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Why I think Microsoft had an overall better show than Sony

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Let me start off by saying that if it wasn't for KHIII and FF15, I would with out a doubt be telling Microsoft to take my money instead of Sony.


The Xboxone exclusive games look amazing. They showed off thirteen exclusives, some new, some expanding on familiar and popular franchises. Here's a few that stood out for me out of the thirteen:


Halo (5?): If 343 Industries hadn't taken over the reigns from Bungie, I would have probably looked at this as just another Halo game. With what 343 did with Halo 4, I cannot wait to see what they do with this sequel.


Project Spark:

This game looks very fun from what they showed. To practically build your own game and design scenarios in this way wow's me. Talk about replay value.


Sunset Overdrive:

The trailer looked nice, we didn't learn to much about it. What we do know, is that the team behind Rachet and Clank is working on this. Personally I love Rachet and Clank, so that's enough for me to be interested in it.


Quantum Break:

This looks like a very unique game, judging from the idea behind it. Put that together with a deep storyline, and I think we might have a blockbuster on our hands.


Dead Rising 3:

Personally I've always loved the Dead Rising series. There's something about being able to plop a bear head on to that zombie who's desperately trying to kill you that just really floats my boat.


...And lastly, TitanFall:

This game looks like how i'd like to come home after a hard days work. (Lol, riggghhtt) To sit down and enjoy fighting other players with my friends in a giant mech suit seems quite flattering.


Besides that, they also showed a trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Payne, although not exclusive, it was possibly the best put together trailer shown all day. (Forgive me, KHIII)


So yeah, for my personal taste, Microsoft showed some fantastic looking games... Yet, I love KH. So that's the deal breaker for me.


Although, they did not state that KHIII would be exclusive to Sony's systems. Their was no mention of whether or not we'll see a multiplatform release of it or not. So for the few Xboxone fans, keep your fingers crossed.


FF XV is being co-developed by Sony, so it's safe to assume it to be Playstation exclusive.


That is all.

Edited by JJForever

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MGS Phantom Pain isn't exclusive to Xbox One (though I believe it's not announced for PS4, but only 360, one, and PS3) but you have fair points and I agree completely that Microsoft totally had a better show 

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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  On 6/11/2013 at 11:29 AM, Rainbow Dash said:

MGS Phantom Pain isn't exclusive to Xbox One but you have fair points and I agree completely that Microsoft totally had a better show.

Yeah, I actually didn't think so, I'll delete that one now.

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You cant just judge the "show" on the exclusive games that they are showcasing. You had to look at everything the xbox and ps4 are offering.

Personally I think the PS4 system greatly overshadows the xbox. But yeah, some of the exclusives look cool.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 12:07 PM, Aaron said:

You cant just judge the "show" on the exclusive games that they are showcasing. You had to look at everything the xbox and ps4 are offering.Personally I think the PS4 system greatly overshadows the xbox. But yeah, some of the exclusives look cool.

Microsofts whole intent was to be all games this E3, they didn't show much else, besides recording and live streaming from the Xboxone itself really, and i'm just fine with that. Everyone hates on the Xboxone saying that it's "A modern VCR" and all that, then when Microsoft actually shows good games they still just fall back on "Well, uh it still requires an Internet connection every 24 hours, so it sucks!" This does not mean it sucks. If anything, this is going to make next generation gaming actually next generation. I understand not everyone has an Internet connection. I know this. Yet, everyone who doesn't have internet just gets pissed off at Microsoft and resorts to hating their console. That's just ignorance. People are hating on the Xboxone for horrible reasons. (Not saying your like that) Technically the Xboxone is offering a ton more possible content than the Ps4. If either of the consoles overshadowed the other, it would be Xboxone overshadowing the Ps4. What did Sony show us? Yes yes, KHIII and FF15. What else? It's a Ps3 with better graphic capabilities. At least Xboxone is taking a new approach to the future.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 12:07 PM, Aaron said:

You cant just judge the "show" on the exclusive games that they are showcasing. You had to look at everything the xbox and ps4 are offering.

Personally I think the PS4 system greatly overshadows the xbox. But yeah, some of the exclusives look cool.


Aaron doesn't post much, but when he does he makes great posts.


The PlayStation Press Conference was fantastic.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 12:38 PM, JJForever said:

Microsofts whole intent was to be all games this E3, they didn't show much else, besides recording and live streaming from the Xboxone itself really, and i'm just fine with that. Everyone hates on the Xboxone saying that it's "A modern VCR" and all that, then when Microsoft actually shows good games they still just fall back on "Well, uh it still requires an Internet connection every 24 hours, so it sucks!"This does not mean it sucks. If anything, this is going to make next generation gaming actually next generation. I understand not everyone has an Internet connection. I know this. Yet, everyone who doesn't have internet just gets pissed off at Microsoft and resorts to hating their console. That's just ignorance. People are hating on the Xboxone for horrible reasons. (Not saying your like that)Technically the Xboxone is offering a ton more possible content than the Ps4. If either of the consoles overshadowed the other, it would be Xboxone overshadowing the Ps4. What did Sony show us? Yes yes, KHIII and FF15. What else? It's a Ps3 with better graphic capabilities. At least Xboxone is taking a new approach to the future.

People are just hateful about the Xbox on this site because it's a Kingdom Hearts site, and like most everybody here is a playstation goer since KH is exclusive to the system. For that they just hate on Xbox because they're Playstation fans its how things apparently work. They just aren't willing to try the Xbox at all for one because they like the PS they're used to it they like it, and second because it doesn't have KH. It's gonna always be like that here unless sometime in the future (probably not) KH is developed and/or ported for the Xbox as well.

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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I love the Xbox. I'm a faithful customer to them, and have had both an Xbox and 360.However, that being said, I think Sony did better. Microsoft had some good games, yes (Halo 5 is good--but Halo, to me, is losing the magical feel to it), but the way Sony pulled off their console crushed what Microsoft has.100 USD cheaper for a console that not only gives just as good games, but doesn't have the DRM crap. If Sony hadn't said anything about DRM and trading policies, I would say they did equally good.

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I think Playstation had more to offer. The games looked amazing and Microsoft mostly showed shooting games. Playstation had a lot more variety and showed that you can play used games without the mumbo jumbo. You also don't have to log online. I think Sony's conference was better hands down.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 12:51 PM, Silver Kuroi said:

I love the Xbox. I'm a faithful customer to them, and have had both an Xbox and 360.However, that being said, I think Sony did better. Microsoft had some good games, yes (Halo 5 is good--but Halo, to me, is losing the magical feel to it), but the way Sony pulled off their console crushed what Microsoft has.100 USD cheaper for a console that not only gives just as good games, but doesn't have the DRM crap. If Sony hadn't said anything about DRM and trading policies, I would say they did equally good.

A lot of these big game companies are going to go to Xboxone BECAUSE it has DRM. Is it so bad that Microsoft is trying to save game developers money? I think Sony might have presented their show better than Microsoft, but as a gamer who's sole purpose with a console is to "Game" I believe Microsoft is bringing a lot more to the table. I've always preferred Xbox exclusives this past generation, and the online community for the most part has always been better than Playstation's. I like these kind of things, those are the things that matter to me. I guess i'm just Xbox at heart.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 1:10 PM, JJForever said:

A lot of these big game companies are going to go to Xboxone BECAUSE it has DRM. Is it so bad that Microsoft is trying to save game developers money? I think Sony might have presented their show better than Microsoft, but as a gamer who's sole purpose with a console is to "Game" I believe Microsoft is bringing a lot more to the table. I've always preferred Xbox exclusives this past generation, and the online community for the most part has always been better than Playstation's. I like these kind of things, those are the things that matter to me. I guess i'm just Xbox at heart.

Everyone showed plenty of games.Sony brought new IPs. Good!Microsoft is continuing franchises. Good!I do not like DRM one bit. Sure, it can be justified as saving money, but how many privately owned game shops are going to close because they aren't acknowledge by Microsoft and pressured by competition?Also, who said Sony wasn't trying to market to people who just want to game? That's what they're doing--without any hassle at all.

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I believe the PS4 is better not only because of their games, but because:


1. It's $100 cheaper than the Xbox One


2. You can play used games on the PS4


3. You don't have to have the PS4 hooked up to the internet 24/7

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For  me personally none of the Xbox Exclusives are appealing to me.  ThePS4 is from the company I've loyally followed when it comes to the console wars, is cheaper, with greater freedom, and my favourite game series of all time is continuing on it.  


I most likely won't get the PS4 on release this year, but assuming 2.5 will be out next year and 3 after that, I would buy it then.


In my eyes, there's really no competition between them.

 Posted Image

Edited by Caity Raindrop

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  On 6/11/2013 at 1:25 PM, Silver Kuroi said:

Everyone showed plenty of games.


Sony brought new IPs. Good!


Microsoft is continuing franchises. Good!


I do not like DRM one bit. Sure, it can be justified as saving money, but how many privately owned game shops are going to close because they aren't acknowledge by Microsoft and pressured by competition?

Also, who said Sony wasn't trying to market to people who just want to game? That's what they're doing--without any hassle at all.

Well, I was kind of replying to two posts in one sentance. Anyways, it's not what I mean that Sony isn't brining a lot of good games. I meant as for my preference of gaming I believe Microsoft is bringing "More to the table"... That's why "I" think that Microsoft had a better show. Like I said, I was just more impressed with the games that Microsoft showed than Sony did. By the way, when I say "Show" I guess I should be more specific because I mostly mean the games that we're shown. For me, that's what makes an E3 good or bad. I can care less about other features honestly.


  On 6/11/2013 at 1:29 PM, Caity Raindrop said:

For me personally none of the Xbox Exclusives are appealing to me. ThePS4 is from the company I've loyally followed when it comes to the console wars, is cheaper, with greater freedom, and my favourite game series of all time is continuing on it.


I most likely won't get the PS4 on release this year, but assuming 2.5 will be out next year and 3 after that, I would buy it then.


In my eyes, there's really no competition between them.

Posted Image

That's like the twentieth time i've seen this picture today, all on different threads. How bout Noctis shooting Master Chief or something? That'd be better... A little more creative at least.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 1:42 PM, JJForever said:

Well, I was kind of replying to two posts in one sentance. Anyways, it's not what I mean that Sony isn't brining a lot of good games. I meant as for my preference of gaming I believe Microsoft is bringing "More to the table"... That's why "I" think that Microsoft had a better show. Like I said, I was just more impressed with the games that Microsoft showed than Sony did. By the way, when I say "Show" I guess I should be more specific because I mostly mean the games that we're shown. For me, that's what makes an E3 good or bad. I can care less about other features honestly.That's like the twentieth time i've seen this picture today, all on different threads. How bout Noctis shooting Master Chief or something? That'd be better... A little more creative at least.


I don't even know where that's from, it's a simple way to put a point across, Microsoft is losing the majority of it's fanboys to PS4.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 1:44 PM, Caity Raindrop said:

I don't even know where that's from, it's a simple way to put a point across, Microsoft is losing the majority of it's fanboys to PS4.

It's a simple way to be obnoxious honestly.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 1:48 PM, JJForever said:

It's a simple way to be obnoxious honestly.


Someone clearly has no sense of humor or else is butthurt that people aren't agreeing with their opinion.  Calm down and ignore it if you don't find it amusing.  I personally did, though I haven't been up all night seeing it everywhere.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 1:54 PM, Caity Raindrop said:

Someone clearly has no sense of humor or else is butthurt that people aren't agreeing with their opinion. Calm down and ignore it if you don't find it amusing. I personally did, though I haven't been up all night seeing it everywhere.

So, a naked giant thing with a Ps4 logo stomping on a another naked giant thing with an Xboxone logo is supposed to be funny? What's your definition of a sense of humor? Then you preach about how I could be "Butthurt" because people aren't agreeing with my opinion, (Which i'm not) when you yourself have come off and retaliated at me with assumptions of having no sense of humor and as previously said being butthurt, because I didn't find your "Humorous" animation funny. Who's honestly acting butthurt in this situation? Oh and, if you would, calm down and ignore it if I don't find your animation amusing.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 1:42 PM, JJForever said:

Well, I was kind of replying to two posts in one sentance. Anyways, it's not what I mean that Sony isn't brining a lot of good games. I meant as for my preference of gaming I believe Microsoft is bringing "More to the table"... That's why "I" think that Microsoft had a better show. Like I said, I was just more impressed with the games that Microsoft showed than Sony did. By the way, when I say "Show" I guess I should be more specific because I mostly mean the games that we're shown. For me, that's what makes an E3 good or bad. I can care less about other features honestly.

See, had you said that--I would have less to argue about. If you think Microsoft brought better games, then I cannot complain. They brought decent games (None of them really caught my eye), and that makes a lot more sense to me now that things are explained. I like features to be shown (This is if consoles are in the Showings), but games is a different matter and less of a console fan-war, and more of personal opinion.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 10:09 PM, Rob said:

I honestly dont know how you can defend the Xbox One.

Why? I have an Internet connection. I'm willing to spend an extra hundred bucks for it, for choice games and the Xbox Live community. I honestly don't know why people are so intent on hating the Xbox One. Your preference is Playstation, okay, so just leave it at that. To waist time on arguing how the Xbox One sucks, is just that, a waist of time. Buy your Ps4 and be done with it. They will at least be equally good of consoles when it's all said and done if you allow it to be. You will see, Rob. You will see.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 10:29 PM, Megaman X said:

They showed variety. Instead of just shooters.

Microsoft is working with over 200 indie game developers, to bring at least 400 indie made games to the Xbox One. What about Crimson Dragon, Project Spark, Dragon Age: inquisition, FF 15, Killer Instinct, Minecraft, Ryse, And Thief? Oh, and we cant forget KHIII. I suppose you could throw Assasins Creed into the mix as well. None of these are shooters, (FF 15 and Assasins Creed probably being the most gun friendly) and all look like fun games. Although not all of these are exclusives, that's enough variety for me. Edited by JJForever

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