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Realm of darkness

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it would be awsome to fight the giant heartless that live there. Uh oh, Brian's coming!!!


brian? oh well, not my problem, anyways, that would be awesome, just make it that you really cant see any thing, there is no mini map, and there are treasures hidden through out it, also you would be ambused by heartless of all kinds every five seconds!

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do you think the realm of darkness will be a world in the next KH3

it would be cool while serching for Aqua:)


I'm hoping for it. It'd be about time we actually get to go and explore the place ourselves.

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That would be an interesting place to explore. We have seen parts of it in BBS and the other KH games, but we haven't been able to controll the character and actually examine the ROD. I would think that its a decent world. It might get a little boring, but that depends on what they end up putting in that world. Cool scenery, heartless battles, and epic music=good enough world for me.

We can only hope though =w=

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Who knows? Maybe there's a RoD version of the worlds in the Realm of Light or something. There's got to be something there anyways; the RoL is huge, so I'd expect the RoD to be as such.

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