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What Video Game Should I Buy?

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The title asks it all pretty much. My PC has the required spec as well so that's out of the argument. Which is it best played on? I'm used to the True Crime series on console since the other 2 were on PS2 but I'm kinda wondering if its good to get on PC since I'm more into the PC gaming these days.

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Well if you are really more into gaming then buy the pc version


Well yea I guess but I kinda wanna get back into more xbox gaming But idk if I can. Both are very enjoyable.

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PC. Why:

Because PC runs games more smoothly than XBOX, loading times are shorter, you will probably get it with lower price from Steam, better gaming community.. There is many reasons why you should buy it for PC

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I only played the PS3 Version, but it was great. The story isn't very long, but it's not too short and it will definitely tug at your heartstrings. The melee combat is fun, although the counter system can be a bit unresponsive, until you get use to it. The gun combat is shallow, but I personally like it that way. For the few bugs it has it is well worth the purchase. I don't think it really matters what you get it for. If you think you'll like it for the PC more then do that, if you think you'll like it more on the 360 then go for the 360.

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PC, that way you can take advantage of the mod community an the better support.


Rule of thumb, if you can run it on your PC, buy it for your PC.


The only reason why consoles haven't gone extinct 20 years ago is because PC gaming requires a much more expensive initial investment. However as consoles begin falling behind in technology while their prices continue to rise, I think a golden age for PC gaming is on the way.

Edited by Amon

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Let me start by saying I'm a very indecisive person and choosing new games is sometimes hard for me, so please bear with me here, hehe. My Toys R Us was having a special of buy one game and get the next one 40% off, so I bought two. Once I got them home, however, I began having second thoughts on the Mario Tennis Open that I got. I was considering exchanging it for Kid Icarus Uprising instead, though I've heard such mixed things about it and have been a wee bit hesitant to try it. D'you guys think that would be a better choice? The 3DS games I own and enjoy are: Kingdom Hearts 3D (erm, obviously), Legend of Zelda OoT, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, and Tales of the Abyss.


Thanks, guys! Any advice or opinions would be tremendously helpful, you've no idea.

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Kid Icarus, for sure. If you already have OoT and KH3D, Kid Icarus is the best choice you can make. Protip: If you're considering not getting it because of the weird controls, don't listen to that thought. The stand that comes as a bonus works wonders with it. It's an extremely entertaining game.

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Wow, sounds like Kid Icarus might be the way for me to go then. I didn't realize it'd have so many supporters! That's great to hear though, especially from fellow Kingdom Hearts fans. ;)


I'd even considered Theatrhythm since I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan, but, after renting it from my library for a few weeks, its novelty is pretty much wearing off and am wanting to get something new.


Kid Icarus, for sure. If you already have OoT and KH3D, Kid Icarus is the best choice you can make. Protip: If you're considering not getting it because of the weird controls, don't listen to that thought. The stand that comes as a bonus works wonders with it. It's an extremely entertaining game.


Yeah, I wasn't sure what to make of the controls. I know they're different from the average game, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Glad to hear it's not a problem to work with; will definitely remove that concern factor from my mind.


Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask


Hmm, looks interesting... I'd actually never heard of this one before.

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Kid Icarus FTW


Don't let the talks about the controls turn you from it,once you master it it'll work like Magic.


Kid Icarus Uprising is currently the best 3DS game out there without a doubt I even love it more than KH3D


also,don't forget to check Resident Evil Revelations,Super Mario 3D Land,Professor Layton,


Also Paper Mario will be released this month so don't forget about it

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