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The Dynamic Duo. (1x1)

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Suffering from a bullet in his shoulder bone and leg, his mind started to fade. He heard a siren and red flash in the air, and he dropped onto the cold street floor, eyes meeting those of the man he just killed, before he shut his eyes and went out cold...

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A group of armed men stormed down the door to the club. A few of them carried Romeo away. The others stood at around the club. A few muffled shots were made, and both Chad and Alicia were knocked out by tranq's.

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Romeo woke on a hospital bed. He tried to rise but a burning pain engulfed his leg and shoulde before he could do so. Outside the room, a Brazilian officer was arguing with one of the doctors in the hall in Portuguese.

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He pulled out a microphone that he had been hiding in his back pocket the whole time. He zoomed it in on the two men in the hall...


"....-those men in there?"

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The men continued talking.


"I want them out of here as soon as possible. Just when Gonzalez leaves to Italy for good, we get more problems."


"But sir-"


"No buts doctor. Let them heal then I want them back to America."


A nurse walked into the room with a phone in her hand. Romeo slipped the mic into his pocket again.

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"Romeo Santos?"


"Uhh... Yeah?"


The nurse tossed him the phone and walked off. Romeo answered...

"Boss, is that you?" *mutters from other line*

"Oh...." He put his head down...

*shouts from the other line* "No boss I'm alright.... No, really... I am."

*more words from the other line* "Alright.... Bye..."


Rosette was dead...

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Chad finally located a nurse...

"Hey, um... do you know a certain Rome-"

"In that room..."

Chad nodded and walked in.

"ROMEO... oh, man... I've been looking all for you... I mean, I had to check like two rooms! >.<"

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Romeo jumped at the sound of Chad's voice. Where'd the phone go? he thought.

"Oh... hey Chad..." He started to play with his finger until he noticed his wedding ring was missing to..

"What the- Chad! Have you seen my ring?"

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