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Kingdom Hearts Gaurdian

What do YOU think needs to happen with Sora and Kiari?

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At the end of the first kingdom hearts game, it showed Kiari walking through destiny island caves and finding Sora's rock drawing on the wall.  She draws her own image, basically saying that she wants to be with him.  Sora sacrifices so much too be able to reunite with Riku and Kiari along his journeys, and when he finally finds her at the end of the second game all they do is clasp hands.  Yeah he returned to her but doesn't there need too be more?  How should KH3 go about their relationship?

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As sweet as it would be, KH is about friendship not romance so I doubt it will happen .


Succinct way of putting it.


My personal view is that it will be left mostly ambiguous. Whenever Sora thought of Kairi in KHII it was implied he had romance on his mind, but 'romance on their minds' may be as far as Nomura takes the relationship onscreen. They might be holding hands by the end of the game and looking at each other lovingly, but it won't be a main plot thread. 

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Even if it's just like a heat of the moment thing and they don't know what to do about it later on and get all awkward and shy around each other afterward they need to kiss.


I think I read somewhere that Nomura wants to put more romance between Sora and Kairi in future titles. Plus, it is a Disney game, and how many Disney movies, specifically the classic ones based on fairy tales, end with the hero kissing the girl?

Answer: ALL OF THEM!


If they don't kiss by the end of KHIII, I may just have to say "Well, it's been a fun ride, but this feels like a natural stopping point."

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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I would want them to confess their love to each other, then kiss, while they're holding hands. Then Riku would teasingly hum the "here comes the bride" theme with a record-skipping effect in the background, then Sora & Kairi would should "RIKU!" at him, while their heads would look really large & their eyes blank, then Riku would run away, cackling while Sora & Kairi are chasing after him, showing them running into town, followed by an iris out, showing the words "The End", with me shouting "Buh-Bye!" in the background, while Mickey, Donald & Goofy giggle afterwards. Whaddaya guys think of that kind of ending?

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They so obviously like each other. I can't stand the suspense! i'll settle for a friking peak on the cheek like vaan and penello at the end of FFXII RW.

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You forgot that Kairi shed a little tear in her eye after she saw the drawing of her and Sora in the draw. Which I think she had deep feelings for Sora. And remember after Sora and Kairi reunited at The World That Never Was Sora and Kairi hug each other after one year of separation. I think Sora should a least tell Kairi about his feelings for her. I think he should tell Kairi to stay by his side for as long as possible and they should always be their for each other.

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I Think They Should Kiss. At The Very End Of End Of KH I And II Sora And Kairi Shared Affection In The Final Scenes. Those Are Some Of The Best Scenes

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I wouldn't mind if they kick it up a notch, but nothing major as in KISS...I think holding hands will suffice, plus Riku as a third wheel...

Edited by Neos

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I think Sora and Kairi should have an epic final battle to the death and the winner gets to share a Paopu Fruit with Riku xD


On topic: I think they should at least share a Paopu Fruit with each other...that would be a cute way to go. Heck even have all 3 of them share it so Riku doesn't feel left out or becomes a 3rd wheel.

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Share a paopu fruit and kiss, just share one, kiss, or end with holding hands at sunset with something confirming they got together.


Like Riku saying, as it fades to black...


"About time...useless without us indeed."

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They need to decide whether a romance is going to form or if they are just going to stay good friends. Right now it's just awkward to see the two of them together because you are not sure how to look at them in relation to each other. 


I think they should stay friends. KH has been preaching "Friendship is Magic" before it was cool. 


Plus, they are always separated. How can a (believable) relationship form when the two never spend more than 10 minutes together before separating because ZOMG HERTLEZZ N NOBOODEIZ.


If any romance happens in KH I think it should be between Roxas and Namine. They've actually spent time together and are kinda already a couple (that scene in KH2 still makes no sense but I guess it's cannon). 

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They need to decide whether a romance is going to form or if they are just going to stay good friends. Right now it's just awkward to see the two of them together because you are not sure how to look at them in relation to each other.  I think they should stay friends. KH has been preaching "Friendship is Magic" before it was cool.  Plus, they are always separated. How can a (believable) relationship form when the two never spend more than 10 minutes together before separating because ZOMG HERTLEZZ N NOBOODEIZ. If any romance happens in KH I think it should be between Roxas and Namine. They've actually spent time together and are kinda already a couple (that scene in KH2 still makes no sense but I guess it's cannon). 

They spent ten years together, then the months after KH2 and before KH3D.

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Cheeck Kiss, Come On, At Least That!! They Need To Make Up For How Sora Nearly Cried On His Knees With His Face In Riku's Hand. Paopu Fruit And Cheeck Kiss From Kairi Would Be Perfect For Me.. *Fantasizes*

They spent ten years together, then the months after KH2 and before KH3D.

Actually, I Don't Think More Than A Month Passed Between II And 3DAnd, To Be Fair, I Only Found The Girl I Love Because She Became My Best Friend First. Why Would It Be Wrong For Sora And Kairi?? Riku Kinda Tried To Hook Them Up In KHI!! Ha Ha Edited by Pretium

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