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Kingdom Hearts: Vanguard RP

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Doctor Facilier narrowed his eyes and frowned."Too bad." He said. "I was starting to like you."His hand shot up to the level of the skull and cross bones on his hat and slid the hand down. The skull moved to his face as black and purple energy crackled around him. He snapped his fingers and his shadow snaked around him and swiped at Celas's legs.


Celas saw how the shadow was coming at her, apparently towards her legs."Amazing, a shadow with a will of its own" she smiled "What an interesting person you are "Shadow Man" but that trick is not going to work"Celas held her right hand out, making the shadow stop dead in its tracks by an unseen force."I can't help but wonder what is the true extent of your abilities"She then pointed her Keyblade at Doctor Facilier. The room began to flicker and small orbs of Light and Darkness were gathering on the tip of the Keyblade."Shall we find out? Dual Ragnarok!"She fired a cluster of energy bullets towards the Doctor while keeping his shadow from moving.

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Xatsuno just looks right at Xemnas and smirks evilly at him. He unfolds his arms as he stares at him. He is about to tell him something. He then speaks to him by saying, "Sorry, but Time tells me that it will have no interference on that plan... Plus, it just has a role in that plan... And, once it starts, it CANNOT be stopped.. But don't worry, it shall first infect Radiant Garden, it'll go on to affect the others very slowly.. It won't even be noticed, even if it is, I could just undo some parts of it.. But if it starts to go out of control, I would just slow it down with one of my time abilities... Don't worry, the conflict between you and Seven Guardians will remain intact.." Said Xatsuno, talking about his plan. Aero and Sarah continue to follow Lumiara. Xatsuno speaks to Xemnas again by saying. "Besides, that tablet didn't say what KIND of conflict I participated in or what it was.... It merely focused on my origins... allow me to tell you what THAT was.... It was the Keyblade War, the tablet just didn't mention my desire for the X-Blade at the Time.. "The Purge Of Light" also happened during the war, but it had no impact on the war there, only towards the end.... It along with the effects of the war, wiped out the Light form the once whole world, until the Light in the childrens' Hearts restored it.... However, it may not have the same effects as it did before here... But that's something that even I can't see yet.." Said Xatsuno, revealing that "The Purge Of Light" happened before. The sky in Radiant Garden turns Dark as thunder is fired all over the place in Radiant Garden and Darkness is seen in the sky of Radiant Garden, a sign of "The Purge Of Light" is near.
Edited by Tom13

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(Remember there is a PG-13 rating on this.)"Here." Cody heard Dilan say behind and above him.The Whirlwind Lancer used air currents to gently land beside the Guardian."Last think I here from you group is that you've found Larxene. Now you are here saying we have a bigger attack coming. Explain."Facilier jumped out of the way of The energy pellets fired at him and sent a bolt of black/purple fire at Celas in return. He then seemed to tug at his feet. His shadow whipped away from Celas's hold, but then hid behind Facilier. The Shadow Man was about to attack again when he felt more people getting closer. Not wanting to deal with more than one opponent, he sent some of his Heartless Witch Doctors against Lumiara, Aero and Sarah.Lumiara curled up and went into a roll as a Witch Doctor Heartless appeared before him and swiped at him with a wicked looking dagger. The Graceful Assassin was back on his feet in a second and sliced the Heartless in two with his scythe. He turned to see more Heartless now block his way. "But this Purge of Light is not in our designs." Xemnas reiterated. "The Organization wishes control of Kingdom Hearts to properly balance the worlds. Light is required for that. Your slow erosion of it is unacceptable. If you continue, you will risk the Organization's wraith.""And that would be my sign to exit." Ienzo cut it. "I'm glad to see allies on such good terms."The Clocked Schemer turned to leave but paused when his former superior said his name."You realize, this wouldn't help you if you continue to aid the Lights." Xemnas reminded Ienzo. "Considering I know how you treat your friends, it might be safer that way." Ienzo shot back before disappearing into a dark corridor.

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Xatsuno just let's out a twisted and insane laughter out of his mouth. He unfolds his arms as he stares at Xemnas with intent in his eyes. He is planning on telling him something. He then speaks to him by saying. "Sorry, but.... When I started my plans, not only I wanted Kingdom Hearts, I also planned on wiping out the Light ENTIRELY, even 300 years ago... You are all just a bunch of my puppets to do it, even if you realize it or not, even if you defect from me, you'll all be playing into my hands.. I plan on bringing the age of the current World that is split into many into "The Age Of Chaos"... A plan I have long started 300 years ago... It's inevitable for the Light to be destroyed anyway, why keep it intact for a "Balance"? Nothing can achieve that, the Dark King tried, and he failed... Which my original self saw with his own eyes.. That "Balance" plan failed for the Dark King before he was absorbed... When he tried to balance both Light and Dark, it caused those two elements to go out of control, which helped in my original self in absorbing him.." Said Xatsuno, revealing more information about 300 years ago. Xatsuno then smirks evilly again as he speaks by saying. "Unlike the present Heartless and Nobodies, I and Xetrodon cannot fuse back together into our original self... True, he and I were the very first Heartless and Nobody, but since the boy sealed us away for too long, it sort of delayed our fusion... That's where "The Three Legendary Keyblades Of Light, Darkness, And Twilight" come in.." Said Xatsuno, revealing the existence of three mysterious Keyblades.




(I wonder if this rp will be connected to the Kingdom Hearts Ragnarok rp if all of this goes into place.)

Edited by Tom13

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Facilier jumped out of the way of The energy pellets fired at him and sent a bolt of black/purple fire at Celas in return. He then seemed to tug at his feet. His shadow whipped away from Celas's hold, but then hid behind Facilier. The Shadow Man was about to attack again when he felt more people getting closer. Not wanting to deal with more than one opponent, he sent some of his Heartless Witch Doctors against Lumiara, Aero and Sarah.


Celas jumped to her side, barely dodging Facilier's attack."You are better than I expected if you were able to dodge my attack."she then noticed how Facilier's attention seemed to be somewhere else for a split second."Don' tell me...Are you worried that we are going to have more guests?" she said in a cocky tone. "Are you not able to fight against all of us? Maybe you're not as strong as I thought"Celas put her right hand down, the sleeve covering all of it, then out of nowhere a black mist began to come out making the room darker."Let's keep going shall we? Don't let the others interrupt our little game" she stepped back until she disappeared in the mist. "It would be boring if you weren't focused in your current situation"

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((PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OATHKEEPER136: We know :) . We set it up specifically to lead us into a blackout. We are being very careful about what we put down. This was a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT, Sponsored hy Oathkeeper's Yuri Shop, a fine collection of Turin.))


The inn was tucked away behind some shops, warm fires glowing outside.

"Those flames keep the Heartless away." Zion explained as they slipped into the spacious inn. "ah. There she is!"

The miqo'te looked up from her book. "Well. If it ain't you two...hmm, a third? Wasn't getting Lightning to dress up in one of my outfits enough?"

Zion chuckled. "I hate your memory."

The catperson smirked, tossing a card to Xion. "Open as always."

"You keep it reserved just for us, don't you?"

"Guilty." With a wave of her hand, she returned to her hook as ZiXi led Luna up a flight of stairs.

"Last time was pretty fun...can you believe we got Lightning to do that?"

Xion shook her head. "Nope."


Zion keyed the room open. "Don't worry. The room is perfectly soundproofed. We've tested it."

Xion pulled Luna inside, and Zion kicked a shoe into the room, the took off her sock and hug it on the door handle before closing them in.

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The sky in Radiant Garden turns Dark as thunder is fired all over the place in Radiant Garden and Darkness is seen in the sky of Radiant Garden, a sign of "The Purge Of Light" is near.

(Remember there is a PG-13 rating on this.)"Here." Cody heard Dilan say behind and above him.The Whirlwind Lancer used air currents to gently land beside the Guardian."Last think I here from you group is that you've found Larxene. Now you are here saying we have a bigger attack coming. Explain."

((PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OATHKEEPER136: We know :) . We set it up specifically to lead us into a blackout. We are being very careful about what we put down. This was a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT, Sponsored hy Oathkeeper's Yuri Shop, a fine collection of Turin.))The inn was tucked away behind some shops, warm fires glowing outside."Those flames keep the Heartless away." Zion explained as they slipped into the spacious inn. "ah. There she is!"The miqo'te looked up from her book. "Well. If it ain't you two...hmm, a third? Wasn't getting Lightning to dress up in one of my outfits enough?"Zion chuckled. "I hate your memory."The catperson smirked, tossing a card to Xion. "Open as always.""You keep it reserved just for us, don't you?""Guilty." With a wave of her hand, she returned to her hook as ZiXi led Luna up a flight of stairs."Last time was pretty fun...can you believe we got Lightning to do that?"Xion shook her head. "Nope."Zion keyed the room open. "Don't worry. The room is perfectly soundproofed. We've tested it."Xion pulled Luna inside, and Zion kicked a shoe into the room, the took off her sock and hug it on the door handle before closing them in.

We know, Rikunobody. We know the boundaries. :D



Surprised by the sneak-up, Cody whirled around to see Dilan floating. 

"Last think I here from you group is that you've found Larxene. Now you are here saying we have a bigger attack coming. Explain."


He reloaded his arrow-rifle before looking off into the horizon, admiring the view. "We've received new intelligence from an unidentified stranger within the castle. Talked about some 'Purge of Light'. Said it would happen here and well... here I am." He looked at Dilan before continuing, "I don't know if you'll stand with me or against me, but I'll react accordingly. For now, my main concern is seeing that this world doesn't fall."


He let off a sigh before spotting the initial formation of dark clouds in the distant horizon. "If you're gonna be on my side, I'd suggest getting ready. This will be a battle that none of us will ever forget, so long as we all make it through this." Raising a hand towards the cloud formation, he closed his eyes and tried to see if it was darkness related or a weather phenomenon. His senses told him of the cold truth.


"The storm is coming." he calmly told Dilan, "Let's get this party started." He slowly walked away, eyeing certain areas for tactical advantages. Whispering, he tried steeling himself against the inevitable fear of an upcoming battle. "If I have to fall, so this world can continue to stand.... then so be it. Luna.... Kairi....." As the storm got stronger, he could only stand there and watch. In an astonishing turn of events, a smile formed on his face for the first time. "I... I don't think I'll be around to witness the next sunrise. Beside, It's been... quite the journey." With a snap of his fingers, his keyblade armored helmet materialized on his head as he summoned his keyblade. Holding his arrow-rifle in the other hand, he started towards the storm, unsure of the outcome.

Edited by Javelin434

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((PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OATHKEEPER136: We know :) . We set it up specifically to lead us into a blackout. We are being very careful about what we put down. This was a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT, Sponsored hy Oathkeeper's Yuri Shop, a fine collection of Turin.)).

We know, Rikunobody. We know the boundaries. :D

(In which case, pardon my interruption and carry on.)Xemnas's eye narrowed. "So you believe." He replied to Xatsuno. "But you are not as mysterious as you think. Nor as in control. Till next time."The Nobody of Xehanort stepped back into a portal and left.Facilier backed away from where Celas had been."I learned a long time ago that sometimes you gotta relay on your friends." He called out.He waved his hand before him and a mask as big of a person appeared before him. A drum beat filled the air as the mask spat fire from its mouth.Dilan gave the dark cloud a glare as he studied it."Then we'd best prepare a Light response." He said.He pulled out his communicator again and keyed it up."Ienzo. We have a situation at Radiant Garden.""A dark cloud?" The radio crackled in response.Dilan gave it a dark look. Of course he knew."Yes." The big man answered. "I will get what ever source of Light I can. Buy as much time as you can."The communicator went silent. Dilan put it away and went back to staring at the dark cloud."Time to go recruiting." He told Cody. "Come on." He turned and walked into the city.

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Facilier backed away from where Celas had been."I learned a long time ago that sometimes you gotta relay on your friends." He called out.He waved his hand before him and a mask as big of a person appeared before him. A drum beat filled the air as the mask spat fire from its mouth.


Celas was hiding behind a pillar covering from the fire, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack."What in the world is that?" she thought. "And what is that drum beat?"she had to think of something to finish the Shadow Man before she was seriously hurt."I don't understand...what are those things and how is he summoning them?"Celas ran from one pillar to another, avoiding the mask and its fire breath. Once close enough she focused on her keyblade, sparks began to appear on it and once fully infused with strong thunder magic Celas threw it at the mask.

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(In which case, pardon my interruption and carry on.)Dilan gave the dark cloud a glare as he studied it."Then we'd best prepare a Light response." He said.He pulled out his communicator again and keyed it up."Ienzo. We have a situation at Radiant Garden.""A dark cloud?" The radio crackled in response.Dilan gave it a dark look. Of course he knew."Yes." The big man answered."I will get what ever source of Light I can. Buy as much time as you can."The communicator went silent. Dilan put it away and went back to staring at the dark cloud."Time to go recruiting." He told Cody. "Come on."He turned and walked into the city.

Cody stood atop a rooftop, clad in his signature keyblade armor and holding out both his keyblade and arrow-rifle as he stared at the ominous looking cloud. "If I don't make it back" he muttered under his breath, "Sacra Zero-Seven, your vacation time will be over." 


"Time to go recruiting. Come on." 


"Find Luna." he recommended to Dilan. "Have her assist you. I'm going towards that storm, have the battle start out there in the empty fields rather than here in this town full of innocent lives. When it gets too much, I'll slowly retreat back into this town. By then, hopefully a defense will be up to keep them safe. Tell Luna to do whatever it takes to keep collateral damage to a minimum, but warn her that there will be 'acceptable losses'." And with that, he started making his way toward the storm.

Edited by Javelin434

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Aero and Sarah are seen slashing Heartless with their Keyblades. Aero senses what is going on in Radiant Garden. Sarah looks on at him in concern as she slashes more Heartless. Aero then speaks out loud by saying. "Radiant Garden... Is being plagued.... By some kind of utter Darkness...." Said Aero, sensing the Darkness in Radiant Garden.

Edited by Tom13

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Celas's lightning struck the giant mask full on. The flames from its mouth faltered as it seemed to scream. It shook for a moment, then stopped. It looked a little blackened, but other then that, not damaged.

Doctor Facilier laughed.

"You don't want to make my friends from the other side mad, missy." He taunted.

An amulet around his neck glowed as two more masks, of various designs and sizes. All three started circling around him.

"It's good to have friends, right?"


Dilan turned and sprinted to be well within Cody's ear shot.

"That's a dark storm." He called after the Guardian. "It would be like fighting a hurricane or a lightning storm. It's a symptom, not a cause. To stop this, we need the opposite power to cancel it out. We need Light. And the best way to get it is through who you are assigned to guard and the other Princesses of Heart."


"We will deal with that later." Lumiara snapped as he sliced through another Heartless.

It looked like Xehanort's minion was sending all of the heartless under his control at them.

"Right now, we end this."

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Sarah looks right at Lumiara as she opens a Corridor of Light. She looks back at Aero and the others and speaks to them by saying. "I'm going to do something about it! Aero... We may not see each other again if I do this.... Good luck with things here..." Said Sarah, planning to go to Radiant Garden. Aero looks shocked but he nods as he regains composure, but speaks to her by saying. "No, i'm going with you!" shouted Aero, planning to go with Sarah. He and Sarah run into the Corridor of Light to Radiant Garden, they see tentacles of Darkness growing around the town square. Aero speaks to Sarah by saying. "You stay here and find out about what's happening.. I'm going to need to help whatever people that are in danger..." Said Aero, going to gather up the citizens. He then runs off north of the town. A bolt of lightning crashes upon the town square, leaving a small crater on the ground. Xatsuno stands up from the crater and appears behind Sarah, smirking evilly. She speaks to Xatsuno by saying. "YOU!" Shouted Sarah, shouting at Xatsuno. Xatsuno laughs sadistically as he summons his Keyblade as he speaks to her by saying. "Well, well, well, Sarah the girl of misfortune, you have made it to the eve of "The Purge Of Light", as soon as I'm done with you, you'll never see the Light again... This event shall be one of the many machinations that shall bring forth the plan that my original self had planned the day he caused that conflict... "The Age Of Chaos"..." Said Xatsuno, revealing his plans to Sarah.

Edited by Tom13

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Dilan turned and sprinted to be well within Cody's ear shot."That's a dark storm." He called after the Guardian. "It would be like fighting a hurricane or a lightning storm. It's a symptom, not a cause. To stop this, we need the opposite power to cancel it out. We need Light. And the best way to get it is through who you are assigned to guard and the other Princesses of Heart."



tentacles of Darkness growing around the town square.


Angered at the suggestion of putting Kairi in danger, Cody's right eye glowed a little brighter through the lens that covered it. "There has to be another way." he replied to Dilan, a change in his voice evident as the emotion started to take over. "Gathering the seven princesses of light will take too long, and I can't risk Kairi. Not like this." He looked towards the distant storm but heard the screams of citizens behind him. Glaring in the general direction, a bright vein of light trailed from his heart to his left hand towards his arrow-rifle as he started to move towards the disturbance. "Besides, I think our time is up. Go find Luna!" he told Dilan as he started to make his way towards the town square.

Edited by Javelin434

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Lumiara scoffed at Aero and Sarah's jumping ship and continuing carving a path through Facilier's Heartless.


Dilan glanced up at the bolt of Lightning that struck somewhere in the city center. His eyes narrowed. The boy was right about the time being short, at least.

"Do what you think is right, then." He told Cody. "And we will do the same. If you still care about your charge, be ready to protect her when she gets here."

With that, Dilan stepped back into a dark corridor and vanished.


A soft knock could be heard on the door to the room Luna, Zion and Xion were in.

"Excuse me, ladies, but a world is about to end." Ienzo said. "And I'm going to need some help saving it."

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Within two minutes the three opened the door, the signs of their...stress relief exercises quite evident in Luna's flushed face and the fact their hair was a mess...a mess Zion was going about fixing with a combo.

"We were all relaxed and comfy too." Zion whined, causing Xion touh...slap her in the butt.

"Oi. We can go back to relaxation after saving the universe."

"Right!" Zion said. "Ori?"

-Thought you would never ask.- she sighed. "I have already sent a light flare to Kelsi. She has, ah...set up a surprise."

Xion stepped forward. "Let's go then, Ienzo."

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Aero continues to run across town and sees a lot of people running and screaming from armies of Heartless appearing, and sees a teenage boy holding a baseball bat in his hands, intending to hit some of the Heartless. Aero rushes over to him and takes his hand and he runs with the people, holding the boy in tow. He speaks to the boy by saying. "Tyler, you know that Heartless are not able to be killed by a Keyblade.." Said Aero, telling Tyler to not be reckless. Tyler looks down and speaks to Aero by saying. "Sorry... I just wanted to help.." Said Tyler, telling his reason to Aero. Aero speaks to Tyler by saying. "Hey, it's okay.. I understand that you tried... That's strange... Why do I feel some strange power? Oh well, it's probably your Light.." Said Aero, comforting Tyler. Tyler looks on confused, but he regains composure and keeps running. Sarah and Xatsuno are seen clashing in the town square, Xatsuno is seen casting pillars made of Darkness from his Keyblade and lifting them by using Psychic and Time powers and throwing them at Sarah, who tries to cut them in half, but get's hit by two of them. Meanwhile, more tentacles of Darkness are seen growing around Radiant Garden, as more bolts of lightning strike the ground.

Edited by Tom13

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Lumiara scoffed at Aero and Sarah's jumping ship and continuing carving a path through Facilier's Heartless.Dilan glanced up at the bolt of Lightning that struck somewhere in the city center. His eyes narrowed. The boy was right about the time being short, at least."Do what you think is right, then." He told Cody. "And we will do the same. If you still care about your charge, be ready to protect her when she gets here."With that, Dilan stepped back into a dark corridor and vanished.A soft knock could be heard on the door to the room Luna, Zion and Xion were in."Excuse me, ladies, but a world is about to end." Ienzo said. "And I'm going to need some help saving it."

Within two minutes the three opened the door, the signs of their...stress relief exercises quite evident in Luna's flushed face and the fact their hair was a mess...a mess Zion was going about fixing with a combo."We were all relaxed and comfy too." Zion whined, causing Xion touh...slap her in the butt."Oi. We can go back to relaxation after saving the universe.""Right!" Zion said. "Ori?"-Thought you would never ask.- she sighed. "I have already sent a light flare to Kelsi. She has, ah...set up a surprise."Xion stepped forward. "Let's go then, Ienzo."

Aero continues to run across town and sees a lot of people running and screaming from armies of Heartless appearing, and sees a teenage boy holding a baseball bat in his hands, intending to hit some of the Heartless. Aero rushes over to him and takes his hand and he runs with the people, holding the boy in tow. "Tyler, you know that Heartless are not able to be killed by a Keyblade.." Aero warned, telling him to not be reckless. Tyler looked down at Aero. "Sorry... I just wanted to help.."  "Hey, it's okay.. I understand that you tried... That's strange... Why do I feel some strange power? Oh well, it's probably your Light.." Tyler looks on confused, but he regains composure and keeps running. Sarah and Xatsuno are seen clashing in the town square, Xatsuno is seen casting pillars made of Darkness from his Keyblade and lifting them by using Psychic and Time powers and throwing them at Sarah, who tries to cut them in half, but get's hit by two of them. Meanwhile, more tentacles of Darkness are seen growing around Radiant Garden, as more bolts of lightning strike the ground.

"Do what you think is right, then. And we will do the same. If you still care about your charge, be ready to protect her when she gets here."


Running off, as Cody got closer to the Town Square via rooftop, it became evident to him that a fight was already underway. Innocent citizens were scrambling about, trying to find shelter from the darkness storm as the two individuals in the square were clashing. His hands started to shake as the magnitude of the situation hit home; he knew saving everyone would be hopeless. Letting off a scream, the vein of light that trailed from his heart to his hand that was holding his arrow-rifle started to glow brighter than ever as he aimed the weapon at the sky. Pulling the trigger, the weapon let off a long continuous beam of light as it was fed directly from his heart. 15 seconds passed before he was calm enough to let go of the trigger, and a decent sized orb of light had formed in the sky. Without even thinking, he threw his keyblade into the orb with awe-inspiring results. The orb exploded as a bright ring of light emanated from it, creating a massive hole in the darkness cloud cover above that spanned the entirety of the town. Multiple stars were seen above, but he knew they weren't other worlds... 


For now at least, he wouldn't have to worry about a heartless strike from above as shards of ice started to rain down from the sky. Seeking out any straggling heartless not wiped out by the lightflash, his keyblade re-materialized into his right hand. Focused on the battle below, he recognized Xatsuno. "You again..." he whispered through clenched teeth as he shouldered his rifle. "Purge this...." he squeezed the trigger, knowing full well that he didn't reload before engaging. Rather than the usual arrow-shot, a continuous white laser beam shot out the pointy barrel instead, fed by the energy from his connected and weaponized heart.


Luna meanwhile, still dazed from her recent 'stress relief exercise', upon seeing the laserbeam of light shooting up towards the sky form a nearby window, immediately realized the gravity of the situation. "Excuse me, ladies, but a world is about to end." she heard Ienzo say. "And I'm going to need some help saving it." "Let's go then, Ienzo."


"Lead the way, Ienzo." Luna softly replied, appreciating the serene calmness as they slowly walked out. "Out of the frying pan.... and now into the fire."

Edited by Javelin434

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Xatsuno smirks evilly, as more Darkness fills the sky. He snaps a finger and freezes Cody's attack for a short Time, and fires another two pillars of Darkness at Cody's attack and Cody himself. He laughs sadistically as he attacks his foe. He then speaks to him by saying. "Ha! You little human boy... Your relationship with Luna... Shall come to a crashing and vicious end.." Said Xatsuno, mocking Cody as he attacks him.

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The pillars met a brilliant light, disappearing. Zion scowled.


Golden flames erupted across her wings, all Keyblades out and ready


As light engulfed her, the Keyblades combined to form dual blades.


Then, with that done, golden armor encased Zion.

"Threaten my friends!" She screamed, Radiance Unleashed now complete. Her four Keyblades now two doubles, she turned her attention to Xatsuno.

"Shadows cannot existif light touches everything." She said. "Fear the coming of the Dawn."


She charged.

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Battle Serenity in full gear, the whole fight seemed to slow to a crawl for Cody as he spotted Xatsuno's retaliatory strike. Staying true to his Dancing Keyblader fighting style, he dodged the attack by cartwheeling off to his left, throwing his keyblade out in the process. The dodge quickly became unnecessary as Zion negated the attack. Luna had thrown her keyblade to also help block the attack, but as the attack got negated, a different opportunity emerged: Still flying in the air, both Luna's and Cody's keyblade interlocked as his keyblade was still careening towards Xatsuno. Both keyblades were now spinning together towards the enemy.

Edited by Javelin434

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Celas's lightning struck the giant mask full on. The flames from its mouth faltered as it seemed to scream. It shook for a moment, then stopped. It looked a little blackened, but other then that, not damaged.Doctor Facilier laughed."You don't want to make my friends from the other side mad, missy." He taunted.An amulet around his neck glowed as two more masks, of various designs and sizes. All three started circling around him."It's good to have friends, right?"


For a brief moment Celas managed to get a glimpse of some kind of amulet before more masks appeared.

"What was...maybe that is the key to solve this problem"

she then came out of her hiding place.

"Friends? I guess it is good to have them...but are those things really your friends? What would happen if, let's say, I destroy that little amulet you have. Do you think your so called "friends" will remain your friends?" she gave the Doctor a cocky smile. "Why don't we find out?"

Saying that she summoned a dark flame on her fingertip and pointed it at the Doctor's amulet.

"Are you ready?" she said before shooting at the amulet.



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Ienzo opened a portal to Radiant Garden and stepped through to see the fight with Xatsuno start. He snapped his fingers and a book appeared in his hands. He opened it and tore out three pages. Tossed away, the pages wind around in the wind till they crackled with magic and darkness. A moment later, three copies of Ienzo hit the ground and started casting lightning spells at Xatsuno. The original opened a communicator and keyed up his first call.


Even turned slightly and caught sight of Severa.

"Ah, there you are." He said impatiently. "How did you..."

He stopped as something in a pocket buzzed. He pulled it out and brought it to his ear.

"Yes?" He asked it.

"We need the Harnsing Device ASAP." Ienzo said through the radio smoothly.

"That will take time."

"We don't have it."

Even's face tightened.

"I'll get it together as fast as possible." He said.

He shut down his radio and opened a portal behind him.

"Come on." He told Severa then stepped through himself to his lab in Twilight Town.


Dilan stood in a bright entry hall of a castle he wouldn't have known it was Beast's Castle if he hadn't intentionally come there. He gripped his lance tighter as he heard laughter from one of the other rooms. The first Princess.


Facilier's eyes widened as Celas's dark flame shot out at him. He tried to bring the giant masks in the way before the flame got closer, but it was too late. He jerked to the side and the flame hit him in the shoulder. He yelled out in pain and hit the ground. The masks faded away.

"No!" He yelled, using his good arm to shot black/purple flames of his own at Celas. "Not again!"


Ienzo flecked to another contact and brought his communicator to his ear again.

"Hello, Lea?" He said. "I need a favor."

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Xatsuno laughs insanely as he snaps another finger, and slows down Time on everyone after getting hit by their attacks for a moment. He runs around Zion, Sarah, Cody, Luna, and Ienzo and his clones, creating silver-colored blasts of Fire known as Tempo Firaga. He snaps his finger again, and Time goes back to normal, all of the Tempo Firagas go on to hit all of the foes. Sarah get's hit by some of the attacks and get's thrown to a wall, as Xatsuno then speaks by saying. "It's no use.... Time is your greatest enemy.." Said Xatsuno, as he attacks his enemies.

Edited by Tom13

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Dilan stood in a bright entry hall of a castle he wouldn't have known it was Beast's Castle if he hadn't intentionally come there. He gripped his lance tighter as he heard laughter from one of the other rooms. The first Princess.

Xatsuno laughs insanely as he snaps another finger, and slows down Time on everyone after getting hit by their attacks for a moment. He runs around Zion, Sarah, Cody, Luna, and Ienzo and his clones, creating silver-colored blasts of Fire known as Tempo Firaga. He snaps his finger again, and Time goes back to normal, all of the Tempo Firagas go on to hit all of the foes. Sarah get's hit by some of the attacks and get's thrown to a wall, as Xatsuno then speaks by saying. "It's no use.... Time is your greatest enemy.." Said Xatsuno, as he attacks his enemies.

With the attack successful, both Luna and Cody's keyblades returned to their owners as Cody tried to regroup to Luna and Zion and brief them on the current plans. "Dilan is trying to gather the seven pri-" He was cut short by Xatsuno's strike, noticing a grey streak in the corner of his eyes before realizing that it was him. He spotted the flames slowly approaching him and immediately tried to duck.Luna meanwhile, upon hearing Cody cut his dialogue short, immediately went into high alert. Her Viper Striker fighting style kicking into gear, she was able to actually watch Xatsuno as he ran around everyone. As he snapped his fingers to return time back to normal speed, everything slowed to a near standstill as she immediately blocked his attacks.  Letting off a sigh as she finished her lightning quick reaction, she returned his attention to Cody. "You were saying?"


"Dilan is trying to gather the seven princesses of heart, meaning that the others may come as well. Well have to split when our respective princesses get here. If we're all here, we just might stand a chance against this prick."


"It's no use.... Time is your greatest enemy.."


"No." Luna whispered, enough for Cody to hear her. "It is merely a hinderance to me, one I have learned to overcome." 

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