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What Keyblade Do You Use The Most?

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I normally use Oblivion. Because although Ultima Weapon is better, I just love Oblivion.


Or, if I want to actually have to fight Heartless, I use Kingdom Key, so I don 't one-hit KO things. I like to actually play the game even after I have beaten it.


Also Lionheart :3

Edited by Crown Unlimit

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The reason I kept Fairy Harp till I got the Ultima Weapon is because I'm pretty much a Strength/Magic user and I couldn't afford to lose Magic (Since every Keyblade that I got after that was a minus something and I don't want downgrades), which is why I kept that until Ultima Weapon because the Ultima Weapon is of course the strongest Keyblade. It's funny because every time I visited Halloween Town, I had a colorful weapon such as the Crabclaw and of course the Fairy Harp.

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I mainly used the strongest one I had, though my favorites were Oblivion, Oathkeeper, and Kingdom Key. I have never obtained Ultima Weapon in KH1, though I will try to obtain it in KH 1.5, so after the release of KH 1.5 Ultima Weapon will probably become my most used Keyblade.

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I'm a completionist, so I would usually use Sweet Memories to get all the items for synthesis, or a keyblade similar, in KH3D I used the one that triggered more reality shifts so I could get the Level 3 defense, magic, attack and affinity gains.  Otherwise I literally stick with whatever I have that has the highest stats, and if I'm using Aqua I would choose higher magic stats over higher Strength stats.


In other news though isn't this keyblade gorgeous.  I would use this keyblade.


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I'm a completionist, so I would usually use Sweet Memories to get all the items for synthesis, or a keyblade similar, in KH3D I used the one that triggered more reality shifts so I could get the Level 3 defense, magic, attack and affinity gains.  Otherwise I literally stick with whatever I have that has the highest stats, and if I'm using Aqua I would choose higher magic stats over higher Strength stats.


In other news though isn't this keyblade gorgeous.  I would use this keyblade.


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When i first start playing kingdom hearts i didn't know you could change your keyblade so i came with my kingdom key till the last fight with riku in hollow bastion and then i found out i could change my keybalde after i died against riku 500 times

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Ultima Weapon, Oblivion, Lionheart. You all might find this funny, but back in 2004 when I first played KH1, I didn't know you could change keyblades until I got up to Hollow Boastion. I used the Kingdom Key the whole game and made it pretty far the whole game without getting stuck for too long.

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I think my avatar speaks for itself :PI also use the Ultima weapons but in true the only other keyblade that comes close to Oblivion for me is the Decisive Pumpkin from KH2.

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Either Kingdom Key or Oathkeeper.

Ultima Weapon, Oblivion, Lionheart. You all might find this funny, but back in 2004 when I first played KH1, I didn't know you could change keyblades until I got up to Hollow Boastion. I used the Kingdom Key the whole game and made it pretty far the whole game without getting stuck for too long.

I had like the exact same expierence back in 2003 the first time I played KH.

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