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My First Tattoo

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I hope you'll still be happy with it 40 years from now..



You know, I really hope I'm stilling keeping up with Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 40 years on! Even if I'm not, it has a story to tell, as will any other additions to my body that may or may not follow :)

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Hey guys!



I was going through some of my old stuff the other day after moving house and dug up some old text book pages from school covered in doodles (I'm pretty sure I've posted them on here somewhere.... meh, see my profile for links) and found a doodle that I wanted to turn into ink. So I whipped out my drawing pad, re-sketched it and modified the font and went down to a local tattoo place and got it done over the weekend. It's my first, and I'm so damn happy with it and that I designed it myself :)

I love it! I have a KH tattoo as well, so I applaud your dedication ^_^

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I love it! I have a KH tattoo as well, so I applaud your dedication ^_^


Thanks :D What do you have and where? :)


Niceeeeeee. Did it hurt when you got it?


Well, for the first 10 mins yes, then it just was uncomfortable - like a white-hot scratching sensation. the letters at the bottom of my wrist were the worst. Words hurt xD

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