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Roxan nudge

First Reaction on KH III video?

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I was playing 1.5 REMIX for the forth time and I got aa text from my friend with the link. I pressed it it brought me to YouTube and it said Kingdom Hearts 3 E3 Trailer or something like that. I cried and the next week I preordered the PS4! What was your first reaction when you saw the KH III trailer?!!?!?!?

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I Was working and i had a break with my colleague's. So i checked my facebook and saw a friend liked a video called  Kingdom hearts 3 E3

So i couldn't excating (Great English?!) at all


But i kinda expect it when Nomura was in the E3

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I Was working and i had a break with my colleague's. So i checked my facebook and saw a friend liked a video called  Kingdom hearts 3 E3

So i couldn't excating (Great English?!) at all


But i kinda expect it when Nomura was in the E3


Me too ! But to see it come to fruition gave me so many feels :P

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I raised my hand as Nomura said they had one more thing to show. Could this be it? After all these years?


The logos came up. Disney. Simple, nothing else needed to be said. It could only be one thing. And then the montage of footage began, cycling through each game in turn, displaying moments that spring to my own mind when the words "Kingdom Hearts" are uttered or read. Sora's voiceover played midst the iconic music; the promise that was given to the KH faithful at the end of Birth By Sleep that this wasn't over, that it was building to something.


As Sora changed, I was astonished at the style. Often I had wondered how they would evolve the look of the series when, in my opinion, they already fit the appearance of the movies perfectly. Yet seeing Destiny Islands and Twilight Town rendered in their new appearances threw my certainty that Kingdom Hearts had reached its visual pinnacle into doubt.


The logo appeared. It was already familiar to me; so many artists had produced the same "Kingdom Hearts III" that it shouldn't have been as significant as it was. But to have the actual, official logo of Kingdom Hearts III was the realization of a long time dream. Then the horde of Heartless rushing towards Sora, the familiar sight of Donald and Goofy's party icons in the corner, all taking place in an innocuous corner or Twilight Town...it was wonderful.


The words "In Development" appeared reassuringly, and all I could say was "It f***ing BETTER BE."

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My reaction was pretty funny, ha ha.I was watching the reveal live at the time (in the UK so was after 2am), just recovering from the FFXV reveal which simply looks AMAZING and looks like the first FF in a long while I really look forward to playing, (Espicially cause of gameplay I prefer).Then nomura teases another trailer, at this point I was thinking:"Imagine if this is a KH3 trailer...pffff like that'll happen!"*Disney Logo appears + KH stuff show*"!!, Ah wait! Maybe this is KH1.5 or KH2.5 or something, yeah thats it!"*KH3 Logo appears*

"... MIND KABOOM!!! OMG!!!"It was already looking likely for PS4 at this point, with this announcement, the deal is sealed, ha ha. Disappointed both FFXV and KH3 were announced for XBone, but I hear SE have been in trouble finance wise, so I'll forgive this if it means they can continue making these awesome games. Still... if sony secured exclusivity for these... Microsoft would just not be able to recover and be utterly elliminated (Though to me things still seem to suggest it being dead in gamers minds anyway)All I know if FFXV + KH3 is making the next generation seem really AWESOME pretty early on!

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My friend shared the link and I thought I was going to get Rick Roll'd(Because he has done it the last 4 years at least once a year, he alwayssend me a "KH3 ANNOUNCED" video and I end up rick roll'd) so I said"firetruck you" but I clicked play anyway... OMG, 2 of my other friends werehere and I started yelling like a little girl and I was "OMG NO, ITCAN'T BE, BULLSH!!T" and then the Logo appear, everything made sensebecause I had forgotten the E3 Sony Conference that day... I wasyelling, jumping around and explaining my friends why this was such abig deal for me, I then proceded to watch the trailer again and again,and again... I've watched it A LOT. lol After that I haven't stoppedthinking about it (Or to talk about it) and I made my account on hereagain because I lost my old account haha :P

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i froze as tears roled from my eyes, even after the video ended i sat looking at the title of the video, kh3 official announcement trailer in disbelief.

still having trouble believing it, i have to keep watching the trailer i downloaded to remind myself im not dreaming.


so yup, that pretty much sums it up LOL

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Kinode said something about KH3 being announced on tumblr, I brushed it off at first because I really wasn't expecting KH3 to be announced for another two years.. Then I saw more people posting the same thing and going crazy. My jaw literally dropped watching the trailer. Little bit pissed now that Nomura revealed that the ''gameplay'' was just video generated. They must be really early in development if they haven't got the basic combat up and running. Nonetheless I was impressed by the improvement in graphics.

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Lol, I remember that when I came online, I received a message from my bro and best friend Jonathan, telling me about Kingdom Hearts 3. When I saw the trailer, I had to scream like a crazy fanboy, and I was barely able to talk because of my screaming and I screamed to Mom: "MOM, IM GOING TO GET THE PS4!" Then I kept screaming like a psychopath. xD

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I was at school when a group of friends started talking about it and I was like psh seriously? I'll be old and grey by the time it comes out. Just to be sure I rushed to my laptop when I got home, booted up the site, and almost fell over when I saw a trailer xD I watched it and after it was done I stared at the screen the proceeded to jump/dance around my room while squealing and tearing up ^^


Posted Image<----My reaction in a nutshell...minus the cat xD

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A flood of my childhood memories hit me and I got teary eyed. I ran into my sister's room and showed her and she said "oh yeah I've already seen that."

0_0 how could she have not told me!! Haha.


Anyway I was overjoyed to finally see progress on the kh3 game

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