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I could see a The Last Airbender world fitting in with Kingdom Hearts. Would be quite cool to battle Prince Zuko and his father. About the Sora as the Avatar misunderstanding you suggested. I could kind of see it happening but, Donald can perform magic as well, so what would happen then? Would they be even more confused thinking that there are two Avatars? And why is one of them a duck? Actually, never mind that duck part. None of the other worlds inhabitants has so far questioned the fact that Sora's companions are two talking animals, so why would anybody start now?


But the inclusion of Avatar: The Last Airbender in Kingdom Hearts is never gonna happen. Unless Disney buys the rights for it from Nickelodeon and even if that were to happen the chances for it to appear in Kingdom Hearts would still be very slim.

Edited by JTD95

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There are many classic Disney animated films that have not been made into worlds.  Movies like the Sword in the Stone (Merlin's world), the Jungle Book, and 101 Dalmatians (animated version, not Glen Close version).  I am 90% certain that one of these 3 films will have a world based on it appear in KH3.

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I'd say the most obvious new world is Shibuya.


Sora promised Neku he'd visit him at his home world in 3D.



Sora promised a lot of characters he would visit their worlds again over the past few games. :3 

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I'd say the most obvious new world is Shibuya.


Sora promised Neku he'd visit him at his home world in 3D.


I'd say the most obvious is Radiant Garden....and Keyblade graveyard. 

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Sora promised a lot of characters he would visit their worlds again over the past few games. :3 


I'd say the most obvious is Radiant Garden....and Keyblade graveyard. 

I meant new worlds, sorry.

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Ok guys the obvious new worlds are twilight town,radiant garden,travers town,the keyblade graveyard,and destiny island oh and castle oblivion

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