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HER0/ERADICATION... (closed.)

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"Gave up on you. I...I was the one who came back to make sure YOU were alright. You say I'm giving up on you. Ha I tell you not to kill someone and I'm giving up on you. I try to distract him so you can get away and you run off on me" She was mad she wanted to cry. Curling into a ball she relized that everything was in vain.

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"No if anything I'll kill him but...but I made a deal to come back here so I have to go back but its not like you would care" she said standing and looking at him. this felt to her the ardest thing she'd ever done.

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"Shut up just don't say another word." She yelled and dropped from the tree and running off. Everything hurt. she hid and the blood poured down her arm but this time she knew about it.

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She knew he wouldn't follow. "heh I must have been delusional to think he liked me must have been an idiot to think anyone loved me ha" she muttered and the gashes seemed to get deeper and the world dimmer.

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Aaron couldn't stand himself... he had hurt the one woman he loved. The one PERSON he loved... she was always there for him...

And now?

She couldn't hate him more.



Kunai walked up to Roxy...

"I'm releasing you of your vow... you may go free. It turns out you are nothing close to what I need. "

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Kunai let out a blood curdling laugh...

All had fell in place... he weakened her. Made her promise something, something she wouldn't even have to do. then lost everything for it...

He was cut short in the middle of his laugh.

Blood seeped from his chest... he looked down... seeing the edge of a sword through his heart... Aaron stood behind him, hilt pressed to his back...


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Aaron pulled the sword out of Kunai... blood soaked, Aaron wiped the blade off on his pant leg.


Kunai face him... and went to bring a karate chop to his neck... Aaron dodged the move in synch.

Kunai swung another, again, Aaron new the exact way to dodge or block it... they bounced off one another. Being brothers, they were trained in the same style of fighting,

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Aaron flipped over Kunai... bringing a foot to the back of his head. Kunai fell... Aaron loomed over him, but Kunai kicked himself up to his feet and sprung off Aaron... throwing him off balance.

Aaron was about to fall, Kunai roundhouse kicked him..

Aaron slid to the ground and hit a tree trunk..."Damn that hurt!"

He took the switch blade from earlier and hurled it at Kunai... Kunai easily doged... the blade kept flying, and landed beside Lu.

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Kunai laughed... he kicked his sword off the ground and into his hand.

Aaron would have to dodge or disarm the weapon... as he was useless against it.

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Kunai was stabbed all the way through... base of the handle right up to his skin and blde through his chest.

There was no coming back from this one...

His vision faded... noises turned to Echoes in his ears. And he fell to his knees... then slumped to the ground.

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