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Every main character who doesn't have one already, gets a Keyblade.


Yen Sid is the final boss.


Braig becomes a good guy because of point one.


Sora probably does something stupid.


And last but not least, everyone goes back to living life normally... and after you complete the journal 100% and sacrifice your first born child, you get a secret ending that simply shows a message in a bottle floating in the ocean.


Oh and Cloud and Sephiroth probably fight. Again.

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Sora's mother is the final boss. Also, Xehanort turns out to be Riku's brother/uncle/father.


If that happened to be true, I'd laugh at the complaints of how cliché that Star Wars reference was."Riku...I am yo' fatha'.""Noooooo!!!!! Dx" Edited by <King Mickey>

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Sora finds out hes acutally a duck and flys off into the distance, everyone is distressed and trys to figure out where he is but to their misfortune discover he flew to fast and broke the space time continuum. the gang go and talk to cid in radiant garden who says he haas found a gummi brick that has the aability to time travel, called the blockanort. he installs it in there ship in exchange for the right to smoke in a kingdom hearts game, riku and the gang travel forward in time and discover a spiky haired bird and think its sora, but then they realise its a square enix video game and eeryone has spiky hair. sora meanwhile gets tired and rests on a log where he is captured by xehanort and put in a cage. xehanort uses soras ability to summon eraqus' key to free ven and then reunites him with vanitas, the two are forced to forge the x blade and the keyblade war begins, riku and the gang travel to the keyblade graveyad to discover this, riku trys to apprehend ven-itas after an epic speech from xehanort, but is quickly defeated, and unable to continue fighting. sora shocked by rikus injuries breaks free of his birdy mind set and comes to his senses, smashes open the cage and busts out using the keyblade, sora now posessing the ability to fly, hits xehanort in the legs up rooting him and stands to protect riku, king mickey and sora team up to fight venitas but are quicly over powered. Sora just after acknwledging defeat is contacted by by his key who speaks to him, and tells him that his key is indeed the key that can save hearts, sora after an epic speech about the strenght of the heart points his keyblade at vens heart and the x blade shatters, ventus and vanitas seperate and xehanort begins ranting about saving the world by restoring balance, desperately then combining himself with eraqus' keyblade to become an awesome being with control over light and darkness, xehanort shoots up into the air and sora being an duck flys up and follows him, the two then iniate in the epic final boss, sora is losing against xehanort but his friends arrive in the gummi ship to support him, xehanort creates a dimension of darkness around them and everyone is lost. soras friends are one by one picked off in the shadows of darkness, but soras light shines true strong enough to find them and save them, sora affected by the state of his injured friends releases the true power of his keyblade striking one final shot at xehanort, just as xehanort seems to be dying he mutates due to the over exposure to light and darkness, sora in his new light form has an epic battle against the unbelievable new form xehanort posesses. sora exhausts a huge amount of his energy but manages to defeat xehanort after a long winded epic battle, xehanort withers and dissapears, teary eyed staring up at kingdom hearts his hand reaches to grab it from the perspective of his eyes but looses all tension in his body at the last second and smiles as he closes his eyes and fades away. sora stands watching as xehanort fades away and throws one final glance at kingdom hearts in the sky before turning away.  his clothes flowing in the wind as the keyblade dissapears from hs hand and his aura of burning light slowly dissapears until completely gone. he reflects on xehanorts amibition to restore balance as a tear flows from his left eye and he clenches his fist over kingdom hearts in the sky and promises to fullfill xehanorts wish to restore balance n a different way, a way that will be good and suppot everyones wishes..... the games credits role just an idea xD

Frickin best plot prediction ever! xD

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just imagine how mouldy it is now O_o

Haha I know...He better not be.Riku would know though I'd think. And Riku did mention their parents in the first game, so if he was related he'd be his grandfather...or something.

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I know this is contraversial, but I think Riku is going to die. It would make sense, in the end I get the feeling that Sora will end up being isolated, he gets his strength from others, but he needs to learn to stand alone. Riku has been looking out for him forever, they are good friends, so if Riku died Sora would be crushed.

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Sora will go back in time and act as his mother to try and prevent him from going to the island. When he returns to his home, with some luck, his mother is out at the local supermarket, doing some grocery shopping. The Sora who returned from the future calls out, "SORA DINNERS READY COME ON DOWN!... SORA!?" In his mothers voice. Unfortunately for him, he was too late upon arrival, as the younger Sora had JUST left. Future Sora is then consumed by the darkness with the island. That is Sora's life. As for Riku and Kairi? Well, they got married and had 56 children and they all lived peacefully in Twilight Town, with Roxas and his Waifu, who also had that many babeens. And all the other didnee karicturz dyed Bkoz day dint no wat anyfink waz.

Im sorry but I have been laughing at that post for about 5 minutes now xD

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I know this is contraversial, but I think Riku is going to die. It would make sense, in the end I get the feeling that Sora will end up being isolated, he gets his strength from others, but he needs to learn to stand alone. Riku has been looking out for him forever, they are good friends, so if Riku died Sora would be crushed.

too many fan girl problems and it's not the direction kh is going w/ riku. he found himself and now he has much more potential, character and abilities-wise

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One thing I really want to see in terms of plot is possibly playing as all 7 characters and going to each of the thirteen worlds twice. The first time could have something to do with them finding Aqua and Ven and the Keyblade to Restore Hearts, and the second time they could fight a member of the 13 darknesses in each worlds. I think that would be amazingly fun. Like each person gets to fight who would be the most meaningful for them to fight. Lea vs Isa, Ven vs. Vanitas(if he is one) ect.

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I think Sora should bring everyone together for one last fight, but then something holds him back and everyone has to try and fight without him.  All Xehanorts should then fight everyone else, and win the battle.  At the last second when all hope is lost though, Sora arrives and along with riku and kiari, kicks Xehanort's butt, and saves Kingdom Hearts.  Anyway Normura decides to do it will be fine with me though.

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I think Sora should bring everyone together for one last fight, but then something holds him back and everyone has to try and fight without him. All Xehanorts should then fight everyone else, and win the battle. At the last second when all hope is lost though, Sora arrives and along with riku and kiari, kicks Xehanort's butt, and saves Kingdom Hearts. Anyway Normura decides to do it will be fine with me though.

So who's everyone?Everyone from all the worlds?

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Roxas,Xion and Namine will get their own hearts from kingdom heartsNamine, Roxas, Xion and all the other Nobodies already had their own hearts, see DDD. I think at least Roxas is coming back though. In the intro to DDD it shows a quick preview of Sora, Mickey, Riku, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Donald and Goofy in the graveyard with Xehanort. Roxas is there too, but I don't think he will be dual wielding because he no longer has Ventus' heart inside him. Also in BBS secret ending Ansem the Wise says that Sora has the ability to bring back those we thought were gone.

That sounds pretty much right.

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