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Text KH: The hidden apprentice

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This is my first fanfiction, yes it's Xuffie's story, my character at Organization 15, don't expect this story to be so good.




It wasn't very long since Xehanort had become a keyblade master, at that day he was walking through Radiant Garden thoughtful when he bumped into a girl that looked more or less 11 years old, her green eyes were glowing with hapiness and light could be felt from her, she looked at Xehanort and with her tiny voice she said "Sorry, I didn't see you." "No, problem." Xehanorth said "What's your name?" he asked looking at the little girl "I'm Xuffie, nice to meet you." the girl said hapilly "I'm master Xehanort, nice to meet you too." Xehanort said looking at the girl's eyes "Where are you from? I've never seem you around." now Xuffie was looking carefully at the 'mysterious' man "You'd better go home, it's getting late." Xahanorth wanted to end the conversation before the girl found out about other worlds "Ok." the young one said as she run to a road near the square they were in "I'd better take this girl to Yen Sid, she has something especial." Xehanort said turning around and walking away. Xuffie stopped not far from the square and as she observed Xehanorth dissapearing in the distance a sad smile appeared on her face "I wonder if someday I'll have a true home." she said before running away.


On the other day Xehanort woke up early and walked around the town looking for the girl that he met the other day. He found her at the square with two other boys more or less by the same age, they were talking while eating seasalt ice cream, he decided to wait till they stopped talking, some time later the boys went out and left Xuffie alone, at this time Xehanort went near her "Who were those two Xuffie?" he asked puttin his hands on Xuffie's shoulder "Just my friends." Xuffie said looking at him a bit surprised "I was wondering, would your parents let you make a little journey?" Xehanort asked going directly to the point "If I had parents." Xuffie said taking Xehanort's hand off her shoulder "Good, I think I know the right place for you. Do you know what this is?" the keyblade master summoned his keyblade "No, what is it?" the girl looked at the keyblade interested "You'll find out soon enough." Xehanort said while the keyblade dissapeared in front of the girls eyes.




Actually Xuffie is me as an organization member, everything on her is my personality. And this is the story that I made for her, of course that her name isn't mine with an X.

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Thanks, I'm happy someone liked it. And here goes the 1st chapter, it took quite a long time, but here you go:

Chapter 1

After some tests Xuffie was left at a little room while master Xehanort and master Yen Sid talked "So, she really can be a keyblade master?" Xhanort asked excited "You've already seem that she can wield a keyblade, but pay attention, she has much light in her, and great darkness as well, train the girl to the light not darkness, she's your apprentice now." Yen Sid said while opening the door that leaded to the room where Xuffie was.

When the young girl saw the two of them coming she got up and looked at them with her glowing greem eyes "Come Xuffie, you'rfe my apprentice." Xehanort said with a friendly tone and a smiloe "Yes master." the girl followed her master trying to hide her excitment. From that day on Xehanort trained Xuffie to use her darkness, but everything wasn't going so well as expected, the girl was afraid of the darkness, he wanted her to complete the X-blade, but no matter as hard as he tried to make her side the darkness she wouldn't. One day Xehanort went with Xuffie to their normal training place but instead of training he called the girl to talk a bit:

"My dear apprentice, if you really want to become a strong keyblade master why don't you use the power of darkness to help you?"

"Bue master Eraqus and master Yen Sid said to me to hold on to the light and not to fall to the darkness."

"Why do you pay attention to what they say?! Am I not your master?!" Xehanort summoned his keyblade already getting nervous.

"Yes but..."

"No excuses! This is an order I want to see what you can do!" with his keyblade on hands Xehanort attacked Xuffie.

Fastly the girl blocked the attack "Please master, I don't want to fight you."

"Lets see what your power of light can do." Xehanort continued attacking as the apprentice tried to divert from the attacks.

For the first time Xuffie battled her master, as expected she lost, laying on the ground Xuffie thought of what she did to make ker master so upset, for the first time she felt hate for someone, but didn't let this feeling show. "You should learn to listen to what I say, I'm your master, not Yen Sid or Eraqus." Xehanort said walking around her, no other day passed that Xuffie didn't think of her master with hate, but she was not brave enough to show it, so the only thing she could do was train hard and try to do everything right.

This is chapter one, hope you like it.

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Why do I always have to make spelling mistakes?! That's what happens when you don't read what you write. :/ Anyway, I'm going to put the next one tomorrow probably. :)

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First of all, I'm sorry I took so long to post the next chapter, I've finished the whole story in my notebook and thought I had finished it here as well, but now I see I haven't, so here goes the 2nd chapter.

Chapter 2

It was the first time Xehanort was going to take Xuffie to a world that wasn

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Ok, so I'm bored and decided to continue with my story. Here goes the next chapter.

Chapther 3

Xuffie was with a strange feeling that something was wrong since she came back from Destiny Islands. It was already the 2nd year she was training with Xehanort, but since he knew Ventus he lost insterest, now her master went too often to Destiny Islands to "check on the boy. That day her master called her again to the islands, despite being worried the girl walked to the beach trying to stay calm, Xehanort was standing right there, looking at his apprentice with a serious look.

"Xuffie, I'm sorry, but you're no longer my apprentice." he said looking at the girl standing in front of him.

"But master, you can't leave, I haven't finished my training." she answered showing all her worried on her voice.

"Of course I can, I have a new apprentice, and he'll help me much more at my plans."

"Don't tell me, your new apprentice is Ventus, isn't he?"

"Get out of here Xuffie, berfore I change my mind and decide to get rid of you."

"You know I don't have a home."

"Go back to Radiant Garden, I'm losing time with you."

"You cannot get rid of me that easily, you'll see." with these words Xuffie left going back to her homeworld.

The girl arrived at Radiant Garden and with anger started hitting everything near her with her keyblade "I never thought you would come back Xuffie." a boy with red hair said from a corner watching her "Me neither Lea." she answered stoping what she was doing and turning around "Why were you destroying the square?" the boy asked getting out of the place he was and walking towards his old friend "For nothing, I was just nervous." Xuffie tried to hide her feelings, she didn't want her friend to know anything "At least you're back home." Lea said with a friendly tone as he got closer "I never had a home, how would I have now?!" the girl shouted, with tears on her eyes she ran away leaving one of her best friends behind.

Making sure she was far enough from anyone Xuffie stoped "I'm not going to be anyone's apprentice anymore. I'll leave by my own, and use the darkness to take my revenge over Xehanort, I said to him he wouldn't gt rid of me so easily." she said with her keyblade on hands and a darkn energy surrounding her.

So this is chapther 3, 2 more chapthers to go now. xD

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Ok, so I'm back with the story. Enjoy it while you can (just kidding xD)

Chapther 4

Xuffie trained hard to hit her goal, it was already 3 months since she wasn't Xehanort apprentice, the darkness consumed her slowly through the time, but, blinded by her rage she couldn't see it. The happy young girl now wasn't there, and nothing could be done, not even her friends could help her. Anyone who could mess up with her plans would be eliminated by Xuffia, she didn't care about anything else.

At Keyblade Graveyard, master Xehanort was training his new apprentice, he thought Ventus was doing well for a beginner, he was in middle of the train when a familiar voice was heard "I knew I'd find you here master." Xuffie said going out of a portal made with Xuffie's dark power "So, you're ebing consumed by darkness, I couldn't think of a better way to get rid of you." Xehanort said with his usual tone "I'm not being consumed by darkness, I'm using it." Xehanort's old apprentice was angry, she didn't want to listen to her master even if he was right "I've got a new apprentice now Xuffie, you aren't my problem anymore." the master turned around not worried with what the girl could do "Now you'll taste a bit of my real power!" Xuffie summoned two keyblades and attacked Xehanort, with a fast move he turned, summoned his keyblade and blocked her attack, Ventus stared while master and apprentice fought, darkness vs darkness.

Yeah, this chapther is very short because I want to leave the best part for Chapther 5, so I'll keep anyone who's reading a bit nervous.

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So I decided not to be mean anymore and decided to write the next chapther.

Chapther 5

Xuffie fought with all her strengh, but it wasn't enough, master Xehanort beat her after a long battle using his fast and calculated attacks. The battle ended, Xuffie didn't have any forces to get up and make her last attack, she laid there thinking "Master was right, I was being consumed by darkness, but now when I see, it's too late." she thought as her body slowly dissapeared into the darkness that surrounded her "Now you'll see how to end a battle properly Xuffie." Xehanort said getting his keyblade and attacking on her direction, surprisingly he couldn't complete his attack, Ventus blocked his attack with his keyblade "Master, I think this isn't necessary." he said looking at Xuffie slowly fading "Thanks Ventus, but you don't need to worry about me." Xuffie said her last words as her heart floated away and her body dissapeared.


And this is how the first nobody was born :P The next chapter will be the end.

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Poor Xuffie. This story is great, well wrtten and looks so real. You've improved your writing really much, sis. Don't stop creating stories, PPLLEEAASSEE, Ilove them !!!!:P;):D

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Chapther 6

In a place covered by darkness, where no light could be seem, a new nobody awakened, the girl opened her eyes confused, she couldn't remember anything of her past, only a name stayed on her mind. The young nobody got up, with her green eyes that showed no emotion she tried to recognise the place while walking through the darkness with faltering steps.

After sometimes she could see something moving fastly in her direction, with the hope that being could somehow help her, she approached it slowly, with no warning a shadow jumped onto the girl, without thinking she summoned a keyblade and destroyed the heartless "What is this?" she asked to herself looking at her weapon "This is your keyblade Xuffie, it chose you because of the strenth of your heart." a voice came from her memory making her remember of someone telling this, but she couldn't remember, the only thing that would keep the nobody going would be the desire to find her past.


The years passed away, but Xuffie couldn't feel them, her body stayed the same but not her mind, she couldn't hang on any longer to that, there was nothing more that could help her to get out of that place, but finally one day the oportunity came. Xuffie was walking through the land looking at the alredy familiar surroundings when something different appeared, it was little light she looked at it interested and not knowing why she summoned her keyblade and pointed it to the light, the small point now was a huge portal, Xuffie went through it with no fear as she couldn't have emotions.

Going out of the portal she ended up on Radiant Garden, she couldn't remember it but knew it was familiar, the city glowed with light, she tryed to find others like her, but as far as she could see she was the only different one in that city.

Not even a day passed and somebody came to Xuffie, it was a nobody just like her, this nobody invited her to join some type of organization with the goal of getting a heart of theyr own, not having memories or family Xuffie decided to go with him.


Yeah!!! Now this is the end, the next part you probably know, I was thinking of making another fanfic of what happened to Xuffie sometime after this. What do you think?

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