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Lu Xun

Would you buy a PS4 or Xbox One mainly to play KHIII?

Would you buy a PS4 or Xbox One mainly to play KHIII?  

181 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you buy a PS4 or Xbox One mainly to play KHIII?

    • Yes, of course! It wouldn't be the first time I get a console mainly to play a KH game.
    • Yes, I'd. KHIII deserves it!
    • Not really sure... I'd have to think about it.
    • No... I'd only buy them if I had a lot of games I wanted to play.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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Of course not! I don't have that much money to buy consoles just for one game. I'll buy PS4 with my brothers and I'll get KH3, but of course I'll buy more games.


I played KH1 and KH2 for PS2 because a friend lend me the games. Days and Re:Coded because I had a DS. CoM because I had a GBA. KH3D because I bought a 3DS with it (but I have more games now) and last year my brother bought a cheap PSP so I could finally play BbS.


So yeah, I didn't buy the consoles to have the games, I already had those consoles (except 3DS).

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There are other games I want for the PS4 and I honestly was sold once I saw Final Fantasy XV but KH3 definitely is my main reason for picking up the system.


I am not a stranger to buying a system for one game though *cough* Birth by Sleep

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Will buy the PS4 (XBox...go home)

but not because of KH3...for FFXV, too and hopefully more


I bought the PS3 because of ex-versus, but for Blu-ray movies, too and was able to play FFXIII-2, DmC and now KH1.5 and 2.5 will come

so I think the PS4 will be better for me than the XBox

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Wii U has games that I am interested in.  PS4 only has one.  Xbox One spies on you through a constant internet connection and feeds that information to the NSA.  I did buy a PS2 to play the first 2 KH games, but that was late in the PS2 life cycle.  $400 is a lot of money to spend in order to play just one game.  I am not even going to buy a Wii U at the current price, so it is doubtful that I would get a PS4.

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It's Kingdom Hearts 3. OF COURSE. And I'll get a PS4. I can't quite bring myself to get a PS3 for the HD ReMIX, as I really already have those games and I can watch the newly made scenes of Days online later...but for a game I'll have no form of whatsoever? Yeah, I can get a PS4 for KHIII. xD If I got a PS2 just to play a couple KH games, a PSP just for BbS, suuuure. Although the PS4 will be quite a whopper of a price even in comparison to the load of money I spent on the PSP when I got it...

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I already bought a PSP only to play BbS. I lent it to my best since I don't use it anymore. 


But, thankfully, PS4 will have tons of cool games aside from KHIII, such as FFXV, Battlefield 4, Destiny, Assassin's Creed and so on.


*Hugs you all*

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Well lets' see...I have a ds lite for 358/2 days and coded, the Birth by sleep psp bundle, the Mark of Mastery edition of dream drop distance, and imported both kh1,kh2,and Bbs:FM, So will I go the extra mile and get an Xboxone and/or PS4 for KH3!?My answer would have to be....YES!

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