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Thoughts on the "Evolving" Battle System

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So as we all have read, Nomura says the battle system for KH3 will reflect KH and KH2, but will also incorporate the well-recieved aspects of the "spin-offs." Personally all I really see is that the main system is there with the option for commands. I imagine it would look something like this: Posted Image


A nice command menu that you can throw commands in. This way we still have access to all our magic, items, and such, and we can use those flashy/powerful moves we all enjoy so much. It makes more sense this way rather than just throwing some of those moves into the Limits section.


It was also said that summons would change drastically, so maybe they will be more like D-Link's this time around? You use a summon and your commands are replaced with the summon's. And your basic attacks could change too, much like Command Styles.


I just want to here everyone's thoughts on how they think the battle system will end up.

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I personally loved BBS' system the best, although I wish there was a way to choose the command styles you were to get/have to hit a button to activate it (like Drives in KHII).

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I liked BBS and KH2's systems the best. I think that there should be 2 menus, a command and the rest. I don't think that there should be a "Party"  choice and they should do like KH1 where you change your party at the save points. They could also get rid of the "Drive" button by adding a control like creating a shortcut menu with each drive having it's own button, a lot like the magic. I don't really use summons that much so I would be fine with them being included in magic.

So, my menu would be Attack, Magic, Items, and Limit on one menu. The other would be Commands. Drive would have its own type of shortcut-like menu

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D-links were stupid and so was the command deck thingy :| That's how I think about it anyway. I hope they focus more on KH2 and other games than BBS.

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I actually like Dream Drop Distance's gameplay better than Kingdom Hearts 2 except the Dream Eaters breeding system was stupid. I like the flowmotion and I hope Nomura will combined Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance gameplay together. I hope Nomura just get rid of the Dream Eaters and Sora playing with the Dream Eaters.

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