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The Last of Us 2 ?

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So do you think there will be a TLOU 2 ?


I really hope so the game was amazing, beautiful story, awsome graphics it just had it all.

The last of us couldnt had a bigger open ending, so what makes my think there wil be a part 2.

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So do you think there will be a TLOU 2 ?


I really hope so the game was amazing, beautiful story, awsome graphics it just had it all.

The last of us couldnt had a bigger open ending, so what makes my think there wil be a part 2.

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I agree, it's too soon to be thinking on the possibility on another The Last Of Us game.  Seeing as how the game is titled The Last Of Us, I'm thinking that there might not be a sequel, but hey, knowing Naughty Dog's history with the Uncharted and Jak and Daxter franchises, it's not impossible either.

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There really should be a second one,since i noticed something was wrong with the spot where Ellie was bitten..it may have been just me but I could have sworn there were bumps on it.

The game was amazing though^^ The relationship between Joel and Ellie reminded me of Lee and Clementine's relationship in the Walking Dead.

Maybe if they do make a second one it will be when Ellie is an adult,or a little older and the apocalypse is still going on and suchness.

Edited by lolitacosplayer

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So do you think there will be a TLOU 2 ?


I really hope so the game was amazing, beautiful story, awsome graphics it just had it all.

The last of us couldnt had a bigger open ending, so what makes my think there wil be a part 2.

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I'm wondering about if/when Kh4 is coming.... Im not soon (A)

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Naughty Dog has already said the universe for The Last of Us is ripe for new stories. They clearly will make money off this game, and we all know what happens when games make money. The game doesnt need a sequel.

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Thought they already had domains like "The Last of Us 2" and so on?


They would not need to use an "old" character, btw. There are enough places and people around that world. I would find it nice if there would be more than two main characters.

If they wanted to use the old ones there would be only one way for me:



If the remaining Fireflies try to find Ellie, so that she and Joel need to leave Tommy's village


Edited by Henne

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I hope there is a sequel since this is one of the few games that i can honestly say is one of the best games of this generation.


Spoiler Alert:

Because in the end it was so perfect and dofferent from what you'd expect, Ellie obviously knew Joel was lying and the truth no matter how much it would hurt, she was still willing to be by his side, not sure if she really trusts him 100% afterwards, thats why its open opinion. It would be cool to explore a story where the two have to rekindle their trust, and at the same time are on the run from other fireflies. Or follow a new character and learn what become of them. Hopefully if they change characters.... You'll play as Ellie cause shes awesome.

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