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Favourite Series? Other than KH

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Seriously? That's not funny.

The only other series I've played besides KH is Epic Mickey xD

Lol, but seriously.  I'd agree with this, Epic Mickey, the Paper Mario Series, and the Fire Emblem Series.

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Legend of Zelda, I love the series but unfortunately don't have all the consoles it's out on, yet they're on the top of my list of things to buy when I have disposable cash.  I think the series is full of fun interesting characters, good puzzles and generally great story telling.  It's the main reason why I'm planning on getting a Wii U this year, instead of preordering the PS4, 'cause I can get the new LoZ games on it and the old Wii Zelda Games on it. 


Crash Bandicoot has always been a great series to me but 3 of my games were lent to people, who never returned it and don't talk to me no more, or else do talk to me but can't even remember borrowing it.  This and the fact someone "lent" my KH2 game and never returned it is why I don't lend people stuff anymore.  No one has respect for other peoples shit.  


Although I don't consider this a real game, since it's a simulation, I like the Sims a lot.  Somethings addicting about it, but again I don't count that since it's an open ended game without a definitive end.


Honestly other than that there are other games I have played where I own multiples in the series (like I own about 8 FF games, both McGees Alice games, a fair amount of Mario games, etc) but the only series I honestly feel I NEED to have and would even consider buying at full launch price are the Kingdom Hearts games.  

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Jak and Daxter

Ratchet & Clank

Crash Bandicoot


Batman Arkham (Asylum and City, can't wait for Origins)


Final Fantasy (working on playing as many of them as i can)

Super Mario Galaxy

God of War

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Final Fantasy (The first 10 and side-games, anyway. XV looks like it'll be really good, too)

Sly Cooper (Want 4 so much, but I don't think that I can get a PS3 AND a PS4... At least not for a long time)

Half Life

Animal Crossing

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Well I wouldn't count Pokemon as a series since it's like.... a whole bunch of unrelated games floating around for the most part. Soo franchise?

Same with Animal Crossing....Anyway I like


Harvest Moon (Specifically the Mineral Town, A Wonderful Life, and HMDS.)


Maybe I don't play as much as I think I do xD

Series that I've TRIED to like include


Final Fantasy

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Super Smash Bros








Donkey Kong


Kid Icarus








Final Fantasy


Sonic The Hedgehog


Banjo KazooieBanjo Tooie


Classic Resident Evil


Soul Calibur(every game except 5,Soul Calibur 5 sucks Donkey Kong balls)




Crash Bandicoot






Metal Gear(every game except Portable Ops)



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