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KH2 Anti Form and King Mickey

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I don't remember how I reacted to Anti Form, but King Mickey on the other hand, that was an awesome surprise. Fighting against Xaldin, suddenly dies, a different game over menu appears, I'm confused, chooses the "I won't give up" option, out of nowhere Mickey comes and I control him; nerdgasm.

Edited by JTD95

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I don't remember how I reacted to Anti Form, but King Mickey on the other hand, that was an awesome surprise. Fighting against Xaldin, suddenly dies, a different game over menu appears, I'm confused, chooses the "I won't give up" option, out of nowhere Mickey comes and I control him; nerdgasm.


YUP! hahaha King Mickey helped me at Xaldin too! When i got the Antiform i was so excited that the PS2 fell on the ground xD

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King Mickey excited me since you rarely saw him in the game and suddenly you're playing as him.  Anti-form scared the shit out of me 'cause I suddenly couldn't heal myself when I took damage.  

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King Mickey excited me since you rarely saw him in the game and suddenly you're playing as him.  Anti-form scared the shit out of me 'cause I suddenly couldn't heal myself when I took damage.  




I hated not being able to heal, or perform strong attacks. 


I didn't know about King Mickey until after I completed the game and it said "King Mickey helped" or whatever on the Battle Report. Never really needed him, only got to use him whenever I made myself die. Lol.

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I was just surprised when I first got anti sora. I was like I don't remember picking this? When did I unlock this?I was actually frustrated when I first got king mickey. I was like damn it I don't want to do this agai.. oh this is mickey? NICE!

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I was like "WTF?" with Anti. "What is this this? What I can heal, and my combos suck..." Game over. So yeah I hate this form, since when I fiugred how to use it, you lose all your drive bars...

With King Mickey... It was cool I guess, but I was too new to the series to know how awesome it was to play as him. Now that I know how to play KH (and I can speak English) I barely use Mickey, and I don't like losing with Sora and having help (plus it gets added in the end how many time you used him, and I like to keep it in zero) since the less help you need, the better you get.

But I like to beat some bosses with him sometimes (reaching their one hp).

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I don't remember how I reacted to Anti Form, but King Mickey on the other hand, that was an awesome surprise. Fighting against Xaldin, suddenly dies, a different game over menu appears, I'm confused, chooses the "I won't give up" option, out of nowhere Mickey comes and I control him; nerdgasm.

^^^THIS, SO MUCH THIS!!!  Xaldin was the one and only boss that killed me in KH2, he beat me a 100X over when I first played the game (until I realized the trick to beating him was "jumping")!  King Mickey was THE only reason I beat Xaldin the first time around, it was a fantastic surprise and hi kicked so much a**!!!  Hopefully, he plays similar in III, just as awesome :D

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Like many before me, Xaldin was the only boss to kill me and thus give me the opportunity to play as mickey. AND IT WAS AWESOME. I was just like HUH??? the first time it happened. And anti form was always annoying but I would just run around and try to avoid things until I changed back.

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