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The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

What did you think about the trailer, and what's your guesses to the story of KH3

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Yeah. I knew this game would have the Battle Menu over Command Deck for these reasons:


FF XV originally had a battle menu like KH1 and KH2 did. Nomura said the gameplay in FF XV is a prototype for KH3.


Its also a main title game. Each main title game has the battle menu, so it makes sense that this one would too.


Well, I didn't think having battle many in previous main titles would necessary mean that it would be in 3 as well. Buut yeah, I agree with the first reason. I remember hearing about it before but had actually forgotten it. It's still a shame I think but I'm okay with battle many too, I just love commands.

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The Graphics are nice? That's really all there is to say about the trailer.


The story will involve more time travel because Nomura has a hard on for the stuff lately. I just hope that unlike Dream Drop Distance it makes sense. 

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when i saw the trailer i sat staring at the monitor for about an hour. embracing the awesomness and letting it sink in...

as for the story, we got one hint to go off of, imma wait before i start guessing


i actually have watched the trailer agin and again to remind myself i'm not dreaming.

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