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What would you like to see in a Pokemon X and Y anime?

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Yes, there is going to be one, and it starts in Japan in October.  Is there anything you would like to see happen?  Would you like to see any characters return or would you like to see new ones?  What new pokemon would you like to see the main cast catch? How about Ash entering the champion league?   And for those of you that don't watch it anymore, hat would you like to see that would get you to watch it again.  If you could have anything what would it be?

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Pikachu get owned by a Bug Type.



No really. Just look at this! Posted Image

Definitely one of the more bad-ass Pokemon ever, and the most epic looking bug type ever!


It'll spam Struggle Bug and Agility to take that Pikachu down.



I'd honestly want a new Protagonist.


How about 2? A male and female main protagonist! Boy gets Froakie, Girl gets Fennekin and Random Rival gets Chespin. Bad-ass gen 6 Female Protagonist right there.

Edited by SoraBlade

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The obvious:


- New protagonists, specifically the game protagonists but it doesn't have to be.


Other stuff:


- Darker plot. Still has lighthearted moments like the anime itself. 

- Different plots at a time.

- Try to make the movies more mature and interesting.

- Character development. Lots of it.

- If they show NEW characters I hope they go a different route than what happened in the games. If they happened to make the anime take place in the future then they should release it 2 months+ after the game. 

Edited by Shana09

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Ash having one final duel with Gary at the end of Pokemon Black and White with all of his friends watching before then moving on to a new protagonist who like Ash was based on Red is based on the new male protagonist of Pokemon X and Y.

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Edit; Oops, this was about the ANIME.




Ash traveling with a pink haired sweet lolita trainer who likes fairy pokemon


Bonus if he has a crush on her. Ash with A CRUSH ON SOMEONE would be hallerious....


:P :P :P


and will likely never happon BUT STILL

Edited by ~DawnStar2004~

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Everyone is drooling for excitement! YAAAAAY! Watch him beat the tournament, acquire Ho-oh, and become 11 years old! Ah... *weeps in dispair*

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