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Lu Xun

Do you currently own a Xbox 360, and do you plan to buy to buy a Xbox One?

Do you currently own a Xbox 360, and do you plan to buy to buy a Xbox One?  

167 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you currently own a Xbox 360, and do you plan to buy to buy a Xbox One?

    • Yes and yes, I'll be sticking with Microsoft in the next gen
    • Yes and maybe, I'm not sure I'll move up to the One
    • Yes and no, I don't plan to stick around this time
    • No and yes, I'll join Microsoft in the next gen
    • No and maybe, I haven't decided anything yet
    • No and no, Microsoft hasn't won me over this round

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No and no.

The only thing that could even make me think of getting an Xbox 360 is Left 4 Dead.... but of course I wouldn't do it for one game


Aaand I don't care about Microsoft games so I won't be getting an Xbox One anytime soon... well I won't be getting one period

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The way things are looking, I don't think I'm buying any next gen system. Unless KH3 is PS4 exclusive. Which will make me very sad.

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I do have a 360, and I do greatly enjoy it, though my brother is the 360 gamer between the two of us.


As for the Xbox One... they had better have some DAMN good games to show off at E3 if they're going to win me over at this point.

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I don't own an Xbox 360 and I don't plan on buying Xbox ONE


I might go for the Xbox 360 because I kind of like the Kinectic thing after going to a friend's house. Plus Minecraft for XBox >:3

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I have a PS3, 360 and a Wii (I use my 360 the most). So far, Sony and Microsoft haven't really shown anything that's impressed me too much. I'm actually leaning more towards a Wii U at this point. But we'll see what E3 has to offer before I make any decisions. I'd like to think I'm not a fanboy of one particular console maker. I'm just a gamer, and I'll play on whatever console has the games I want to play.

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I have a Xbox 360 Degrees, though i do not want the Xbox is not #One

I'm switching to the PeniS4


I don't like what the Xbox is not #One has to offer most importantly they haven't annouced any good games for the console, only good ones are Quantum Break and Forza Mortorsport 5. The rest are on all the other consoles. That's why i want the PeniS4, because it is coming out with some good exclusives, inFAMOUS : Second Son , Killzone : Shadow Fall, The Witness(On PC too). The PeniS4 is also gonna have free to play games, Balcklight : Retribution and Warframe, which i will SOOOO download on to meh PeniS4.

Edited by gamerazor247

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