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Kingdom Hearts: Vanguard RP

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"Thanks for the save." a young energetic male voice said over the radios to the ships that helped clear a path for the Highwind. "I hope to see you after this is over."

The Highwind rocketed through Radiant Garden's atmosphere and came into land near mid town. Before it was even done powering down, four figures were out and running for the castle. Kairi took in the view of her old home as Sora, Riku and Lea formed a perimeter around her.


"Oh, I believe that her escort care about her as much as you do." Ienzo said to Cody before turning his attention to the portal and light attacks. Like Xatsuno's own force field, the shield protecting the machine and princesses held against the attacks.

"We need to stop this fire." Dilan said. "The shield will hold for now, but not indefinitely."

"If only we could redirect them." Ienzo mused.

Almost directly after he said it, small portals appeared in front the portal's the light beams came from, redirecting the light else where.

"Ienzo?" Even asked, looking at the new portals, which moved to counter any attacking moves of the other portals.

"No." Ienzo answered, and smiled grimly as he thought he heard an echoed "As if!"


With the increased reinforcements, Lumiara turned his entire attention against pounding on Xatsuno's force field. a moment later, the light beams that had been directed against the machine where redirected through portals against the force field. Lumiara smiled as he started to make cracks in the field.


Elenar glared at Celas.

"I don't have to talk to 'Larxene.'" She snapped. "I was her! I don't need to be taken apart again just to get more guilt."

Small sparks of lightning jumped between her fingers.

"Now, get that think out of my face and worry about saving someone who wants to be, like that kid you are looking for."

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Xatsuno hears the commotion outside, a he goes on to enforce the force field by making it stronger and fix it with Darkness. Xatsuno then jumps into the air and lifts many spiky rocks from the lava using Psychic powers. Aero prepares to block the attacks by using Reflega. Xatsuno hurls the rocks at Aero, and manages to break through the barrier, and causes Aero to be inured slightly. Xatsuno then speaks to Aero by saying. "Why don't you giv eup now, you fool... Maybe I'll think about sparing your if you do... I have someone to seek..." Said Xatsuno, asking Aero if he gives up. Aero get's up slowly, as he begins to glow with Light covering his body, as he speaks to Xatsuno by saying. "I'll never give up! you have caused so much pain and suffering! I will stop you!" Shouted Aero, not planning to give up the battle. The Light on Aero's body begins to fuse with Aero's Keyblade, with Xatsuno looking on shocked at what's going on.

Edited by Tom13

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Elenar glared at Celas.

"I don't have to talk to 'Larxene.'" She snapped. "I was her! I don't need to be taken apart again just to get more guilt."

Small sparks of lightning jumped between her fingers.

"Now, get that think out of my face and worry about saving someone who wants to be, like that kid you are looking for."


Celas lowered her Keyblade, the small orb vanishing instantly."You really need to let it go. You need to forgive yourself before anyone else can forgive you."For some reason Celas felt bad for Elenar. Was it pity? or perhaps she was sad that the young girl couldn't forgive herself for her actions as a Nobody."Listen, maybe you are right about "saving" that young boy...but...do not try to lie to me because I can see it clearly." she turned away from Elenar. "You're trying so hard to hold unto your anger and guilt to hide the fact that...deep down, you want to be saved, you want to listen to someone saying "It's alright Elenar, it wasn't your fault"She began to walk but gave Elenar one last look."No matter how much you struggle, you can't live in the past, because if you dwell in the past, you won't be able to see the future"Celas slowly walked away from Elenar, giving her some time to calm herself, but as she was walking, a voice echoed in her mind."Who are you?" the voice asked. "You are not the one I'm waiting for"She looked around and smiled a little."Don't worry Ventus, I'm coming for you"

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Aero is seen still channeling Light into his Keyblade, as Xatsuno regains his composure, as he starts channeling Darkness into his Keyblade. They seem to be gaining power from what they're doing right now. Xatsuno is glaring right at Aero as he channels more Darkness. He then speaks to Aero by saying. "Since you're doing "That", I shall do the same!" Shouted Xatsuno, as he prepares to attack Aero. Aero and Xatsuno then run at each other, causing a huge explosion of Light and Darkness, and multiple screams are heard. After the explosion fades, Xatuno and Aero are seen panting on their knees. Particles of Darkness start to fly out of Xatsuno's body, as he then speaks to Aero by saying. "Impressive, you managed to defeat me... But, it's too late... There is already a small wound... Inflicted on the "Space Thread" of the Realm of Light.... My pawn, Xehanort shall do the rest of the plan from here on out... When Xehanort was born, I placed a part of my own Darkness inside of him. That shall control his actions into destroying all of the Light, and bring all the Worlds into the Realm of Darkness, he shall cause "Ruination", that shall cause the event I desire to happen... As for myself, I shall be back, just you wait, and when I come back, I shall be the ruler of "The Age Of Chaos"..." Said Xatsuno, revealing some shocking truths. Xatsuno then explodes into Particles of Darkness, which fade away. Aero pants, as he teleports into the shelter where Tyler is, with an old man. Tyler runs over to Aero, and catches Aero who falls into his arms, as Tyler speaks to him by saying. "Are you okay, Aero?! What happened?!" Asked Tyler, worried about Aero. Aero looks at Tyler right in the eye, and speaks to him by saying. "Xatsuno... He's gone... For now... But, I sense that he may return, I fear that he may not be finished... I trust my Dreams with you... Tyler, Embrace your Dreams, no matter what... Master Thomas... Take Tyler as your apprentice.. I sense a great Destiny inside of him..." Said Aero, telling Tyler and Master Thomas about Xatsuno. Master Thomas nods as he speaks to Aero by saying. "Very well, I'll do what I can... Good bye, Aero.." Said Master Thomas, bidding farewell to Aero. Aero smiles and falls down into Tyler's chest, and turns into Particles of Light, and fades away, as he speaks by saying. "Sarah... That was for you..." Said Aero, giving his regards to Sarah. All of the Darkness and Heartless then disappear into thin air.




(This theme plays as Xatsuno is defeated 

.) Edited by Tom13

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"Thanks for the save." a young energetic male voice said over the radios to the ships that helped clear a path for the Highwind. "I hope to see you after this is over."

The Highwind rocketed through Radiant Garden's atmosphere and came into land near mid town. Before it was even done powering down, four figures were out and running for the castle. Kairi took in the view of her old home as Sora, Riku and Lea formed a perimeter around her.


"Oh, I believe that her escort care about her as much as you do." Ienzo said to Cody before turning his attention to the portal and light attacks. Like Xatsuno's own force field, the shield protecting the machine and princesses held against the attacks.

"We need to stop this fire." Dilan said. "The shield will hold for now, but not indefinitely."

"If only we could redirect them." Ienzo mused.

Almost directly after he said it, small portals appeared in front the portal's the light beams came from, redirecting the light else where.

"Ienzo?" Even asked, looking at the new portals, which moved to counter any attacking moves of the other portals.

"No." Ienzo answered, and smiled grimly as he thought he heard an echoed "As if!"


With the increased reinforcements, Lumiara turned his entire attention against pounding on Xatsuno's force field. a moment later, the light beams that had been directed against the machine where redirected through portals against the force field. Lumiara smiled as he started to make cracks in the field.


Aero is seen still channeling Light into his Keyblade, as Xatsuno regains his composure, as he starts channeling Darkness into his Keyblade. They seem to be gaining power from what they're doing right now. Xatsuno is glaring right at Aero as he channels more Darkness. "Since you're doing "That", I shall do the same!" Xatsuno shouted as he prepares to attack. Aero and Xatsuno then run at each other, causing a huge explosion of Light and Darkness, and multiple screams are heard. As the explosion fades, Both are seen panting on their knees. Particles of Darkness start to fly out of Xatsuno's body.

"Impressive" he started before revealing some shocking truths, "you managed to defeat me... But, it's too late... There is already a small wound... Inflicted on the "Space Thread" of the Realm of Light.... My pawn, Xehanort shall do the rest of the plan from here on out... When Xehanort was born, I placed a part of my own Darkness inside of him. That shall control his actions into destroying all of the Light, and bring all the Worlds into the Realm of Darkness, he shall cause "Ruination", that shall cause the event I desire to happen... As for myself, I shall be back, just you wait, and when I come back, I shall be the ruler of "The Age Of Chaos"..." He explodes into Particles of Darkness, which fade away. Aero pants, as he teleports into the shelter where Tyler is, with an old man.

Tyler runs over to Aero, and catches Aero who falls into his arms."Are you okay, Aero?! What happened?!" Tyler asked, worried about him. Aero looks at Tyler right in the eye. "Xatsuno... He's gone... For now... But, I sense that he may return, I fear that he may not be finished... I trust my Dreams with you... Tyler, Embrace your Dreams, no matter what... Master Thomas... Take Tyler as your apprentice.. I sense a great Destiny inside of him..." Master Thomas nodded. "Very well, I'll do what I can... Good bye, Aero.." Aero smiles and falls down into Tyler's chest, and turns into Particles of Light, and fades away. "Sarah... That was for you..." They heard Aero whisper as he gives his last regards to Sarah. All of the Darkness and Heartless then disappear into thin air.

About to confront yet another heartless wave, Cody's Sentinel, Striker and Luna's nobody and heartless were taking up a defensive stance when all of a sudden the daunting sea of enemies disappeared. Perplexed, the Striker wasn't gonna take any chances. "Sentinel! Report!" Immediately, the winged nobody took to the skies, assessing the town and trying to spot any signs of enemies amidst the sea of allies. Confused but relieved, he gently descended to the ground to deliver his report. "I dunno what happened, but there are no more signs of heartless. All allies as far as I can see aren't engaging anything, so I'm assuming they're all gone." The Striker scratched his head, trying to make sense of it all when Luna's nobody held her head. "Guys, Cody is down." Everyone looked at the entity for a moment, before immediately making a mad dash towards the castle. 


Meanwhile... At the castle

Trying desperately to reverse his deteriorating condition, Luna's Will had contacted her remaining entities to regroup to it, hoping that their whole counterpart could do what a third of her can't. The Guardians that were there were impressed with the way the former organization members had handled things, turning some of the enemy's attacks against them. As the battle outside stopped, the stillness in the air was rather unnerving for some of them, mainly Auron and Aquila. Stella, being the hyperactive sugarbomb that she was, leaped into the air before settling on the frame of the window that Cody had crashed through earlier. "Hey! I don't see any more bad guys!" she relayed to the others. Some of them immediately stood down, others were still on edge, and the ones who had split decided to remerge. "Report." Auron calmly requested as Stella regrouped with the princesses and everyone else. "So yeah! No more heartless, and Luna, your nobody and heartless are coming here with two other people!" Aquila glanced over to Luna's Will, who was still cradling Cody in its arms. "One casualty, Nocturne." she coldly remarked. "Idiot." 


"Don't say that!" Luna's Will lashed out, taking Aquila by surprise as her remaining entities, the Striker and Sentinel came through the window above. "To whoever locked the front door, thanks a lot!" the Striker whimsically remarked to the other Guardians and princesses as they assessed the area. Noticing the Spartans, the Sentinel nodded approvingly as Luna's remaining entities remerged. She fell to her knees, exhausted from the split and constant supportive magic as Selene and Estelles caught her and tried to help her back up. With her being taken care of, Cody's entities gathered around their whole counterpart, still awestruck that they finally get to see who they really are. They noticed his disintegrating heart, and both were dumbfounded on what to do before the Striker offered an Idea. "Hey, Sentinel."



"What if... what if we wait until his heart is almost gone, and then try for a remerge?"

"We're already an anomaly as we are. How do we know if this will work?"

"Got any other ideas?"

"...... Actually, yes. But if we are gonna do this, we'll need to crack that lens of his."


"He'll need all the help he can get. Better to overcomplete his heart rather than under-complete it."

"So it's either risk having it not work and he... d...disappears, or overcomplete his heart and risk an explosion?"


The Sentinel shrugged, all out of ideas. "I like your thinking Sentinel! Explosion it is! I'd rather go out with a bang anyways!" Smiling, the Sentinel shouldered their whole's body before taking to the air, heading back out through the window above. "Luna, we might need you for this." the Striker warned before acrobatically jumping to the window and exiting. Not even checking to see if her princess is ok, she unlocked the doors that led outside and met with the others.

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"Anytime." Came an equally energetic response, and as the Highwind landed, gunships of all kinds slotted into coveeing positions around the landing zone. It was clear no one was gonna touch a Peincess of Heart.

As Zion and Co fought towards the mansion, Sarah Aether led her forces and held the city, the Heartless forced to turn to a siege.

Otherwise, known as the "we can now shoot at them from all sides" move.


"Zion, we have the line held. Tell your buddies to not stop for coffee."

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"Anytime." Came an equally energetic response, and as the Highwind landed, gunships of all kinds slotted into coveeing positions around the landing zone. It was clear no one was gonna touch a Peincess of Heart.As Zion and Co fought towards the mansion, Sarah Aether led her forces and held the city, the Heartless forced to turn to a siege.Otherwise, known as the "we can now shoot at them from all sides" move."Zion, we have the line held. Tell your buddies to not stop for coffee."


(The Heartless in Radiant Garden are gone now.)

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Master Thomas appears in front of Luna and her accomplices. He looks at Cody in concern, before then looking back at Luna. He folds his arms as he looks at her. He then speaks to Luna by saying. "I sense that his Heart may have gone missing, or pieces of it broke off.... Oh, by the way, my name is Thomas, a Keyblade Master. We had won this battle for now, but Aero died, and Sarah's whereabouts are unknown.. It seems this battle had some consequences for the winners...." Said Master Thomas, introducing himself

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Riku pushed his way up to Zion's position.

"Glad to see some friendly faces." He commented, looking around at the damaged city. "Just wish it was under better circumstances. We'd better make sure there aren't any Heartless leftovers around."

Lea pushed past, tapping Riku's shoulder.

"I'll go on ahead and check in with Ienzo." He said, giving giving some old friends a wink.

Riku nodded and Lea took off.


"No kidding." Ienzo said to Master Thomas. "There are always consequences. Luckily, the annihilation of Light isn't among them."

With the machine, Even and Dilan helped the princesses out of the chairs, but kept an eye out for more attacks.

"You call us here for nothing?" A voice echoed to the group.

Lea ran over and stopped by Ienzo.

"Not that I'm complaining, the training Yen Sid has me doing is getting old."

"Where are Sora, Riku and Kairi?" Ienzo asked Lea.

"Just checking to make sure the Heartless are gone. It took some convencing to get them to not think you guys were behind all this."

"Please." Ienzo joked. "My plans are more elegant than this."


Elenar opted to outwardly ignore Celas's comments, even though inwardly that was proving difficult. She did give Celas an odd look when she started talking to thin air.

"So, how do we get this guy out of here?" She asked, catching up to Celas. "I'm guessing he isn't in any condition to help, right?"

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Master Thomas looks at Ienzo sternly and nods. He unfolds his arms as he looks on at him. He takes one last look at Cody and back at Ienzo. He then speaks to Ienzo by saying. "Now that Xatsuno is defeated, until who knows when, we shall focus our efforts on Xehanort soon.." Said Master Thomas, sounding confident that Xehanort is the last person to face.

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Elenar opted to outwardly ignore Celas's comments, even though inwardly that was proving difficult. She did give Celas an odd look when she started talking to thin air."So, how do we get this guy out of here?" She asked, catching up to Celas. "I'm guessing he isn't in any condition to help, right?"


Having been lost in thought, Celas ignored Elenar for a couple of seconds."I don't think that would be a problem. Once we find him I will wake him up and he will be able to leave this place on his own two feet."She said in a matter of factly tone before pointing her Keyblade forwards."Even though Darkness once left his heart for some time, currently he have it back, or at least some of it" while talking, darkness began to gather on the Keyblade. "his darkness and my darkness will react to each other, showing us the way"Once Celas finished talking, a beam of darkness shot out of her Keyblade, making a turn on the end of the hallway."See? We are close enough that my Keyblade is reacting to him" Celas began to run, following the trail left by the beam of darkness. "Hurry up or you will get lost!" she yelled at Elenar.

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Riku pushed his way up to Zion's position."Glad to see some friendly faces." He commented, looking around at the damaged city. "Just wish it was under better circumstances. We'd better make sure there aren't any Heartless leftovers around."Lea pushed past, tapping Riku's shoulder."I'll go on ahead and check in with Ienzo." He said, giving giving some old friends a wink.Riku nodded and Lea took off."No kidding." Ienzo said to Master Thomas. "There are always consequences. Luckily, the annihilation of Light isn't among them."With the machine, Even and Dilan helped the princesses out of the chairs, but kept an eye out for more attacks."You call us here for nothing?" A voice echoed to the group.Lea ran over and stopped by Ienzo."Not that I'm complaining, the training Yen Sid has me doing is getting old.""Where are Sora, Riku and Kairi?" Ienzo asked Lea."Just checking to make sure the Heartless are gone. It took some convencing to get them to not think you guys were behind all this.""Please." Ienzo joked. "My plans are more elegant than this."

Master Thomas looks at Ienzo sternly and nods. He unfolds his arms as he looks on at him. He takes one last look at Cody and back at Ienzo. He then speaks to Ienzo by saying. "Now that Xatsuno is defeated, until who knows when, we shall focus our efforts on Xehanort soon.." Said Master Thomas, sounding confident that Xehanort is the last person to face.

The Striker and Sentinel with Cody's body were seen heading towards the flower garden just outside the town walls, close enough for Luna to catch up and so the town walls can absorb the possible explosion if their attempts to wake their whole counterpart ends in a spectacular fashion. Luna was frantically trying to catch up, not giving a damn about the citizens that had now decided to poke their heads out of their shelters to see if the coast is clear. Some who had recognize her started to follow her, some wanting to see another battle, others curious as she made her way to the flower garden. As she passed the town square, Master Thomas decided to make his sudden appearance.


"I sense that his Heart may have gone missing, or pieces of it broke off.... Oh, by the way, my name is Thomas, a Keyblade Master. We had won this battle for now, but Aero died, and Sarah's whereabouts are unknown.. It seems this battle had some consequences for the winners...."


"Save the intro for later!" she replied as she ran past him, too worried about someone else to properly conduct herself in a polite fashion.


When she arrived, she saw Cody's body there on the corner of the cobblestone pavement closest to her, surrounded by his nobody Sentinel and heartless Striker. His helmet was lying there by his side and evidently his lens was already destroyed, the shattered pieces littering the cobblestone pavement as the Sentinel had its hand over Cody's heart. "C'mon.... C'mon!" he glowered through clenched teeth, "Friggin MERGE for crying out loud!" The Striker had a sad, yet serene look on his face as Luna finally caught up to them. Behind her on the cobblestone pavement that led to the walls, those who had noticed or recognized Luna and Cody started to gather there, curious about who they are and what was going on. The children and adults were whispering, the children curious about "that guy who shot a laser into the sky" and the parents trying to keep them from getting closer. The Striker let off a sigh as Luna got closer to the three. "You know..." he started, looking off to the town in the distance and completely ignoring the crowd, "this place was his home. Mom and dad are still around, I saw them as we were heading here. They were always proud of their little boy, becoming someone with a purpose much greater than they could fathom. I also know that they would visit this place every now and then." Luna looked at him, concerned about why he was reminiscing his past now. The Striker continued, "It's a beautiful spot, this place. It's quiet, peaceful, a nice place to reflect, away from the masses, it's really not a bad spot for... well..." 


The Sentinel interrupted. "Don't you even DARE go there! We're gonna wake him up!"


The Striker continued. "Luna... if... if we don't wake up... continue the mission. Find a way back to Castle Oblivion, find Ventus and Aqua. It's what he would want."


"W-what do you mean?" Luna asked, tears starting to form as her heart connected the dots. The Striker stayed silent, glancing at their whole's body before kneeling besides it. "There's not much of him left" the Sentinel remarked, "And I just can't seem to- wait... wait a sec." A faint aura of light started to appear as both Cody and his nobody started to glow. Almost immediately, the Striker placed his hand over Cody's heart as well, and thankfully started to glow. "I hope this works" the Sentinel started, "But If... if it doesn't, is Kingdom Hearts a nice place?" As Luna's eyes widened at the question, the Striker's response only made it worse. "I don't think we'll be going there. You need a whole, intact heart for it to go there. His... sorry, our heart is disintegrating. If this doesn't reverse his condition, we'll disappear into nothing. A heart was never supposed to be weaponized, but he did for the sake of others." The Sentinel audibly gulped before nodding as the Striker glanced over to Luna.


Before he could say anything, they all started to glow brighter, before both the Sentinel and the Striker started to disappear in a blinding spectacle of light. The small crowd behind her shielded their eyes and Luna did the same. When the light disappeared, Luna looked and saw only Cody, their merge successful or so she hoped. He still wasn't moving as she knelt by his side, trying to assess his condition. The crowd behind her was holding their breath as she placed her hand over his heart, only to feel his life essence stabilize for a moment, then continue its slow fade to death. 



Luna's worst fear was quickly becoming a reality.

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Master Thomas looks on at what the Striker and Sentinel do with a stern look on his face. He can tell what went wrong what they did. He looks at Luna while folding his arms. He then speaks to her by saying. "I'm sorry to say this... But I sense that Cody is broken, I don't know if he can be fixed or not.. Sorry if I upset you with this news.." Said Master Thomas, talking to Luna about Cody's condition.

Edited by Tom13

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Music for this particular scene... 




Master Thomas looks on at what the Striker and Sentinel do with a stern look on his face. He can tell what went wrong what they did. He looks at Luna while folding his arms. "I'm sorry to say this... But I sense that Cody is broken, I don't know if he can be fixed or not.. Sorry if I upset you with this news.."

The small crowd that had gathered suddenly realized what the Striker was going for as they noticed a nearly complete makeshift memorial in one of the nearby flowerbeds. His signature black and blue boots were standing there with their heels together, his keyblade perfectly vertical behind them, the arrowtip firmly planted in the ground. All that was missing was the helmet which was supposed to be sitting on top of the keyblade, but instead was by the owner's side. The adults gasped in shock at the grim picture as they tried to distract the children from the view. 


Their attention returned to Luna, tears streaming down her face as she felt what remained of his very life evaporating before her. Her hands were glowing brightly in a green aura, her healing spell in full force as she tried for her Phoenix Reborn magic technique, which was supposed to be able to revive someone who was dead within a certain timeframe. She was screaming his name, desperate for something, anything to reverse the condition. It soon became obvious that nothing was working as the last shard of his heart started to fade away. She soon realized why: the last laser shot from him during the battle was his point of no return. His existence beyond that was just him working on borrowed time and sheer willpower to stay alive and finishing the fight. The crowd became eerily silent, even the children seemed to freeze as Luna buried her face into his chest, crying and begging for a miracle to save the boy she loved. She felt his body going limp as he softly exhaled his last breath, and she could have sworn he had called for her name in that final whisper. 


The small crowd could only watch as Luna broke into a sob, some now paying their respects and others sharing her pain as they started gathering around them. She gently lowered his body to the cold pavement before cradling her arms around his head, nuzzling his forehead while still crying. "I'm sorry to say this... But I sense that Cody is broken, I don't know if he can be fixed or not.. Sorry if I upset you with this news.." Master Thomas spoke, but Luna was in too much pain and sadness to reply. She wanted to tell him that 'fixing' him is impossible, as doing that means needing a heart to work with. Ventus and Aqua could be saved if their hearts are found, but Cody's heart has been destroyed beyond repair and revival. She knew this, and nothing is gonna bring him back now that his heart is gone. Not to Kingdom Hearts where it could be retrieved and a revival could be possible, but gone into nothingness, the only remnants of him now being his body, the memorial and her memories of him.


A small girl who was also carrying her teddy bear broke through the ring of people that had gathered around and got close to Cody's body, then gently placed her hand on his cold, unresponsive, open one as her mother stood there, unsure what would be the most respectful course of action for a situation like this. "May you forever rest... in peaceful slumber." the crowd heard Luna softly tell Cody, before leaning in to give him one last, final kiss.

Edited by Javelin434

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Zion and Xion had barely arrived, Sarah Aether behind them.


The two watched silently, but Zion and Xion crouched behind Luna, their arms around her, holding her. Because no one else was there to.

Zion looked at Cody, tears welling.

"We'll bring him back. I swear Luna we'll bring him back."

Xion nuzzled Luna's hair, trying to comfort her.

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Suddenly, a mysterious robbed man appears behind Ienzo, Luna, and the others. Master Thomas looks sternly at the mysterious figure as the smirks at all in the room. Master Thomas speaks to the robbed man by saying. "Who are you?!" Asked Master Thomas, asking who the man is. The man just ignores the question and speaks to everyone in the room by saying. "It seems that you people managed to survive... Just as "Fate" had in-store.... "The Purge Of Light" was just one of the pieces that are needed to cause "Ruination", or what's properly called a "Ragnarok".. The next piece shall bring about the end... In other words, "Destiny Is Never Left To Chance"..." Said the man, revealing a cryptic note on all that has happened and talks about what happens in the future mysteriously.

Edited by Tom13

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The former organization members and four Lights stood around Cody and Luna, remaining silent. A hand was placed on Luna's should, surprisingly from Dilan.

"He did his duty and protected what he cared about." He said softly. "Best end a guard can have."

Hearing Zion's declaration, Even and Ienzo shared a look. After it was over, Even broke off from the group and started running numbers in his head.

The arrival of the robed man was greeted with several weapons being drawn and pointed at him.

"Who are you?" Sora demanded.

"A party pooper." A female voice answered, drifting in on thin air.

A woman wearing a black jump suit with bits of white armor on it and a mask that obscured her lower face appeared behind the robed man and slashed his legs with a glowing blade from her fist. As he fell to his knees, she vanished and reappeared in front of him, placing two glowing blades at his throat.

"Somebody trying to mess with the plot." She continued. "Luckily, his fate isn't very bright either. Now bye, buddy. Don't come back, or your story will end by a unexpected plot device."

She removed her blades from the mans neck, then kicked him through a tear in reality just formed behind him, sending him back to where he came from. The tear healed itself as the girl turned to look at the crowd.

"Since the person Sora asked for an identity from is no longer here," Ienzo said, sounding amused, " maybe you could supply an answer as to who you are?"

The girl reached up and pulled down her mask, showing a broad grin. Black hair framed her face as pure black eyes looked out.

"Me?" She asked. "My name is Lacuna."


Elenar sped up to stay with Celas.

"Well, at least we won't have to carry the twerp." She said, eyeing the dark beam Celas was using.

She wanted to make a few more comments, but Celas seemed to have a knack for making Elenar's words twist back on herself. That was making Elenar think about things she wasn't sure she wanted to. Though maybe she had to.

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Master Thomas looks at Lacuna sternly. He doesn't trust her at all. He folds his arms as he looks at her. He then speaks to Lacuna by saying. "What are you doing here? Hm?" Asked Master Thomas, asking why Lacuna is in the area. The robed man's voice is heard in the room saying. "As to who I am will be eventually revealed..." Said the robed man elsewhere, telling when he may reveal himself.

Edited by Tom13

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Although the trail left by the beam of darkness coming from Celas' Keyblade was showing them the way, something felt odd."Ventus' heart is not in his body but his darkness is" she thought. "But if only the darkness remains then...what about his physical manifestation?"After running through multiple hallways Celas came to a stop, still feeling something was off."Why don't you show up? I know you're the one who is making sure I find the Chamber of Waking" Celas yelled.The air in the room began to feel heavy and cold, something Celas felt many years ago when she was but a child."Impressive" a cold voice said. "And here I thought I was doing a good job helping you and your little friend"From behind a pillar a young boy wearing a red and black jumpsuit along with a black helmet to hide his face, came out."But what can I expect from a Keyblade Wielder from the Realm of Darkness"Celas took a battle stance, ready to attack the mysterious boy but he lifted his hands."I'm not here to fight. I was told to show you the way so the Heroes could get their hands on another of their "Lights""Slowly Celas lowered her Keyblade but still focused on the boy."Alright. Who asked you to do that?" she asked the boy but he offered no response. "Fine. If you were only sent to show us the way then you can leave now, I can feel we are close enough"The boy laughed at Celas' comment, the visor of his helmet slowly melting away, revealing the face of Sora, but the most obvious changes were his black hair and gold eyes."I knew you were something else since the first time I saw you.But let's not talk about the past right now" while speaking, a black portal opened behind the boy. "My Master is eager to see your development through this ordeal Celas Caelum. In the mean time I, Vanitas, will keep an eye on you. Just be careful once "Idiot" wakes up, he was taught to destroy the Darkness, just like the one you wield." Vanitas then looked at Elenar. "And you, I can feel many emotions in your heart" he grinned at Elenar. "Hatred, Jealousy, Sadness, Dispair, Loneliness....I can feel them all. I will be watching you too"Vanitas then bowed at the two girls and stepped back into the portal and once inside, it closed itself.Celas was looking at the spot where Vanitas disappeared, a stern look on her face."This is great, now we will have to deal with this guy as well" she muttered. "Let's hurry up, we can't lose any more time in this place" with that Celas began to run once again. 

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Zion and Xion had barely arrived, Sarah Aether behind them.The two watched silently, but Zion and Xion crouched behind Luna, their arms around her, holding her. Because no one else was there to.Zion looked at Cody, tears welling."We'll bring him back. I swear Luna we'll bring him back."Xion nuzzled Luna's hair, trying to comfort her.

The former organization members and four Lights stood around Cody and Luna, remaining silent. A hand was placed on Luna's shoulder, surprisingly from Dilan."He did his duty and protected what he cared about." He said softly. "Best end a guard can have."Hearing Zion's declaration, Even and Ienzo shared a look. After it was over, Even broke off from the group and started running numbers in his head.The arrival of the robed man was greeted with several weapons being drawn and pointed at him."Who are you?" Sora demanded."A party pooper." A female voice answered, drifting in on thin air.A woman wearing a black jump suit with bits of white armor on it and a mask that obscured her lower face appeared behind the robed man and slashed his legs with a glowing blade from her fist. As he fell to his knees, she vanished and reappeared in front of him, placing two glowing blades at his throat."Somebody trying to mess with the plot." She continued. "Luckily, his fate isn't very bright either. Now bye, buddy. Don't come back, or your story will end by a unexpected plot device."She removed her blades from the mans neck, then kicked him through a tear in reality just formed behind him, sending him back to where he came from. The tear healed itself as the girl turned to look at the crowd."Since the person Sora asked for an identity from is no longer here," Ienzo said, sounding amused, " maybe you could supply an answer as to who you are?"The girl reached up and pulled down her mask, showing a broad grin. Black hair framed her face as pure black eyes looked out."Me?" She asked. "My name is Lacuna."


Amidst the crowd, a middle-aged man and his wife were standing there, eyeing the two Guardians. "His heart..." the man whispered, "just...... wait a sec-"

His wife heard his remark as she whispered to him. "Dear? What's on your mind?"

"I got a feeling." The man slowly withdrew from the crowd, carefully and quietly breaking himself free with his wife closely following him. They quickly and silently went back to the town before reaching their home and opening their front door. "Lets hope the old wizard was right about that trinket."



"We'll bring him back. I swear Luna we'll bring him back."

"He did his duty and protected what he cared about. Best end a guard can have."


Luna was finally able to lift her head and noticed the setting sun in the distance as well as the makeshift memorial that the Striker had prepared, before realizing that a small crowd had formed around her. The Organization members, Zion and Xion, Four princesses and their Guardians were around her, silently giving their condolences to her Dearly Beloved. She slowly moved her hand until she was holding on to his bracelet. Closing her eyes and conducting an unspoken ritual, Cody's body started to glow before disappearing, the helmet, his bracelet and his arrow-rifle being the only pieces that didn't disappear when the ritual was complete.The small crowd, some who had never seen magic in their lives were appalled by the show as she carefully gather the pieces, then slowly headed to the makeshift memorial. She placed the bracelet on the hilt of the keyblade, letting it sink through the grip before resting on the weapon. Over it, she rested the helmet on the hilt of the keyblade, then split his arrow-rifle into two before planting them on the ground on opposite sides of the keyblade. She took several steps back before silently giving her last farewell, then turned around. 


She looked over to Ienzo, barely noticing the newcomers. "Is... is there anyway you can get me back to Castle Oblivion, Ienzo?"

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Zion stepped forward, taking Luna's hand. Xion did the same for the other.

"We'll take you there Luna. Anything you need. We'll do it."

The two smiled.

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Zion stepped forward, taking Luna's hand. Xion did the same for the other.

"We'll take you there Luna. Anything you need. We'll do it."

The two smiled.

As the shock of Cody's demise started to wear off, an indescribable, unfathomable rage was just starting to form in the formerly shy, timid Luna. She still had a blank expression on her face, her eyes dry from having run out of tears to shed. 


"We'll take you there Luna. Anything you need. We'll do it." 


She turned and smiled back, before giving Zion and Xion a hug. "Thanks you two. And like his heartless said, it's what he would want."

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Master Thomas looks at Lacuna sternly. He doesn't trust her at all. He folds his arms as he looks at her. He then speaks to Lacuna by saying. "What are you doing here? Hm?" Asked Master Thomas, asking why Lacuna is in the area. The robed man's voice is heard in the room saying. "As to who I am will be eventually revealed..." Said the robed man elsewhere, telling when he may reveal himself.

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Elenar had summoned her knives when Vanitas appeared and got ready for a fight. She was a little stunned when his face was revealed, causing her to swear under her breath."Please tell me that was just Sora's evil twin, cause otherwise, I think I'm gonna get a head ache." She said after the dark haired boy vanished. Keeping her knives out, Elenar fell in step behind Celas, inwardly agreeing that it would be better to hurry."Cheater!" Lacuna called to the robed man's disembodied voice, looking up and around.She then looked at Master Thomas, her smile back on her face."Isn't this where the good guys are getting together to fight baddies?" She asked. Riku narrowed his eyes at the girl, not sure about her."And you want to help fight darkness?" He asked.Lacuna giggled."Nope, just the guys who are using it badly. Lots of them around, though."Ienzo half listened to the conversation with Lacuna as he considered Luna's request."If you want to return to Castle Oblivion to find Ventus, there are already those on that trail." He said to her. "It might be better if you started on the hunt for Aqua."He fell silent for a moment as a new thought occurred to him."And...I might be able to give you a lead." Lea came over, ruffling Xion's hair as he past, and gave Ienzo a questioning look."What are you taking about?" He asked. "You know where she is?""No, but Xemnas might have. I think he was talking with her."

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