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Post your own Painful Past...

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So yeah,in this topic,you can post your Painful Past that you have been through in your lives.However,it's okay if you don't want to if your past are too painful.The motives on this topic is that to know each others and mend the bonds together with all the members....and for the beginning, i will start mine :



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So yeah,that's it about my past.What's yours?

Edited by Hazimie

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My father abandoned us and went to America without a care in the world.  Honestly though I'm a heartless bitch but I feel this is more acceptable than "my boyfriend cheated on me wah"

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  On 7/7/2013 at 3:02 PM, Caity Raindrop said:

My father abandoned us and went to America without a care in the world.  Honestly though I'm a heartless bitch but I feel this is more acceptable than "my boyfriend cheated on me wah"

damn, sucks to hear that :/Hope things turn around for you

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well the most painful moment for me was when I was getting bullied when I was little around the age of 5. Me and my best friend where playing around in the woods till some people who where older came but they hated me coz of what I wear and my behaviour, but that day was a nightmare they start to come after me but one of them held back my best friends so he could not help me, after a little bit of running they got me and started to beat me up one of them almost coz me to lost my left eye sight (but I can still see out of it) after that the picked me up a throw me in a pool where I cant swim.


I cant remember what happened next...

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Well mine isn't that emotional but here goes


Basically In my 7th grade year I lost who I was. I wanted girls but more or less people to like me for who I was. Let's just say me changing didn't actually help me that much. People more or less started to like me less because of it and thought I shouldn't have changed. Now some people liked the new me but I didn't want to lose these old friends the few I had anyways. So being at the lowest of my low losing old friends, no girls liking me, me missing friends who moved the past year, and losing my best friend who I gained in sixth grade to a relationship where my best friend forgot I existed, and my parents kept fighting every day and my Dad kept telling me about how my mom cheated on him it was to much for me to handle so I was sad. Then one day I heard about Persona 4 and i watched videos about how the characters faced themselves. So I decided I would face myself and become someone new and true to myself. I vowed to never let that happen again so I guess that was my worst moment in my life. I guess that's also why I love persona 4 so much and p4 also taught me to start caring for people again. So I thank persona 4 for what it did really it helped change my life for the better Now i have new friends who care about me and my parents have stopped fighting so much. So I'm a lot happier now though. 


Edit: That same Friend who because of the girl he went out with they broke up. Now he's Trying to be my friend again  huh Life's funny that way huh. 

Edited by verdesthe

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Well,after this family fight (for like the trillionth time in this piece of shit house) I once cried myself to sleep for the first time in years, realizing that i would pretty much have no family by the time i was 18 or something.But well here's some good news: After realizing that this family is actually one of the reasons i'm always so pissed off and upset(the fighting between either my mom and dad, my sister and dad, my sister and mom or just both my sisters has never failed to ruin my day), I'm actually looking forward to that day.Not my most depressing memory, but, well they're all just equally shitty, so like it matters.

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I mainly had physical problems heh


I was born with a hole in my heart that made me unable to even breathe without a machine hooked up to me. The first few months after I was born, I was in the hospital. My mom said that I was suffocated when I was born and I almost looked blue. (which is why some people call me a smurf lol.) I was also born with problems in my back, but I didn't find out about that until I was 11 years old.

In between that time, I always walked on my toes and I never grew out of it. Then my back and my legs hurt more often as I got older. When I was 11, I got an MRI scan showing that my vertebrate had fallen out of line with the rest of my spine. It was around 80% off of where it should've been. This stretched out my spinal cord and made it very painful. This also was why I walked on my toes, because the spine affected the tendons in my legs.

I had major back surgery in the end of 6th grade. I couldn't lift anything more than 5 lbs, so I was dependent on a lot of people. I hated being dependent, too. But I never had trouble looking for people willing to help me. My classmates would basically fight over who got to carry my books to my next classes.

The titanium plates, pins, and screws they put in my back will be there the rest of my life. It's pretty cool though, because I can literally say "I AM TITANIUM!"


That's about it. Nothing really depressing, but if I went into full detail it'd be much more saddening :)))))

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I have an extreme case of ADHD, and several other behavioral disabilities, And I've had them since I was really young. As a result, I was put on a lot of different medications though my childhood. Some would work well for a while, then i built up an immunity to them after a few months, or they didn't work at all. So when I was going through elementary school, I had a hard time keeping my disorders in check and I would act out or get in trouble quite frequently. I was the first child born, so my parents had no clue how to control me. My mom has anger issues, and my dad had come back from Operation Desert Storm and was dealing with the PTSD he had suffered from digging mass graves while in the war. And because of them being unable to find ways of controlling me correctly, I was beaten by them on a somewhat regular basis.


I'm not talking about spanking, or getting a slap on the cheek. I'm talking about getting pinned to the floor and getting beat by my parents. I was beaten with a baseball bat, whipped with vacuum and telephone cords, and thrown into my wall-mounted shelves one time. This continued through my junior high and high school years. I was in quite a few therapists offices, as were my parents, when I eventually told my school about my situation. The therapy helped my dad out quite a bit, but my mom, being so stubborn and childish, didn't feel as she did anything wrong. So this continued up until my Junior year of high school, and because of those reasons, and my parents getting a divorce, my grades suffered, and I had to be transferred to the school for "the bad kids," because of it.


At that point, i didn't care about anything, so I skipped school frequently, started smoking, did a bunch of things I'm not proud of. That was until i was told that I wouldn't graduate on time with my class, and that I had to stay an extra half of the school year, after my senior year. To make a long story short,  I got my shit together and learned how to control my feelings and impulses, to the point where I don't need medication, and was able to shorten the length of which I had to stay to graduate. And my relationship with my parents? Well, for the most part its good, I currently live with my dad at the moment, and we seem to get along well, and I love my mom, but her attitude and her immaturity inhibit me from wanting to be around her for lengthy periods of time.

Edited by Paranoia

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Let's just say I have a lot of unlearning to do from a lifetime of being, well, me, and from a lifetime of living with parents who really didn't do a good job of preparing me for the good ol' real world.  Even if I love them, they're too disconnected from the human condition for them to have taught me wisdom that really would've helped to learn then instead of later, after the damage had been done.


Of course, I didn't do underage drinking or drugs or (actively or consciously) rebel, and they praised me for that, but when you're defined by what you don't do, it sorta says something about you.  I was pretty incompetent at being a functioning human being and my parents didn't do much to help, in spite of or because of them.  I was far closer to my brother, and even to this day, much of my wisdom comes from him.  It was either from him, other credible sources, and pretty much from everywhere except my parents.  That, or I learned it myself.


I'm pretty sure most of the friends I had back in the day only hung out with me because they felt sorry for me.  I got picked on a lot, 90 percent of it brought on myself.  When you're tiny girl with massive hair, only showered once a week, paraded her shitty animu drawings around like she was a good artist (even volunteering for the art side of projects despite how much she sucked), and chased her bullies around in the stupid hope it would teach them a lesson (it didn't), you can imagine I was a pretty easy target.  When I didn't share my lunch period with my friends, I usually hid and ate in the bathroom to get away from it all.  You may feel sorry for me, but keep in mind none of it would've happened if I was smart enough to know what I was doing wrong and listening to the people who flat out told me why they were giving me hell.  I'm proof that there are cases where, yes, the victim really is to blame.


Of course, that didn't do much for my social skills.  Or my "ability to function independently" skills.  I was and still am a late bloomer, always the last to get everything that should be common knowledge/common sense to my peers.  That's not to say I never get it, but I always get it, like, five steps behind everyone else.  Lots of damage and embarrassment could've been avoided if I got it on time, but no, that's never been the case.  And this is gonna get me hard further down the line, when there won't be anyone around to teach me what should be the basics to everyone else in society.


Things are picking up lately, but it was only after a lifetime of being, uh... me.  Either I found it on my own, or someone who weren't my parents--the people who should've taken charge of teaching me how to function--taught it to me.  I'm lucky to have people throughout my life who were willing to put up with me and my incompetence.  I'm getting out more, thankfully.  Iin the past, when I wasn't at school or dragged with the parents to run errands, I was holed up in my room doing everything except the things I was supposed to be doing (aka schoolwork and learning how to do stuff besides playing video games and surfing the internet).  In fact, much of my being proactive came from actively going against what I've internalized from my parents.  Of course, they wanted me to get out more, but they had narrow qualifications for the "good" and "bad" kind of getting out.  To my mom at least, the "bad" was anything that I didn't get paid for.  She doesn't know how to go out and experience the world, and she's goddamn proud of herself for it.


So yeah, my entire life revolves around dealing with incompetence, both from myself and from the people who are supposed to make me competent.  It's not that fun, but at least I'm getting myself out of that hole, one ledge at a time.

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Well I don't have much to say other than when I tried befriending others they decided to use that as a weakness, and decide to just insult me, and the one person who cared about me is best friends with one of them, and what's worse, is he's (my "friend") is best friends with the one who wants me dead. I can't forgive him but I can forgive anyone else who insults me. Maybe it's because he's best friends with him or something? I don't really know. Strange how I forget I was really tortured with malice (I think tortured with malice is an okay word for it??? Idk) yet I forgive them and not the one who cared (and now I'm just repeating). It could be because he was very clueless that I was suffering from them... Hell ever since then, I just insult myself. You see my title? That's what I think of myself both here and offline. And it may be because of it...

Edited by WingedIcarus

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Nah of mine in few words. 

I never get peoples.

My friends... Some now don't remember me,some hates me now.

My elementary school. LIKE A GETTO. I growed up with videogames, and english cartoon-network then I early begin learn another cultures, and languages.

In elementary/primary school, I get some friends, but they begin hates me, because I never lied, I loved reading and games. I always thinked my boy classmates like bros.

After they begins hate me , I don't know why, they said, because I speak too fast(that's true, but really hate because this?), Im too tall and blah blah. I allways hated saw somebody hurt the weakest peoples, or hurt another person feeling, I always defensed the weakest peoples, then I usually has fights. I beated some boys.After now I went to highschool, now I saw spoiled b*** rich classmates, whos speaking idiotic gossips in my back. Seriously. Now they dislike me, because I "weird"-love games and speaking fast. Something never change. 

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@Lea O_O Wow Lea, im so sorry that happened to you. :(


Well, if you want my past, so be it.


I was very very coddled AND EXTREMELY SENSITIVE LIKE THE REST OF MY FAMILY ON MY DADS SIDE, and an only child when i was young, thanks to my mom, and that screwed me over when i started going to school. Since i was an only child, i didn't know how to share with anyone(but i got over that quick). Since i was so coddled and innocent, i never dreamed that the kids could be so cruel. I was always called "Shorty" by EVERYONE save for the few people who i was kind too, who became my friends.  I only had like 2 people though. -_- I got over it in second grade, thanks to my dad showing me its not so bad, and they stopped. :) But still, i was picked on. I never did ANYTHING TO ANYONE to deserve what i got, they just picked on me since i was wimpy, and a crybaby. I barely cried before i went to school, at least thats what my parents say, since i was always happy at home and had no real reason to be sad.


The only good years i had in Elementary were 3rd and 4th grades. Everything else was SHIT. My parents almost divorced in 2nd grade, and that alone made me really depressed. In 5th, i was bullied, though in the beginning i kinda started by punching the guy who threw a ball at me(THough he was my friend, and he was doing that playfully, not to hurt me, and i was too sensitive and turned it into something alot worse) and then he started bullying me. It got physical, and i moved to another class in the same school. In someways that was a good thing, because it allowed me to get a backbone finally and fight back, and it made me realize, i had to get my sensitivity under control and not be so quick to get angry and pissed. And to realize, i lost a good friend because of my actions. We made up and became friends again in Middle School, but still. Its because of ALL THESE THINGS that i ended up hating school, not because it was boring. Though the boring part did help. My fantastic Middle School made me realize that it wasnt that i thought school was boring that i hated it, it was because of the bad memories that i had in Elementary that really contributed to me hating it in the end.


Middle school was good, so im not gonna elaborate on it except for one thing. I was bullied in 7th grade by this stupid ass called Roland. I didn't do ANYTHING to piss him off, he just picked on me for the fun of it. Eventually he started hitting me, and it got physical.

So, then the principal had him moved to a different set of classes. Then his best friend found out what i did, and HE STARTED picking on me. But he got over it, he's a cool guy. Roland is still a douchebag though. But this experience was also good for me, as i realized, i was a wimp, and even though i have the will to fight back and not be pushed around, what good is it if i can't even defend myself successfully. So i started working out, and am still working out now, 1 year and a half later. Ive bulked up alot more, and im ready for anything that might come in high school. Im one of the examples that Kids can be REALLY CRUEL.


So yeah, i had a dark past. But, im looking to the future, and ignoring the bad stuff, as it'll only drag me down. I know that now.

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I cannot remember before the age of eight. I only remember very small things. I was eight when I moved and that is why I was very anti-social when I first came here.

My parents have many things they don't tell me. From the information I have gathered, some of my distant relatives are murderers. I wasn't in school a lot during 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. In third grade, I always had gotten sick because I have celic disease. In those three grades I was sent to the city to get test ran on me. I had a lot  of test done on me. And after all those test, the doctors stopped saying that I had nothing wrong with me. Just a month ago, my mom told me I way clairvoyant. I have had my clairvoyant moments. Last week we went somewhere and I knew I'd been there before. Everyone in my family swore that we'd never been there. 

I've always been an outcast because of my size and I'm going into High School and turning anti-social again because I have been betrayed. Since May, my family has became rather abusive to me. My bipolar sister cusses me out and beats me up. My parents ignore me and don't listen to me. 

Me, knowing that I'm different, knowing I don't remember eight years of my life...knowing I'm a psychic slightly. 

I have had odd experiences before. I've spoken to an angel I guess you could call her.

Odd things have happened to me and I'm just waiting. Waiting for something to happen. I'm ready for anything. 

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It's really long so spoiler tags.



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The uncle who everyone in my family loved, and even some of my own friends really liked, and that I trusted and thought of as more of a father then my actual father turned out to be a child molester.

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  On 7/7/2013 at 7:51 PM, Flaming Lea said:

Anyways, this is just a basic synopsis and I have left some stuff out for reasons but my point to this post is, be careful who you judge and how you treat people and do not assume you think you know who they are and what their lives have been . You may be surprised.

Totally agreed.  My childhood does seem that bad now.


Let's see - I have so much to say.  To start, because I have ADHD teachers at school always thought I couldn't do the stuff I was capable of.  I had to fight to get into honors classes in high school.  In middle school I was the reject of the rejects and the friends I had were only being nice to me to make fun of me like everyone else.  I was just so happy to make friends that I didn't even notice it because I always wanted to have friends my age so I could always have someone to partner with.  The best thing that happened to me was them going to a different high school.


My childhood was bad, but not as bad as what some of you talked about.  Thank you all, especially Flaming Lea, for showing me that.  We are fighters, and I'm so happy to have friends who know what a childhood of hardships is like.

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