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Are you vegetarian/vegan/pescetarian/flexetarian?

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Yes, I'm a vegetarian. 


Vegan - No animal products AT ALL.

Vegetarian - doesn't eat animal meat. 

Pescetarian - doesn't eat animal meat, but eats fish. 

Flexetarian - semi vegetarian, eats meat occasionally 

Pollotarian - eats only white meat 

Edited by TripleNipple

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No, I love meat.


Though I do know a number of people who call themselves vegetarian but are basically pescetarian or flexetarian, they've just never heard of it so call themselves veggie


The only vegan I know is a dick.  He stole my weed (also sexually assaulted a number of girls but damn my weed)

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I dont agree with the way animals are tortured while they are still alive, and worry people go into the slaughter house jobs for the wrong reasons.

But i also firmly believe that taking supplements for the vitamins recieved from eating meat is not nearly as effective and we have been hunting even back as far as when we lived by our instincts as hunter gatherers so why should we stop. i just think that we should do it more humanely and am disgusted and upset by the way it is currently being done.

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If I lived in America, I might consider being a pescetarian. I know that animals in slaughterhouses down there are treated cruelly and forced to go through so much pain. ;~;


But it's really hard for me because I love meat and I think the nutrients it provides are important. Human are omnivores after all.


Though from what I hear, animals in Canadian slaughterhouses are treated humanely (and I sincerely hope this is true) which is why I'm okay with eating meat.

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I'm none of these.... though I could consider being a flexetarian :3

No, I love meat.


Though I do know a number of people who call themselves vegetarian but are basically pescetarian or flexetarian, they've just never heard of it so call themselves veggie


The only vegan I know is a dick.  He stole my weed (also sexually assaulted a number of girls but damn my weed)

Your stories are so fizzity-ucking cool

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A vegetarian. I wasn't technically born as a vegetarian and neither was my entire family, it was due to a lot of problematic situations that lead us to becoming vegetarians. I still don't get how those problems led to our eating habits, but I honestly don't like meat at all. I care too much about animals and I just apparently can't change my eating habits. xD 

Edited by Shana09

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None of them. I still know that animals are treated badly and that bothers me. But I've always eated meat and I like it and I'm not going to stop eating it even though I know it's not so ethical. But I've been thining that I could sometimes eat vegetarian food even though I'd also sometimes eat food with meat, so that I wouldn't at least use as much meat as I do now. I'm sure that would be at least a bit better. I've been planning to start to eat like that when I'll live on my own (pretty soon) because then I'll be able to make my own food so it'll be easier. Not sure will I succeed but I really hope so.

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by your definition i'm flexitarian, but the correct term is pollotarian i believe! flexitarians dont USUALLY eat meat but eat it on occasions. pollotarians just eat white meat. i havent eaten red meat for about a year and i tried to going to vegetarian but it was difficult due to where i live.

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I was a vegetarian for 6 years (my cousin inspired me). I didn't even know such thing as a flexetarian existed so I guess I would be that. I think I might actually be a vegetarian again, I've been considering it for a few weeks now.

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