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Clock Town (Sign Up and Rules)

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Hm, hm, hm.


It seems that the Carnival of Time has once again come to pass in Clock Town. As you know, it's the greatest of traditions in Termina: one that celebrates all races and creatures in the land and brings them together as one. From the swamps, mountains, bays, and canyons, all are welcome to Clock Town on this day, to gather and thank the four Giants and pray for the future. Whether it is to enjoy the companionship of strangers, to partake in the festivities, or to take off their faces and show their masks, it is always certain that people will make Clock Town a lively place.


...Except for this year.


So many troubles have risen in Termina. The swamps are poisoned, the mountains deathly cold, the bay warm, and the ancient kingdom cursed.


And, of course, there is the matter of the moon...


Myself? I'm afraid I've lost something very important... But worry not. I know of someone who is taking care of it. Indeed, I have faith in him.


But still, he is only one person, and he can only do so much. And there is still so much unhappiness within Clock Town. So many problems and troubles, and voices crying out for help. The tensions between the carpenters and soldiers rises, there is a rash of thefts spreading, and everyone seems to have their own private troubles that they wish someone could help with. How sad: the Festival of Time is about people asking the Giants to help, yet no help is forthcoming.


...Unless, of course, you would walk among these people?


I wonder...


Your friends... What kind of people are they? Do those people...think of you as a friend? 


What makes you happy... Does it make others happy, too?


If you do the right thing...Does it really make everybody happy?


The face under the mask... is that your true face?


To find the answers to these questions, walk in Clock Town for a spell. Talk to its people, and feel free to do as you please. Help, or do not. It is entirely up to you.


But whatever you do, do it swiftly. The Carnival is fast arriving, and only 72 hours remain.





-This RP takes place in Clock Town, the center of focus in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It's not super-integral that you have played the game, but I strongly recommend that you be slightly familiar with it, or at least the general Zelda universe.


-I will be playing the roles of the NPCs you interact with, as well as playing the narrator. What this means is that I'll be giving you information about what is going on about town, what you see, and what response the townsfolk are having to your actions.


-Although you might recognize the townsfolk and know what should be happening as per events in the game, expect surprises, new quests, new problems, and new things to do. Some people and places will stay the same, and some will not. Be on your toes.


-This RP is designed to test your full spectrum of skills. Sometime's, brute force will work; other times, diplomacy and tact. Whatever you do is up to you. But know this: what you do will have consequence. You can try and strong arm your way through everything, but if you become a town thug, don't be surprised if the town's guard start hounding you, and people begin to act cold to you. 


-No evil characters. You don't have to be squeaky clean, you can have edges and angles to your character that might make them a bit dark, but nothing like assassins, warlords, mass murderers, demons, Ganondorf's disenfranchised son, etc.


-You can play as a human, Deku, Goron, Zora, or Guerudo. Whatever job, history, or class you have is up to you.


-No swearing, and keep any romance to a PG setting, thank you.


-I don't want to say no magic, given that there is a Great Fairy in town, but you get one spell, and I'll have to approve what it is.


-Every twelve player posts (not including mine), an hour will pass. You have seventy two hours until the moon falls. Make the most of your time.


-Your posts must be at least three sentences long.




Character Sheet












Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings:

Edited by Dave

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Except that I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on the internet very often between tomorrow and July 17th.


Which was going to be mostly okay until I seen this and now it is killing me.


If I have reasonable internet access, expect to hear from me again.


If not...  have fun.   ;~;

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Name: Kedu


Race: Deku


Age: 13


Personality: Calm/Panicky, bounces back.


History: Kedu enjoys life and humans. He fights his fears and his rare desire to steal when panicked. He judges what people will be his best friends based on their personality.


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings:


(IB: Amulet passed down to him from his family.) (Weapons: Bow and Arrow, Razor sword.) (Items: Flower Propellers.)


Is this what you wanted?


I'll enjoy this very much!

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Character Sheet


Name: Cid


Race: Human


Age:18 (just so I can get into the Milk Bar)


Personality: Bold, strong, and smart. He tries to balance out his personality by remaining laid back, observing his surroundings, standing up for others when threatened by beasts in Termina, and possesses great strength from his immense amount of battles


History: Cid's lived in Termina ever since he was born, and everything's been peaceful for as long as he can remember. However, Cid became an adult and was ecstatic to celebrate by attending the Carnival of Time this year. However, the distorted moon loomed overhead and came closer everyday. On the night the Carnival of Time was supposed to begin, the inevitable happened. The moon crashed into Termina and obliterated all of its inhabitants, and Cid felt the pain of seeing everyone die, as well as being incinerated himself by the collision. Cid had died... or so he thought. He woke suddenly and had found out that he was still alive. He ran outside and realized that the moon was still in the sky, still close, but not yet have caused the apocalypse. Cid tried to tell everyone what had happened, but no one believed him. So in three days the moon once again crashed and destroyed the world, and Cid woke up again, alive three days before the apocalypse. This cycle kept on repeating itself and nobody seemed to have a recollection of their memories, everyone except Cid. Cid was biologically 18 years old, but the cycle had repeated so many times that Cid technically had the mentality of a 300 year old man. Cid had learned everything that would happen, hoping one day that this cycle wouldn't happen and that the moon would remain in the sky. He gathered knowledge on the history of Termina, the Giants, the Carnival of Time... and the Imp that was causing this mess. He tried to face the Imp several times, but it was just too powerful. He eventually learned that he lacked the tool to stop Majora, the Ocarina of Time. Cid lost hope, but every cycle he continued to try his best to save Termina and defeat Majora. Why was Cid forced to endure this? Why couldn't he just die when the moon collided? He prayed to the Goddesses that a hero would come to help him defeat Majora, and save Termina once and for all. Finally, on what felt like the millionth a change occurred in the usual routine. A Deku boy clothed in green came out of the Clock Tower, but Cid was so shocked by this change that he didn't react fast enough to question the deku. However, that change didn't matter because the moon still collided with Termina and sent Cid into the next cycle yet again. The previous, final night however, Cid decided to simply watch the moon collide rather than interfering like usual. Suddenly, the Deku boy appeared and confronted Majora. This time, Majora, was holding a blue object... It was the Ocarina of Time! Before Cid could get it, the Deku managed to retrieve it and disappeared after playing a melody... It was the Song of Time! Cid's prayers had been answered! He finally had a chance to save Termina, but hopefully, the deku would return with his ocarina the next cycle.....

(I'm assuming this RP starts the three day cycle Link become human again, after Link gets the Deku mask.)


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings: Platinum Gilded sword (like Gilded Sword, but looks nicer and is a bit stronger), Terminian Shield (Hylian Shield's Terminain counterpart), Hookshot, Bow and arrows, and immense amount of rubies from saving up throughout all those cycles. Also has incredible knowledge on the world around him and knows when everything is going to happen (like Kafei sidequest and all others), except for the changes that Link makes while in Termina (in dungeons, Clock Town, Giants, etc.)

Edited by Master Juan

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Well, well. An interesting roleplay. It's the ones like these that I really like. (Why can't I write like this..)


Name: Remissus (Often called Remi, or Remis.)


Race: Human


Age: 35


Personality: A genuinely condescending, sarcastic person. Noble in some rights, he generally talks down those who fail and strikes right through them; easily finding their flaws. Of course, he too, is flawed. No person can escape that curse. Remis does not comprehend death, and pursues the answer to it.


History: A noble from another land. He set to science and magics to fuel his creative mind. Loathed by the scientific community for his genius, he was 'relocated' to the isolated Termina, where he started his projects again.


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings:

Weapon: A blue lance with a sharp, steel edge; A jar filled with greek fire; and small bombs.

Items:  Small smoke bombs, a journal with several instructions for potions and the like.

IB: His spectacles. Not really to correct his vision, the spectacles are attuned to help him 'see' more than the average person would.

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  On 6/17/2013 at 1:51 AM, Zola said:



Except that I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on the internet very often between tomorrow and July 17th.


Which was going to be mostly okay until I seen this and now it is killing me.


If I have reasonable internet access, expect to hear from me again.


If not...  have fun.   ;~;


Aw, I was hoping to RP with you as well. Well, if not this time, then definitely some time in the future! And, if reasonable internet access does happen, you're always welcome to join in!



  On 6/17/2013 at 2:08 AM, SoraBlade said:

Name: Kedu


Race: Deku


Age: 13


Personality: Calm/Panicky, bounces back.


History: Kedu enjoys life and humans. He fights his fears and his rare desire to steal when panicked. He judges what people will be his best friends based on their personality.


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings:


(IB: Amulet passed down to him from his family.) (Weapons: Bow and Arrow, Razor sword.) (Items: Flower Propellers.)


Is this what you wanted?


I'll enjoy this very much!





  On 6/17/2013 at 2:16 AM, Master Juan said:


Character Sheet


Name: Cid


Race: Human


Age:18 (just so I can get into the Milk Bar)


Personality: Bold, strong, and smart. He tries to balance out his personality by remaining laid back, observing his surroundings, standing up for others when threatened by beasts in Termina, and possesses great strength from his immense amount of battles


History: Cid's lived in Termina ever since he was born, and everything's been peaceful for as long as he can remember. However, Cid became an adult and was ecstatic to celebrate by attending the Carnival of Time this year. However, the distorted moon loomed overhead and came closer everyday. On the night the Carnival of Time was supposed to begin, the inevitable happened. The moon crashed into Termina and obliterated all of its inhabitants, and Cid felt the pain of seeing everyone die, as well as being incinerated himself by the collision. Cid had died... or so he thought. He woke suddenly and had found out that he was still alive. He ran outside and realized that the moon was still in the sky, still close, but not yet have caused the apocalypse. Cid tried to tell everyone what had happened, but no one believed him. So in three days the moon once again crashed and destroyed the world, and Cid woke up again, alive three days before the apocalypse. This cycle kept on repeating itself and nobody seemed to have a recollection of their memories, everyone except Cid. Cid was biologically 18 years old, but the cycle had repeated so many times that Cid technically had the mentality of a 300 year old man. Cid had learned everything that would happen, hoping one day that this cycle wouldn't happen and that the moon would remain in the sky. He gathered knowledge on the history of Termina, the Giants, the Carnival of Time... and the Imp that was causing this mess. He tried to face the Imp several times, but it was just too powerful. He eventually learned that he lacked the tool to stop Majora, the Ocarina of Time. Cid lost hope, but every cycle he continued to try his best to save Termina and defeat Majora. Why was Cid forced to endure this? Why couldn't he just die when the moon collided? He prayed to the Goddesses that a hero would come to help him defeat Majora, and save Termina once and for all. Finally, on what felt like the millionth a change occurred in the usual routine. A Deku boy clothed in green came out of the Clock Tower, but Cid was so shocked by this change that he didn't react fast enough to question the deku. However, that change didn't matter because the moon still collided with Termina and sent Cid into the next cycle yet again. The previous, final night however, Cid decided to simply watch the moon collide rather than interfering like usual. Suddenly, the Deku boy appeared and confronted Majora. This time, Majora, was holding a blue object... It was the Ocarina of Time! Before Cid could get it, the Deku managed to retrieve it and disappeared after playing a melody... It was the Song of Time! Cid's prayers had been answered! He finally had a chance to save Termina, but hopefully, the deku would return with his ocarina the next cycle.....

(I'm assuming this RP starts the three day cycle Link become human again, after Link gets the Deku mask.)


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings: Platinum Gilded sword (like Gilded Sword, but looks nicer and is a bit stronger), Terminian Shield (Hylian Shield's Terminain counterpart), Hookshot, Bow and arrows, and immense amount of rubies from saving up throughout all those cycles. Also has incredible knowledge on the world around him and knows when everything is going to happen (like Kafei sidequest and all others), except for the changes that Link makes while in Termina (in dungeons, Clock Town, Giants, etc.)


Accepted, though I should warn you before hand, there will be more than a few changes to the happenings around town (blame it on a paradox caused by Link's actions), so he might notice that some things aren't adding up as they usually do.



  On 6/17/2013 at 2:21 AM, Silver Kuroi said:

Well, well. An interesting roleplay. It's the ones like these that I really like. (Why can't I write like this..)


Name: Remissus (Often called Remi, or Remis.)


Race: Human


Age: 35


Personality: A genuinely condescending, sarcastic person. Noble in some rights, he generally talks down those who fail and strikes right through them; easily finding their flaws. Of course, he too, is flawed. No person can escape that curse. Remis does not comprehend death, and pursues the answer to it.


History: A noble from another land. He set to science and magics to fuel his creative mind. Loathed by the scientific community for his genius, he was 'relocated' to the isolated Termina, where he started his projects again.


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings:

Weapon: A blue lance with a sharp, steel edge; A jar filled with greek fire; and small bombs.

Items:  Small smoke bombs, a journal with several instructions for potions and the like.

IB: His spectacles. Not really to correct his vision, the spectacles are attuned to help him 'see' more than the average person would.




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Name: Cindi


Race: Human


Age: 14


History: Cindi isn't exactly supposed to be at the festival... Her grandfather considers himself a soothsayer (and is quite pathetic at it) and said that the festival would be a disaster. Cindi assured him she could take care of herself, she has been fencing since she was four, and left.


Personality: Cute and quiet, but snarky once you know her.


Items: Rapier, 5 healing potions, and a pendant from her grandfather.

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  On 6/17/2013 at 2:51 AM, Scattered Dream said:

Name: CindiRace: HumanAge: 14History: Cindi isn't exactly supposed to be at the festival... Her grandfather considers himself a soothsayer (and is quite pathetic at it) and said that the festival would be a disaster. Cindi assured him she could take care of herself, she has been fencing since she was four, and left.Personality: Cute and quiet, but snarky once you know her.Items: Rapier, 5 healing potions, and a pendant from her grandfather.


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  On 6/17/2013 at 2:51 AM, Scattered Dream said:

Name: CindiRace: HumanAge: 14History: Cindi isn't exactly supposed to be at the festival... Her grandfather considers himself a soothsayer (and is quite pathetic at it) and said that the festival would be a disaster. Cindi assured him she could take care of herself, she has been fencing since she was four, and left.Personality: Cute and quiet, but snarky once you know her.Items: Rapier, 5 healing potions, and a pendant from her grandfather.



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Oh. My. God. Majora's Mask Rp. I've finally died and gone to heaven! That's only my favorite game in the world! Can I have a Kokiri character?

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  On 6/17/2013 at 3:24 AM, twilight_roxas said:

Should I make a Terminian girl who is the Link of Termina?

That's kind of Kafei, except he's a guy.

Edited by Master Juan

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  On 6/17/2013 at 3:08 AM, VIIth Angel said:

Oh. My. God. Majora's Mask Rp. I've finally died and gone to heaven! That's only my favorite game in the world! Can I have a Kokiri character?


The Kokiri aren't really seen in Termina, so I'm going to have to opt on no for that one.

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  On 6/17/2013 at 3:34 AM, Dave said:

The Kokiri aren't really seen in Termina, so I'm going to have to opt on no for that one.

That's fine, I'll manage :)


Character Sheet


Name: Chielo


Race: Human


Age: 10


Personality: Upbeat, cheerful, curious, loyal, brave


History: After her village was pillaged by Ganondorf, her parents disappeared in the wreckage, and she had to raise herself. The great fairy had some pity for Chielo, and blessed her with two bracelets, which when she is wearing them provides her with fire magic. Be it she is still a little girl, and very inexperienced at it.


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings: Just the clothes on her back, and the magic bracelets

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  On 6/17/2013 at 3:48 AM, Master Juan said:

You should include Gerudo in there since technically they are part of Termina


Good call. I'll fix that up.


  On 6/17/2013 at 3:53 AM, VIIth Angel said:

That's fine, I'll manage :)


Character Sheet


Name: Chielo


Race: Human


Age: 10


Personality: Upbeat, cheerful, curious, loyal, brave


History: After her village was pillaged by Ganondorf, her parents disappeared in the wreckage, and she had to raise herself. The great fairy had some pity for Chielo, and blessed her with two bracelets, which when she is wearing them provides her with fire magic. Be it she is still a little girl, and very inexperienced at it.


Items/ Weapons/ Important Belongings: Just the clothes on her back, and the magic bracelets




  On 6/17/2013 at 3:56 AM, Sora's Baby said:

Dave~ fix your sign ups~


Please elaborate.

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  On 6/17/2013 at 4:07 AM, Sora's Baby said:

There's no appearance.

Well I mean Gorons, Zoras, and Dekus are naked, so the only ones that can look different are humans and Gerudos, unless you count body hair on the others *shivers*

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  On 6/17/2013 at 4:14 AM, Master Juan said:

Well I mean Gorons, Zoras, and Dekus are naked, so the only ones that can look different are humans and Gerudos, unless you count body hair on the others *shivers*

Well humans do,plus heights colours ect. can be different.

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  On 6/17/2013 at 4:17 AM, Sora's Baby said:

Well humans do,plus heights colours ect. can be different.


I'm not super concerned about appearances as much as I am personality and backstory. If people want to, they can elaborate about their looks on their character sheets.

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