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Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes

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i dont get it. when i look to see what my friend code is i just see question marks. help anyone?


Do you have your wifi turned on?


Also, I have decided this thread should be pinned cause there's been so much activity on it lately

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Do you have your wifi turned on?


Also, I have decided this thread should be pinned cause there's been so much activity on it lately


yea my wifi is always on. but i always see the question marks.( and besides the internet sucks here. you have too go to a internet cafe just to use the internet properly)

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yea my wifi is always on. but i always see the question marks.( and besides the internet sucks here. you have too go to a internet cafe just to use the internet properly)


Hmmm.... Interesting.

And I know how bad Internet can be, especially wifi. When I'm at school it's literally, IF you can get on, you MIGHT be on for 5 minutes.


Try this:

When you're in the main menu or "home menu" click on the square orange smiley face in the top row of icons. This is your friends list, once you've gone through the tutorial scroll over or click on your mii character profile. It should show your mii character bouncing around and say online or offline. Look at the top screen and it will show a larger version of this with your name and friend code underneath. You just have to look at the top screen.

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Hmmm.... Interesting.

And I know how bad Internet can be, especially wifi. When I'm at school it's literally, IF you can get on, you MIGHT be on for 5 minutes.


Try this:

When you're in the main menu or "home menu" click on the square orange smiley face in the top row of icons. This is your friends list, once you've gone through the tutorial scroll over or click on your mii character profile. It should show your mii character bouncing around and say online or offline. Look at the top screen and it will show a larger version of this with your name and friend code underneath. You just have to look at the top screen.


alright, il try that. thanks. i hope it works im not so sure it will though

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I can't add people without getting their name as well o.o

Mine is:




DoP3B0Y707 Friend Code:3265-5579-0126 plz add me, dont let the name confuse you. IM CLEAN


Added. My codes 2019-9912-3678 (:

Edited by Caity Raindrop

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Name : Beaüller

Code : 1375-8267-0554


Let me know if anyone wanna add me so I can add ya back


add me!


Add me! my friend code: 3781-0268-1074


Oh yeah my name to add is Soranort.

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I can't add people without getting their name as well o.o

Mine is:







Added. My codes 2019-9912-3678 (:


I added you as well, please add me my FC is: 4339-3505-3177 gamername: Zauna/Kitty


0387 - 8763 - 5837


Message me to add you too :)


added you: my FC is 4339-3505-3177 name Kitty


I would Love some new 3DS Friends :D My friend code is 0688-5342-7589

Besure to let me know if you put me in so I can do the same with u!


added you: my FC is 4339-3505-3177 name Kitty


Here ya go 0989-2008-2741


added you: my FC is 4339-3505-3177 name Kitty

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