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Awesome Analysis Kingdom Hearts III

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Still alot of questions. How did Donald and Goofy met up with Sora. How will they explain Soras age change... They cant have him falling asleep again. The Drive meter appears but in a different form... And are Donald and Goofy going to be more link party members or will they be their fighting the entire time.

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Remember, this is a Beta version of the trailer that was released. Not all of this may turn out cannon.

1. Seen from Kingdom Hearts 2, Destiny Islands and the Dark Margin seem to be linked. Kairi's letter appeared in the Dark Margin just as mysteriously as Master Eraqus's keyblade did in Destiny Islands, though no other world has seemed to have sent anything to DI. Well, scratch that---Kairi DID come from Radiant Garden, but that was Aqua's work at hand.

2. There is a possibility that Sora could become a master after his second dealing in the Realm of Sleep. Or he found the keyblade because he was the one to set things right. Or simply because Master Keeper isn't all that different from any other keyblade.

3. Sora might have found a door back to Destiny Islands, or this particular cutscene is after he comes back, and is revisiting Destiny Islands for one reason or another.

4. An age change might not even BE there. 'Mature' doesn't necessarily mean 'Adult'.

5. I suppose that Square will keep the whole 'Donald and Goofy are right there beside you the whole time' play for Kingdom Hearts 3; they just couldn't show D&G in the trailer due to time.


But rest assured, answers are coming to us, friend. You needn't fear this, Square is in their studios RIGHT NOW working on the game.

Edited by KHrulz

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Still alot of questions. How did Donald and Goofy met up with Sora. How will they explain Soras age change... They cant have him falling asleep again. The Drive meter appears but in a different form... And are Donald and Goofy going to be more link party members or will they be their fighting the entire time.

drive metre looks more like a focus gauge now :) the time zone hasnt got announced so soras age still makes sense,

i suppose it will be explained in story how he met don and goo wouldnt be hardor unrealistic to happen. they wont be links nomura confirmed they are p members

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Yea but this is 10x better than the IGN Rewind where the girl said that Soras a true keyblade master... When everyone knows that he failed it!

I obviously know its a beta. But Im pretty sure their will be no command deck in this game everything showed I think is what we can expect. Attack,Magic,Items. Donald and Goofy and Soras keyblade how ever the game could go any direction at this point. I just like to speculate to be honest (:

Edited by KingdomHearts123456

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Still alot of questions. How did Donald and Goofy met up with Sora. How will they explain Soras age change... They cant have him falling asleep again. The Drive meter appears but in a different form... And are Donald and Goofy going to be more link party members or will they be their fighting the entire time.

Sora will be the same age or a year older in KH 3. Sora is around 16 in 3D(correct me if I am wrong) and Xehanort will not wait for him to be 18 or older. If Sora is an adult in KH 3, then Xehanort would have a lot of patience. Edited by BlazingSoul

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They're so confused by the "?" option there, and so they automatically think "drive forms"?  Wouldn't it make more sense that that is the same "?" that appeared in KH1 and 2 that changed to open treasure chests, use various special attacks, etc., without drive forms?

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Nomura said that they are somehow keeping the KH2 battle system.

I bet it will be mixed with Dream Drop and BBS stuff as well, and we will probably see richer customization options with Donald and Goofy. 

They're so confused by the "?" option there, and so they automatically think "drive forms"?  Wouldn't it make more sense that that is the same "?" that appeared in KH1 and 2 that changed to open treasure chests, use various special attacks, etc., without drive forms?

Personally I hope not I dont really like Drive forms its kind of a button mashing excercise.. I hope its something else like a link command from BBS. I want the core gameplay to be fast pace like KH 2 but BBS and Dream Drop mixed.

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Nomura said that they are somehow keeping the KH2 battle system.

With some some aspects of battle systems in all the other games. I honestly liked the command deck additions in KH BBS and KH 3D more than KHII's battle system. Nomura said basically that they're going to mend them all together in to one, with KHII's battle system as the core. Which means, if well done and well executed, it will be one badass battle system.

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They're so confused by the "?" option there, and so they automatically think "drive forms"? Wouldn't it make more sense that that is the same "?" that appeared in KH1 and 2 that changed to open treasure chests, use various special attacks, etc., without drive forms?

I've heard about this theory before, and like I said, I don't think they'd bring that style back after implementing the triangle function in KHII (Which by the way, is SO much more convienant) and again replacing KHI's various options with the triangle button aswell in 1.5 Remix. I could be wrong, but it wouldn't make much sense to me, and honestly i'd be a little skeptical on it if they did indeed bring that feature from KHI back into KHIII.

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I've heard about this theory before, and like I said, I don't think they'd bring that style back after implementing the triangle function in KHII (Which by the way, is SO much more convienant) and again replacing KHI's various options with the triangle button aswell in 1.5 Remix.I could be wrong, but it wouldn't make much sense to me, and honestly i'd be a little skeptical on it if they did indeed bring that feature from KHI back into KHIII.

I'm just meaning that the "?" does not mean drive forms.


Personally I hope not I dont really like Drive forms its kind of a button mashing excercise.. I hope its something else like a link command from BBS. I want the core gameplay to be fast pace like KH 2 but BBS and Dream Drop mixed.

I was hoping it wasn't drive forms either.

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I bet it will be mixed with Dream Drop and BBS stuff as well, and we will probably see richer customization options with Donald and Goofy. 


Yeah i know but Nomura said (again ;p) that they will keep the battle system of the main games ;s

something like that

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Sora will be the same age or a year older in KH 3. Sora is around 16 in 3D(correct me if I am wrong) and Xehanort will not wait for him to be 18 or older. If Sora is an adult in KH 3, then Xehanort would have a lot of patience.

Sora's still 15 in 3D. I'm pretty sure.

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one year has passed since the end of KH 2 in dream drop distance Sora is 16

Not true. Why would Sora wait a year between the end of KH2 and the beginning of his Mark of Mastery to decide that he's going to save the suffering hearts?

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Not true. Why would Sora wait a year between the end of KH2 and the beginning of his Mark of Mastery to decide that he's going to save the suffering hearts?

I was talking about the normal end of KH 2 not the one after the credits it was pointed out by square the clip when he receives the letter is a year after they defeated Xemnas

How do you know this?

Because they said it when dream drop distance was coming out

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I was talking about the normal end of KH 2 not the one after the credits it was pointed out by square the clip when he receives the letter is a year after they defeated Xemnas

Because they said it when dream drop distance was coming out


Where have they ever said that? Show me the interview where it's stated.

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Where have they ever said that? Show me the interview where it's stated.

seriously just go to the Kingdom hearts wiki if you don't believe me  I'm not about to go searching for an interview from last year just because I seem to be one of the only ones that bothers to read them or are you new to the series? If that's the case and that's why your confused. Once again I am not making this up at the start of KH 2 half the year was gone already remember Roxas said before returning to Sora, "My summer vacations over" . After the end of KH 2 Coded took up the rest of the year hence all the characters are one year older than in KH 2 Sora and Kairi are 16 and if I recall correctly Riku is one year older than him so he's 17 in Dream drop distance which leads right into Kingdom hearts 3 

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seriously just go to the Kingdom hearts wiki if you don't believe me  I'm not about to go searching for an interview from last year just because I seem to be one of the only ones that bothers to read them or are you new to the series? If that's the case and that's why your confused. Once again I am not making this up at the start of KH 2 half the year was gone already remember Roxas said before returning to Sora, "My summer vacations over" . After the end of KH 2 Coded took up the rest of the year hence all the characters are one year older than in KH 2 Sora and Kairi are 16 and if I recall correctly Riku is one year older than him so he's 17 in Dream drop distance which leads right into Kingdom hearts 3 

I have been with the series from the very beginning. NOTHING OF THE LIKE WAS EVER SAID. And in case you don't know, ANYONE CAN EDIT A WIKI. And all you're saying is just nonsense. You said earlier from the end of KH2 to the beginning of DDD was one year. Now you're changing what you're saying by stating that the second year begins with Sora's awakening?Give me the interview (or at least the date so I can get it myself) and I'll go with it.

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I have been with the series from the very beginning. NOTHING OF THE LIKE WAS EVER SAID. And in case you don't know, ANYONE CAN EDIT A WIKI. And all you're saying is just nonsense. You said earlier from the end of KH2 to the beginning of DDD was one year. Now you're changing what you're saying by stating that the second year begins with Sora's awakening?Give me the interview (or at least the date so I can get it myself) and I'll go with it.

what I said was kingdom hearts 2 is a year after Kingdom heart 1 chain of memories and for the most part Days. Then went on to say at the beginning of Kingdom hearts 2 its already past summer vacation as stated by Roxas, (I can find the clip if you want) meaning that the year they were currently in was already half over. Then they journey for a while before having the final show down with Xemnas and returning to the islands. Then after a certain amount of time passes I'm not really sure how much I don't think Square ever stated they find the message in the journal and Coded starts. After another long Journey this time through the data worlds eventually finding the message hidden there by Namine afterwords Mickey writes the letter for Sora and the game ends. At the moment its still unknown how he sent it out, or how long it took to get to Sora but as we know they do get it. There's also a secret ending for coded in which Yen sid tells Mickey about Xehanort's revival and tells him to get Sora and Riku so they can take the Mark of mastery. Again its still unknown whether this takes place before he writes the letter or after, or if its before Sora and Riku are with him or after. Regardless of the fact, (Go looking for the freakin interview yourself) by the time they are about to take the mark of mastery its been one year since Kingdom hearts 2s normal ending, There happy. by the way I've also been with the series since the beginning and the only games I don't own are Coded and Dream drop distance both of which I watched all the way through on YouTube. 

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