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Kingdom Hearts III reactions are hilarious

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My heart was beating fast while I was watching the trailer for the first time and when the logo of KH3 came in the trailer, I stopped the video for a sec, took a long breath, got emotional for a sec and then continued the video. Then at the end of the trailer I shouted "YES!"  That's just how I was when I saw the trailer. 

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Bwahahahahahahahaha xDI shouldn't have found that as funny as I did....

Between the "My balls are empty i've burst so many times" and the "My panties are wet" (Yes, i'm looking at you Lea and Megaman) it's been pretty funny. Edited by JJForever

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This is what happened to me;"I was with my friends when somebody sent me the link, I'm like "Oh KH1.5 HD, cool but they should start KH3 -_-" and then it happened I sawthe logo and the small in game footage, jesus christ, I lost it! Myfriends were scared (I'm a 21 YO 6"1' 195lbs) so I am a big grown oldman yelling for a game that has Mickey mouse and crying because of it(it wasnt my best momment in front of my friends LOL) but I didnt give afiretruck, I was jumping around! so exited I'm still are, they dontunderstand but I'm making them play the original PS2 games so they canunderstand and feel my pain of waiting so much for a game lol."

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