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KHIII`s Graphics Opinion?

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Now I know this isnt the final product but from what we've seen, I like the FF detail and everything but it seems like they look too shiny. And they are going for what the intro and endings look like but it seems like the models for Donald and Goofy and somewhat Sora (only the pants really) look off... Here`s some comparisons. As you can see everything looks in more detail yes.. But thinks such as Sora`s hair look greasy and Donald`s beak, Goofy`s nose and even down to all of their clothing look very shiny and polished. Also things here are out of proportion, such as Goofy and Donald look small, but that could be due to this new "Mature Sora" looking bigger.




Edited by Roxasman1231

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Those are the in-game graphics, from what I've gathered. So of course they're going to look a little different compared to the CGI. But this is the early-development stage, I think, so things are bound to change. Looks pretty damn awesome, if you ask me. The graphic upgrade from PS2 to PS4 will have a huge effect on how things look, and this seems like a good example.

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Keep in mind that those are renders and may not look exactly like that. I don't think they're too different either way, but I did have the same initial "oh okay" not super impressed feeling when I saw the graphics. You know after all the screaming and freaking out about the announcement died down. But I will say that the more I see of the look they're going for, the more it grows on me similar to most KH graphics. It's just really pleasing to look at and despite it not having the same wow factor that FF XV had, the detail is just amazing and the colors always work wonders on my eyes. I trust Nomura to make sure the graphics of KH3 will be just fine.

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I'm confused TC, I'm not sure why you're comparing it to CG, since that isn't what they wanted to go for, an improvement over KHII and DDD would be what they wanted so why not compare it to those?


And to answer the topic, I love them!

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I prefer the KH3 models, they resemble the previous in-game models more than the ones they used in the CGi videos. The new models look bright, shinny, colorful which gives it a cartoon-ish feel which KH always has had. I'm extremely happy about the fact that their not using the models from the CGi videos as their main models in KH3. The CGi models have never properly resembled the in-game character models.

Edited by JTD95

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Idk it`s probably just me.. I would have prefered the old models with more detail and bigger worlds with lots of things going on (if were talking about graphics I would rather have them applied to the world)

I prefer the KH3 models, they resemble the previous in-game models more than the ones they used in the CGi videos. The new models look bright, shinny, colorful which gives it a cartoon-ish feel which KH always has had. I'm extremely happy about the fact that their not using the models from the CGi videos as their main models in KH3. The CGi models have never properly resembled the in-game character models.

are you kidding me? they look way more like the CGI models than the previous in game ones..

I prefer the KH3 models, they resemble the previous in-game models more than the ones they used in the CGi videos. The new models look bright, shinny, colorful which gives it a cartoon-ish feel which KH always has had. I'm extremely happy about the fact that their not using the models from the CGi videos as their main models in KH3. The CGi models have never properly resembled the in-game character models.

also how have they not properly represented the in game models?

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I like the new models...except for, as you said, small details. Sora has huge short-pants that are too big even for him (but they're changing his outfit so hopefully then they'll fix it), Goofy has anorexic ankles, and Donald surprisingly looks mostly fine.As people have said, this isn't the final model- this is just to give us a taste of the new art style- and I love it. It's not overly realistic or gritty, but it's not the blocky KH look of before either- it's a nice medium, almost like a childish watercolor painting....To be honest it reminds me of Skyward Sword's artstyle, but in better quality- which isn't a bad thing, Skyward Sword had an AMAZING art style.

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Because it's artwork, it's going to be more shiny than in game graphics.


I think the graphics do look off in the video, though he's under the blaring sun he looks really orange to me (maybe the greasiness is all that suntan lotion he's swam in?) and his face looks like it was airbrushed by a 14 year old girl who just found photoshop.  His clothes also look like he's shrunk in them, you'd think with time he'd probably be outgrowing it for a reason for an outfit change.


I prefer the KH2 CGI cutscene graphics, I would have rather they keep them and just smoothed the edges and animation, it looked more serious and less cartoony, and less oily.

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I really like them, sure they aren't perfect they're doing shading that hasn't been done before on a ps4 game (obviously) but i'm pretty sure that with a 60+ hour game i'll fall in love pretty darn quickly :D

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Idk it`s probably just me.. I would have prefered the old models with more detail and bigger worlds with lots of things going on (if were talking about graphics I would rather have them applied to the world)

are you kidding me? they look way more like the CGI models than the previous in game ones..

also how have they not properly represented the in game models?

The similarities between the in-game model for Sora http://images.khinsider.com/Kingdom%20Hearts%20Dream%20Drop%20Distance/Screenshots/SENA%20-%20July%2017%202012/15.jpg and the CGi model for Sora http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32300000/KH2-Secret-Ending-sora-32343991-576-352.jpg is a little bit off. The clothes looks the same, so does the hair and the face does too for the most part but, there's just something a little off with his face which makes them not look identical. In my opinion the Sora from the KH3 trailer looks more similar to the in-game Sora from previous games, than the CGi models have ever done. This goes for all the characters. There's always something a little off with their faces.


But I do agree with you on the part with keeping the old models. I too would wish they had just continued to use the models from the other game but with just a lot more polygons in their character models. But on the other side, I'm really excited to see how these new graphics will look like in the final product.

Edited by JTD95

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You have to remember that they are going for a "Disney-like" quality of shading. Also, you don't know where they are standing in the pictures, the sun might be shining on them. Also, like it was said above, CGI is going to look different from the render in-game. 


Just to point out in the pictures you chose, Donald and Goofy both have the Sun behind them, so what you see will be darker due to the shadow, also, sora is in the realm of darkness so that will make things naturally less vibrant and shiny too.

Edited by Nathan Hatton

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I really like them, sure they aren't perfect they're doing shading that hasn't been done before on a ps4 game (obviously) but i'm pretty sure that with a 60+ hour game i'll fall in love pretty darn quickly :D

i agree graphics are not everything lol

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I prefer the KH3 models, they resemble the previous in-game models more than the ones they used in the CGi videos. The new models look bright, shinny, colorful which gives it a cartoon-ish feel which KH always has had. I'm extremely happy about the fact that their not using the models from the CGi videos as their main models in KH3. The CGi models have never properly resembled the in-game character models.

This. Glad someone else notices!

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Now I know this isnt the final product but from what we've seen, I like the FF detail and everything but it seems like they look too shiny. And they are going for what the intro and endings look like but it seems like the models for Donald and Goofy and somewhat Sora (only the pants really) look off... Here`s some comparisons. As you can see everything looks in more detail yes.. But thinks such as Sora`s hair look greasy and Donald`s beak, Goofy`s nose and even down to all of their clothing look very shiny and polished. Also things here are out of proportion, such as Goofy and Donald look small, but that could be due to this new "Mature Sora" looking bigger.

Sora didn't look shiny at all in the teaser trailer. It'll probably look exactly like that...

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