X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted July 20, 2013 (edited) Kiru looked down at the heartless "Hm, maybe I should give you a name?" She said aloud. She looked up as more heartless appeared infront of her "How many are there?" Kiru sighed then got into a fighting stance before she could attack, she could here a snap of a finger but she didn't know where it came from but in a blink of an eye the heartless were gone except for her new friend. "Show yourself!" Kiru yelled out but there was no response. She decided to keep walking after a couple of minutes. Kiru came across a broken piece of glass on the ground, she held it up so she could see her face but this reflection looked familiar, it looked like the same figure she saw earlier. It smirked evily then said 'I told you I'd help you'"Why did you?"'Because like it or not we need eachother, I need a host and you need my power""I dont need anything from you!" Kiru yelled out, not beliving what the figure was saying.The reflection chuckled darkly then shook its head 'Oh but you do, your weak without me you know that?'Kiru shook her head then threw the glass on the ground making it shatter into more bits and pieces 'Wether you like it or not were stuck with eachother... get over it.'"This is just... Awesome" Kiru sighed then just stood there. Edited July 21, 2013 by X-Blade_Wielder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted July 20, 2013 ~Day -7~ Floor 2 "Well are you coming or not?" she asked, becoming antsy. She began to think about her memories of Namine, always recalling a boy with them, but could it be this boy? Well enough, she remembered his name, but it could have just been a coincidence, could he really be the third member of the trio or was this all a lie? The more she thought about it, the more she grew paranoid at the whole situation. She grew cautious. "Let's go!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted July 20, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* Cykes pushed his internal questions to one side. They could wait. "Right behind you." He told Sekai. He pulled the hollow blade from where he had stabbed it into the ground. "If you have a destination in mind, lead on. If not, try and make for the market." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 4, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 Sekai stopped her tracks as the boy mentioned a market. She turned around. "You said something about a market? Where?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 4, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* Cykes tried to recall the map of Radiant Garden he had seen before. "It should be near the main square." He told Sekai. "About the heart of the city, i think. If all else fails, I should think that we can ask someone who doesn't attack up on sight." He did his best to figure out where the city center should be by the position of land marks he could remember. "This way." He said, heading off in a direction that took him further into the city. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 4, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 "Alright!" she agreed, following closely behind him. "How do you know so much about this place?" Sekai wondered. He was awfully knowledgeable and resourceful for someone who she considered to be just as lost as she was. Who was he? "Cykes?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted August 4, 2013 (edited) The little heartless tugged on Kiru's pants leg pointing at a dark corridor in the corner "I don't know about that" Kiru crossed her arms, as she shook her head. The heartless tugged harder on the pants leg almost making her lose her balance "Alright but if anything happens to me im blaming it on you" Kiru walked up to the dark corridor examining it closely before she closed her eyes, not wanting to see what was in there, her and the heartless stepped inside it. When she opened her eyes all she could see was black until you could see a faint light getting brighter in the distance. Kiru walked closer and closer to the light until it cunsumed her, after a few seconds later of the blinding light she was falling head first to the ground "No no no!" Kiru tried to stop herself in any kind of way so she wouldn't be killed by the impact 'Im not letting you die right now, remember what I said I still need a host' With that Kiru's speed slowed down by what looked like a dark cloud underneath her. "I didn't need your help!" Kiru yelled out to the voice 'Ok fine then' The cloud vanished from under her and she fell hard to the ground but not as hard as she would of if the cloud wasn't there to break her fall. "That hurt more than I thought it would" Kiru got up from the ground and looked around "I think i've been here before" Edited August 5, 2013 by X-Blade_Wielder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 4, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* "Lots of time and not a lot of friends." Cykes answered flatly. "The library in the town where I lived was supplied by a sorcerer, so held maps and books from other worlds. I would study some of the maps because it interested me and it was something to do." Inside his mind, Cykes couldn't help but connect his interest with other worlds with the possibility the he himself had come from a different one than where he grew up. "Pardon the sudden change in subject, but where are you from? Do you always remember being there?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 4, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 "Me?" Sekai was taken aback, she didn't quite know how to respond. She never really thought about always remembering it, but now that he had mentioned it, she hadn't noticed she completely forgot until now. But upon being reminded of her home, everything began to click. She was here, she was at home. "This is... Radiant Garden? But it-" she paused for a quick second, observing the environment she didn't quite notice beforehand. "-it's so different. It isn't as lively as I remembered...or clean." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 5, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* "Just clicked, eh?" Cykes asked. "That's been happening to me. Now that we've been talking, I'm sure we've met before. I'm not having any memories of living here, but that might be a matter of time. But what bugs me is why did we forget? And why are we just remembering." He stopped moving and thought. "It all seems to be tied to one thing. Namine. It's like something happened and made us forget." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted August 5, 2013 Kiru heard voices coming from the corner "There's people here?" She said as she stuck her head around the corner and saw two people talking that looked familiar to her. Kiru took a closer look at the both of them "They were the ones I saw in my dreams about Namine" She whispered to herself, after that she walked in the clear "Um can someone tell me where I am? I was just somewhere else but now im here" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 6, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 "Right..." Sekai looked around wondering also. "And just what led us here? I remember entering some castle, but it doesn't even look like we're in a castle. We're outside aren't we?" She continued to walk past Cyke to see a better view of the place he mentioned earlier. "Well aren't that far away now, it's best if we continue our conversations over there," she ended, continuing their short journey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 7, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* Cykes was a step or two behind Sekai when he heard someone speaking. He turned and saw a white haired girl coming from around the corner. He tensed a little, just in case this was trouble. "I'm sorry, I missed what you said." He told the girl. "Could you repeat that?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted August 7, 2013 "Um i said can you tell me where i am" Kira repeated herself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted August 7, 2013 ~Day -7, Floor 4~ Lyon had heard the whirring sound of motors, and suddenly he felt himself lose all mass. The next moment, he regained his feelings of touch and sound, followed by sight. He was now in an alleyway of Traverse Town. The dark brown brick led way to a circular clearing, where three story buildings stood with an eerie orange light shined from the windows. Crooked lamps dotted around the place, helping the place keep its 'theme.' "This is..Traverse Town?" Lyon whispered. It was far different than the world he was just in. Shaking, he began to creep down the alley and around the circular clearing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 7, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* "Radiant Garden, unless I'm mistaken." Cykes answered the girl. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Since you don't seem to be from around here, you'd better follow us." As he said this, he indicated Sekai. "We've been seeing Heartless activity on these streets. It should be better further in the city." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 7, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 Sekai paused in her tracks, immediately turning at the mention of the creatures. "Heartless?" she asked, not letting Cykes answer as she continued. "Is that what they're called?" she wondered. She looked to the other girl, she had been focused on getting to the market place, she didn't even notice the addition of another person in their rag tag crew. Sekai examined the girl, staying quiet to catch up to the situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted August 8, 2013 Kiru walked over to the two with the heartless following close behind her "I've seen alot of those heartless where I was before I ended up here" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 8, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* "Then, like I said, we'd better get moving." Cykes said, hearing little scurrying sounds the way Kiru had come. "I've got the rear. You two start moving." He hefted his hollow blade to his shoulder and kept an eye on the direction he head sounds. "Oh, and since we seem to be thrown in together," he said, addressing Kiru. "You might as well call me Cykes." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 8, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 Sekai kept moving, as Cykes ordered. She led the crew to the desired location and wondered what to do next. "Alright, we're here. What do you guys want to do?" She looked around and examined what little she could, taking in the environment and possible escape plans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 11, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* Cykes brought up the rear. He couldn't hear anymore feet from behind, so they at least left the heartless behind. Hopefully. "I'd love to get more answers." He answered Sekai. "We seem to be brought together for something. For those answers, I think we will have to continue the search for Namine." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 11, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 "Alright, how about we search some houses or something," Sekai suggested, not really knowing what to actually get out of this whole journey. They still had many questions to be answered and standing around wasn't doing them any good. Then again, they've been travelling for a while now and still nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 11, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* Cykes made a face. "Just got door to door?" He asked. As he consider it, he began to look a little more in tune with the idea. "If we could trigger more memories, maybe we can follow them to Namine. I'm not getting any perticular place of a place around here. How about you?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted August 11, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 "Not at all..." Sekai paused. "How about we just start over there?" she suggested pointing to the very beginning of the houses. "We can check every place and maybe something will trigger, if not then at least we did it efficiently and can move on!" she said. She looked back to see if the newcomer was okay. "What about her?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted August 14, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F2* Cykes regarded Kiru for a moment. "It might be dangerous to run around on alone, with the heartless roaming." He said. "Am I remembering about this girl as well?" He thought. She was starting to look familiar. "The mission might be tedious, but you are welcome to join, if you wish." He continued aloud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites