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Let's say you get KH III right now, but...

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If it's only musicians then I don't care because I don't have one, if it's all artists then nah, I wouldn't want Van Gogh erased from the world. I can wait til it comes out proper.

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You mean to not just kill a person or persons, but erase their existence possibly altering the fabric of time inconceivably changing the course of history and our world as we know it... for a video game?!


Sure, why not :P

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I wouldn't want to change time, thus altering everything and making it so that the game maybe would have never existed, and the fact you would never get to remove them from time in a timeline that you do because the fact you never got the offer to erase them would arise and time would reset back to the way it would be originally, thus causing a never ending time hole and locking us into limbo.


So, no.

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So say Yoko Shimomura is my favorite musician, and KHIII features a full soundtrack of hers... Since I get KH3, does that mean that I've created a paradox?

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