland):6 AP160 8 Lux450 MunnyNote: Almost as tough as the large body in the woodlands.Yellow Opera:3 AP70 4 Lux225 MunnySoldier:3 AP65 4 Lux225 MunnyTornado Stomp5 AP135 7 Lux375 MunnyBandit:4 AP95 5 Lux360 MunnyAir Soldier:5 AP125 7 Lux450 Munny Currently I have an issue where I have no quests to give me dark shards, yet I have one to get some. Also after the maintenance I lost the quests that had to be finished by the end of the week. 1 Kinode reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMH 7 Posted July 9, 2013 I believe there was a critical error with those weekly missions that caused the maintenance in the first place and I imagine they were able to get the game back up and running so fast by simply removing the missions and are fixing them in the background. Also curious but what level are you? As either raising your Deck's cost or your own Lv seems to also raise the level of the enemies as Tornado Stompers for me just went from lv11 last night to lv16 this morning after I gained a level. The only problem is I also vastly edited my deck after gaining the level which jacked up my deck's cost so I'm not certain which trigger made their levels raise. Thinking about it though perhaps Lux amount made the levels rise since I have obtained quite a bit of Lux. Thanks for taking the time though to write down those rewards it makes it easier to figure out what to level grind on. 1 Kinode reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerruss 576 Posted July 9, 2013 I do not know what changes enemy levels. And currently I am level 19. And I believe you get a green/speed R+ Sora if you get to level 20 during the OB week. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted July 9, 2013 I do not know what changes enemy levels. And currently I am level 19. And I believe you get a green/speed R+ Sora if you get to level 20 during the OB week. Yep, I forgot to mention this but I found out about i as soon as I started playing yesterday. I really want it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMH 7 Posted July 9, 2013 Really? Is it only for use in the OB or will we be able to use it in the final product, and if so do you think it will be limited to Japan's version of "X" or will be able to use it in a localized "X" if we ever get a localized "X"? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nermin Colakovic 61 Posted July 9, 2013 Any recommendations for where to train? I'm currently lv 18, and I only have 3 rares (had 4 but 2 of them were Rare riku's so I fused one for the level cap raise) : Really? Is it only for use in the OB or will we be able to use it in the final product, and if so do you think it will be limited to Japan's version of "X" or will be able to use it in a localized "X" if we ever get a localized "X"? You will be able to use it in the final product, anyway, if X would get localized you wouldn't get to use your jp account most likely ... as for if we'll get a similar event, who knows? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMH 7 Posted July 9, 2013 I can't kill the air soldiers, Flying shadow (things in wonderland), or tornado stompers but from Tigerruss's list those three are the best . I can't handle them though or can only handle them half the time so right now I'm using the Bandits in Agrabah to train. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerruss 576 Posted July 9, 2013 Any recommendations for where to train? I'm currently lv 18, and I only have 3 rares (had 4 but 2 of them were Rare riku's so I fused one for the level cap raise) : You will be able to use it in the final product, anyway, if X would get localized you wouldn't get to use your jp account most likely ... as for if we'll get a similar event, who knows? Sadly, I would have recommended for you to keep both of those rikus until you found more rares. The only two ways I have ever gotten a rares were from moogle tickets, and a rare assist card from a moogle that came out of a chest. As for where to kill things, if you want to make the most out of your AP, I wouls suggest to Kill Air Soldiers in Agrabuh's desert.Tornado stops in Wonderland are better but harder, and since I think my deck is better than yours and I can hardly survive against the 6AP enemies I wouldn't recommend them. Though if you just want to take it easy a pretty good choice is Cresendos in Wonderland and the Dwarf Woodlands. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted July 9, 2013 I can't kill the air soldiers, Flying shadow (things in wonderland), or tornado stompers but from Tigerruss's list those three are the best . I can't handle them though or can only handle them half the time so right now I'm using the Bandits in Agrabah to train. The gem sacks also give a reasonable amount of EXP, but they take a while to kill... I also want to kill the fling things in Wonderland, I was able to kill them some times, but they're really tough -_- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KMH 7 Posted July 9, 2013 So anyone lv18 you think that's high enough to take on the large body? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted July 9, 2013 There was one girl I was talking to a while ago who said she was Lv 19 already. But someone already defeated it and I already updated what comes after it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerruss 576 Posted July 9, 2013 (edited) How the raid works. It is a competition in between two teams to see who can kill deal the most damage to the darkside, and who can collect the most daily lux. (even if your team doesn't win everyone gets prizes when a darkside destroyed) Over at number 1 you have which team is currently winning the daily lux competition, below the bar is how much longer the current darkside will stay.Over at number 2 you have the health bar of the darkside, red is the damage your team did, blue is the damage the other team did, and green is its current HP. Below that is your attack options, 1x damage, 2.5x damage, or 4x damage. Each one states it's bp cost. The 3BP one is the most efficient use of BP but not always the best. Over at number 3 you have a keyblade, I believe using the showcased keyblade gives the "keyblade" bonus it sometimes says when you fight the darkside. Over at number 4 you have the chain information. When a team member attacks within 4 minutes of another they get a chain bonus and extra damage is dealt to the darkside. Even if you were the last person to attack you can keep the chain going in hopes others will raise it by attacking. (if you notice there is a timer that tells you how long you have to do it) And below number four, if you are on the 3rd tab, there is a history of who attacked last, how much damage they did, when they attacks, and what team they were on. One last note your first attack on a darkside doesn't cost BP and is a 4 times damage attack.Edit: I forgot to say that each time a Darkside is killed, the next one that day is more powerful. It has a bigger damage boost than HP boost if it has an HP boost. Though people will be doing less damage to it in the later "levels" of it because they won't survive as many hits. Edited July 9, 2013 by Tigerruss 1 Kinode reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nermin Colakovic 61 Posted July 9, 2013 Sadly, I would have recommended for you to keep both of those rikus until you found more rares. The only two ways I have ever gotten a rares were from moogle tickets, and a rare assist card from a moogle that came out of a chest. As for where to kill things, if you want to make the most out of yourAP, I wouls suggest to Kill Air Soldiers in Agrabuh's desert.Tornado stops in Wonderland are better but harder, and since I think my deck is better than yours and I can hardly survive against the 6AP enemies I wouldn't recommend them. Though if you just want to take it easy a pretty good choice is Cresendos in Wonderland and the Dwarf Woodlands. I think I'll stick to the Air soldiers then (been training on them for a while, most likely I can handle them because of my mushu and sora card ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rodo 55 Posted July 9, 2013 I keep running out of AP. I know levelingl up it restores it fully and potions can help restore it. Other than just waiting, is there anyother way? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites