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Silvia Kuroi

I need help..

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Hey guys.


I'm sure..some of you know me. And well..I need help.


I don't intend to spill everything, so here's what I intend to say:


I'm sure plenty of you have seen my statuses, 90% which are emotional updates on the fact that I'm sad, a lot. This is due to that fact that I have Mild Clinical Depression, and what I believe to be an Inferiority Complex. Please, do not argue with me over whether or not those facts are true. I'm not in the right mood to do anything.


Due to that, I can be very easily brought down into sadness..and one of the worst seems to be happening right now. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I don't want to explain why (No matter how detrimental that may be), I just need tips. Advice. Anything to cheer myself up. I can't take much of this depression; I can't take the fact that I feel trapped without any way to escape.




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Hey guys.


I'm sure..some of you know me. And well..I need help.


I don't intend to spill everything, so here's what I intend to say:


I'm sure plenty of you have seen my statuses, 90% which are emotional updates on the fact that I'm sad, a lot. This is due to that fact that I have Mild Clinical Depression, and what I believe to be an Inferiority Complex. Please, do not argue with me over whether or not those facts are true. I'm not in the right mood to do anything.


Due to that, I can be very easily brought down into sadness..and one of the worst seems to be happening right now. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I don't want to explain why (No matter how detrimental that may be), I just need tips. Advice. Anything to cheer myself up. I can't take much of this depression; I can't take the fact that I feel trapped without any way to escape.




Hiya, i'm Eternal, if you need someone to talk to i'm willing to listen and give advice, i just need some kind of detail about what might be upsetting you and i'll do my best from there. i have other friends who also suffer from depression and people commonly come to me for advice so if you need a friend to talk to or a shoulder to lean on i'll do my best to cheer you up. ^_^

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I'm not entirely sure about anything that could actually help you, but whenever I'm feeling down I try to go on long walks, listening to music that makes me feel happy and try to remember all of the good times and try to forget about the bad ones. I know that's probably not helpful, but that's all I got :(


Other than that, remember that there are a lot of people, even on this site, that I'm sure are willing to hear about your problems and lend you an ear!

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Hiya, i'm Eternal, if you need someone to talk to i'm willing to listen and give advice, i just need some kind of detail about what might be upsetting you and i'll do my best from there. i have other friends who also suffer from depression and people commonly come to me for advice so if you need a friend to talk to or a shoulder to lean on i'll do my best to cheer you up. ^_^


Thank you.


I'm not entirely sure about anything that could actually help you, but whenever I'm feeling down I try to go on long walks, listening to music that makes me feel happy and try to remember all of the good times and try to forget about the bad ones. I know that's probably not helpful, but that's all I got :(Other than that, remember that there are a lot of people, even on this site, that I'm sure are willing to hear about your problems and lend you an ear!


I know of some people who are more than happy to be help..thankfully. Though for me, forgetting about the bad isn't so easy.

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have u tried to listening to music, watch any funny movies, talk to people who are funny and great to get along with? or just find some very very cute animal photos?

or u can all ways make new friends coz some times they could be going thought the same thing but you would be able to help each other out and make each other happy.

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If you've been formally diagnosed, you should have a prescription.  You can try the things people say make them feel better, but with depression, since it's a chemical imbalance, those things may not work without a prescription to right the balance.  If you are taking medication, there could be two things going on.  If you just started taking it, it won't really affect for a few days because it has to build up in your system.  That or the prescription amount isn't high enough.  You may have to see your doctor again if you don't feel like it's doing much.  

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If you've been formally diagnosed, you should have a prescription.  You can try the things people say make them feel better, but with depression, since it's a chemical imbalance, those things may not work without a prescription to right the balance.  If you are taking medication, there could be two things going on.  If you just started taking it, it won't really affect for a few days because it has to build up in your system.  That or the prescription amount isn't high enough.  You may have to see your doctor again if you don't feel like it's doing much.  


I have taken tests for it, and my doctor is aware that I am borderling for serious depression, but we're still working on things before a real prescription can be handed out. Even then, I don't want a drug. I don't want to have to take a pill every day just to feel 'normal'.

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Hey, Silver! Try not to feel down, and just relax with things that will make you happy! Nothing too big even, enjoy the little things, as everyone says. Be it a funny movie or video, some pictures, or a hobby. Talk to me whenever you need to, and I'll try to help you as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to talk to people when you feel like this though, okay?
Let's get you started on some little things. What do you think can cheer you up a bit? Watch this for now, I find it very cheerful to watch ^_^

Nothing too much, just a cheerful and adorable little video
Gotta love the neko cats :P

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